Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. I don't really have an answer. The Israeli Palestine issue is not gonna be resolved peacefully at this point. Neither side is conscious enough for that. The best you can do about it is not to waste your own mental energy joining the fight.
  2. If all that was required for world peace was online silence and the end of whining, we would never have world peace. You guys are wasting a lot of your time debating stuff which has zero productive value. That's progressives in a nutshell. All your moral outrage is predictable, robotic, brainless, and useless.
  3. You're mostly just wasting your time. All this online whining doesn't actually solve any of the world's problems.
  4. Because they are in charge of that area of the world. The US is not going to stop this war.
  5. It's not going to happen. Israel wants to wage this war. People calling for ceasefire are just being naive.
  6. You can't. Just eat it.
  7. If the guy has game she will be very willing. Nonsense.
  8. YT progressives are pretty foolish people overall.
  9. Going on a date does not equal commitment to an exclusive relationship. It also matters how you frame your dates. Don't make them too involved and romantic. Keep things light and fun and she won't expect so much.
  10. Cenk is a blowhard. You can't take him too seriously.
  11. Direct experience is king. My political conclusions come from a lot of study and contemplation of situations and human psychology in general.
  12. I am saying that Israelis are being devils.
  13. The point is it's still attempts at ethic cleansing. Israel wants to make life for Palestinians as bad as possible so they move out and give up their land.
  14. Let's wait till Netanyahu barbecues a Palestinian baby.
  15. That's the thing. Israel is not merely defending itself as they claim. Their goal is to displace as many Palestinians as they can. But then they lie about that. And no amount of terrorist horror will erase this basic fact. Israel is engaged in a 70 year ethic cleansing campaign. And they cry about terrorism as a smokescreen.
  16. Tip: if you store carts in a cold area the DMT will crystalize out of solution and your cart will lose half or more of its potency. So they should not be stored in cold places.
  17. Take the Narcissism Personality Inventory here: https://openpsychometrics.org/tests/NPI/ Post your scores below. I scored 13/40 Average US adult scores 15.3/40 Average US celebrity scores 17.8/40 Higher score = bigger narcissist
  18. Israel is engaged in ethic cleansing and collective punishment. That much is obvious now.
  19. Just be strong in your values and principles. Don't let people gaslight or dissuade you from your truth.
  20. I am doing research for a new episode about how to avoid scammers, cheaters, exploiters, con-artists, etc. I would like to hear your stories about how you were conned or swindled in life. It could be financial, business, medical, relationship, etc. Could be something major or minor. Please keep your story concise. We don't need your entire life story. Also share what lesson you learned from this incident. And what is it about you that made you fall prey to this con?
  21. Your question is pretty vague.