Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Empathy has a genetic and neurological component. Some people just have more empathy than others for those reasons.
  2. Empathy has a genetic and neurological component. Sme people just have more empathy than others for those reasons.
  3. Death is Infinity. That is the highest awakening.
  4. I only cook with stainless. It's easy.
  5. I am not aware of any such accusations against Chris.
  6. That's what game is. Guys who don't know game are, ironically, unable to create rapid emotional connection. Which is why they struggle to get laid. Emotional connection has little to do with love.
  7. If you just pre-heat your pan enough most things won't stick. Non-stick pans are good for tricky stuff like crepes.
  8. I never said he created the entire culture of misogyny. Obviously misogyny is a much larger issue. But he facilitated it. And RSD was the most influential pickup company by far. It was a failure of leadership. The only reason I even bring this up is because he is blaming civilization at large for his own mistakes. Turning to vague conspiracy theories.
  9. Owen was certainly responsible for creating a culture of misogyny.
  10. The entire RSD brand was destroyed by Julien's toxic, abusive, juvenile crap, and Owen's hands were not clean. He also encouraged highly manipulative, toxic, sexist stuff. This was karma 101. Had nothing to do with censorship.
  11. Lol No. His game content was censored because it was deeply unethical, misogynistic, and abusive towards women. Nobody has censored my game content. Because I emphasized an ethical approach. Owen created his own downfall. Now he blames civilization for it. Owen's a worldclass bullshitter. And in the end he's bullshitted himself. The biggest mistake Owen made in his work is to completely neglect the issue of ethics. That's the real truth that isn't being discussed in the pickup community. Because if PUAs seriously confronted that issue they would have an existential crisis.
  12. You don't need all this elaborate theory. Just go out, be social, and talk to girls. The rest is BS.
  13. Sounds like you're just a weirdo.
  14. Real game is about becoming more charismatic and extroverted. And learning how to deal with the feminine. Which changes how you interact with people. Once you develop a sense of humor, for example, that skill stays with you into all your relationship. I don't even worry about keeping her. If you want a relationship you will natutally want to have fun together. Obviously you need to make time for any relationship to be successful.
  15. @mr_engineer You are confusing game with relationship. You don't need to do any game to keep a gf around. Of course if all you do is work and don't spend any quality time with her she will eventually get sick of that and leave.
  16. The solution is to stop caring about academia. Academia is a specific kind of game that wise people should not even enter. Your focus should be on directly helping mankind, not convincing academics of spiritual things. If you want better schools, just go build your own school. Don't bother convincing anyone of your views.
  17. The solution is very simple: You have to be hardworking, serious, successful, and also fun at parties. There's your answer. It just takes a bit more work.
  18. Actually they do. The better a girl's tits and ass the less she has to work, the less she has to develop her character.
  19. It's no different than how men are attracted to women. It doesn't matter to you that a girl is hardworking, logical, and successful -- you care about tits and ass. Nothing profound or suprising in any of this. Sexual attraction is never about character. So the fuck what? Go talk to girls.
  20. There is a point to discuss issues to get a deeper understanding of it. But once you got that, then it's time to move on.