Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Build better defenses around Gaza and do more surgical intelligence operations. But if you ask the mother to leave, the murderer will also leave. So what is the point of bombing the building? Also, don't forget, that building is someone's property and home. Are you okay if I bomb your mother's house when she is out shopping? People invest their entire lives into building their homes. To just destroy it is a serious crime. Especially in areas where people are poor. Many intelligent people also criticized the US invasion of Iraq and drone strikes, because it is an obvious misuse of force and leads to counter-productive results. The military has to be used with a lot of restraint, otherwise it causes more harm than good.
  2. A girl will only ever have sex if she is in the right mood. A guy's job is to put her in the right mood. By being sexually explicit you spoil the mood in all cases except the few cases where a girl is already in a horny mood. There are many degrees of DTF. Girls in a club are open to being seduced but you have to put in the work to seduce them. That's where good game comes in. You are looking for a shortcut to get girls, but the real solution is to learn solid game.
  3. If someone murdered a child on the street and fled the police by running and hiding into a 20 floor high-rise building where your mother happened to live, would you be cool if we dropped a 2000lb bomb on that building, leveling it to the ground? This example shows the insane bias of the Israeli position. You would never accept such a situation. This is the topic of Double Standards that I have an excellent video on. Study it closely and apply to your political positions. If you dare.
  4. Travel the world and pick yourself up a pro Gengis Kahn girl
  5. Why would anyone use NordVPN? Don't you realize they are so popular the US Feds probably have a wire directly into their datacenter?
  6. Going out 3-4 times a week, every week.
  7. Immature boys wants fast money, cars, and girls. He is like the Kardashians for men.
  8. That's basically what experts PUAs do. They screen for girls who are DTF in many subtle ways. You don't need to grope her to screen for DTF. This strategy is effective in certain contexts, like if you're in a huge nightclub with more girls than you will ever approach. But this strategy will have you missing out on many of the best girls because most of them will not be DTF. It depends on your aims. If you just want a ONS vs if you're looking for gf material girls for something more serious. The higher quality girls will not be open to your sexually explicit approach. Drunk club sluts will be. The most solid game is not sexually explicit because that turns off many of the best girls and comes off creepy. It's important to learn the skill of being charming and subtle. "Hey, wanna fuck?" is not good game.
  9. From what I understand psychedelic degradation is a non-issue unless they are being heated.
  10. Don't focus on how long it takes. If it's alinged with your top values just start doing it. If you get into it hardcore, you can develop a lot of social skills in 2-3 years.
  11. No. I use an R/O system.
  12. @mmKay That looks good. Just make sure that your system and brand will have a long supply of replacement filters readily available.
  13. Walmart has some good bargains.
  14. You are overlooking the heavy Blue in those countries.
  15. Dude, one girl does not equate to an entire race. American and Canadian girls are sleeping with strangers all the time. But yeah, if you're a rich white guy in Columbia you will have it easier to get girls. 1st world women are harder to please than 3rd world women. But don't forget your 3rd world woman will also be less developed. You are shopping at the Walmart of women, so of course it's cheaper.
  16. 95% certified weirdos.
  17. Nothing wrong with bolstering your finances. Just don't get trapped chasing money for happiness.
  18. Yes, I have that footage somewhere, but it's too old and too cringe to be worth releasing now.
  19. AI now is like the pre 2000's internet. The internet was a gamechanger but there was also a lot of BS and hype around it.
  20. Tim Pool and JP are culture war crusaders and ideologues. You are never going to change their minds. Nor the minds of their hardcore fans. The whole right-wing information ecosystem is a dysfunctional, cancerous, delusional, toxic mess and those two pour gasoline on the dumpster fire to earn their tens of millions. That's their game.
  21. You are focused on the wrong thing. Stop worrying about such crap and just vibe and connect with the girl on an emotional level.