Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. It was a recently floated number. We don't have scientific numbers on this matter. The margin of error is wide. But it seems pretty obvious that the number is huge.
  2. Are Israeli kids not indoctrinated into killing? You have to appreciate that Hamas IS the military of Palestine. It's sort of like saying, we will go into Israel and kill their whole military until there is none left. And then bombing every house in Israel where any military person has ever visited. Good luck with that strategy.
  3. Nah, I'm just in the business of sniffing out human BS. And love is some of the smellyist BS humans produce.
  4. @AerisVahnEphelia I don't understand what you write.
  5. I will certainly question anything you dare to call love.
  6. @Karmadhi If you are serious about my work then you should be aware that moralizing about this issue is beneath you.
  7. What lead to Oct 7th was the decades-long Israeli policy of settlement and indefinite stalling of any kind of long-term peace deal that recognizes the rights and soveriegnty of Palestinians. But if those homes were indeed used by hamas to their purposes? I read an article in which an Israel soldiers says that hamas is found in every or almost every building. That's certainly not true. And if my "used" you mean some Hamas guy slept in one apartment in a high-rise of 500 units, so what? That doesn't justify destroying the building. Of course now they booby-trap houses in the middle of a warzone. So what? It's urban warfare. I understand you and respect that. But then again, are civil neighborhoods in Gaza really sterile and doesn't used as fortifications of hamas? I got the impression many of them are that way. Are Israeli villages sterile? If one radical Zionist settler lives in a kibbutz, does that mean we can bomb the whole kibbutz now? There are many radical far-right Zionists sprinkled amidst the otherwise sensible Israeli population. Does that mean we can bomb high-rises in Tel Aviv? But I fear we don't have another choice right now because of the hostages. I don't think Hamas would have any problem giving back the hostages in exchange for a ceasefire. So the hostages are not a driving factor in this war. The Israeli leaderships shows that their concern for the hostages is at best a second priority.
  8. @Someone here I'm more real than you.
  9. If your love was so deep would you really need to fly around the globe looking for easy targets upon which to unleash it?
  10. Hard to say. Less than people might think. Blue religion runs deep in such places. It's easy to get a veneer of Orange and Green, but her core may be very Blue and you will be fooled until deep into the relationship. It's really hard to advance solidly beyond Orange and Green. In any country. But especially in the 3rd world.
  11. @Majed The glee with which you pursue this Nazi agenda is disturbing.
  12. And that's all that matters.
  13. This is completely irrelevant to development. Yes, you can find a hot girl in Colombia. But what is her development level? Is she brainwashed with Catholicism? In this case you are the one thinking with your dick and I am the one thinking long term. These developmental issues will not manifest themselves until late into the relationship, by which time it will be too late. You will be trapped with your dick caught in the cookie jar. If you are serious about self-actualization then you should be very careful what kind of woman you attach yourself to. You want the highest quality woman you can find. And by quality I don't mean how hard she makes you.
  14. I don't know who has the lower intelligence, a Nazi or that monkey kid.
  15. It's not racist to point out that people from less developed countries are less developed on average. Which is exactly why sex tourism works. You can act outraged over this all you like, but the reality of dating 3rd world women may one day hit you. With that said, of course you can find good and bad women in any country. You are acting like I said something shallow when actually I said something deep, which you have yet to comprehend. Your sex tourism will have a cost. Contemplate what that cost is. Just like when you shop at Walmart, that has a cost. If you are into self-actualization, you will ultimately need a woman who is beyond stage Blue & Orange to satisfy you. And it is a scientific fact that there are less stage Green+ women in Colombia or the Philippines. Less, not none. Don't strawman me. None of this has anything to do with racism. What's disappointing is that people reading my comments are not nuanced and developed enough in their thinking to distinguish between racism and development levels. I presented you with a Yellow perspective and you responded to me with a Green persepective. Typical, but I expect better of those who know my work. The reason men travel to South America, Asia, and Eastern Europe to get girls is because it's easier. And the reason it's easier is all about relative developlement levels. But these men are just using these less developed girls for sex so to them the girl's development level is irrelevant. Unless they accidently end up marrying one. But if you are into self-actualization this may not work out so well for you. Or, hey, maybe you find the wife of your dreams in Somalia. Don't let me stop you. What you're doing is sex outsourcing. I'm aware of that game. Outsourcing has its pros and cons. That's all this discussion was pointing out.
  16. Be careful. "Information" is a reduction. Not much better than atoms.
  17. A very stupid thing to say to a girl. You are much better off saying, "You remind me of a racoon."
  18. The biggest casualities in that conflict is Russia boys, at 300,000+.
  19. A good leader does what is right even if the whole world is agianst him.
  20. Presidents are elected to excercise their superior judgment, not to do whatever some vocal minority wants.
  21. Horndog game can work, but you'll get even better results by just being very playful. Horndog game will only work on girls who are already in an amped up party state.
  22. The whole point of a VPN is to find a small unpopular provider who is not worth tracking. And then don't tell anyone about it. And if it ever gets popular you switch to an unpopular one.
  23. @Hardkill Biden should do what he feels is right, not what will please disgruntled voters.
  24. You don't need a test kit. Just test it on yourself.