Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. That's about right. Another big factor is extroversion. Even if you don't got top 20% looks, but you are naturally highly social, you will get laid plenty. Getting laid is mostly a function of how much you socialize.
  2. There's no mystery to it. When you back people into a corner and oppress them for decades, they don't sit quitely, they lash out. Psychology 101. It's like if you had a child who you locked in a cage for years, and then you act surprised when the child breaks free and attacks you.
  3. I don't know about white supremacy, but his politics is just awful. A good lesson for you guys.
  4. @numbersinarow You don't need to install a TikTok app. You can just view the link in browser.
  5. @StarStruck Don't post when you're high.
  6. @Nivsch I don't have that deep of a historical knowledge of that region. From what I heard small groups of Jews mostly lived in Palestine peacefully for a long time pre-Israel. Obviously ethic violence was always a thing to some degree in all places. So some of that is normal.
  7. Let's throw some basic statistics at this issue: 45% of men and women in the US are married. And that doesn't include a ton of people who are in a relationship but not married. So watch out with your biased view of things. https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2020/08/20/a-profile-of-single-americans/
  8. If that's true, ask yourself why.
  9. No one serious is denying that Hamas is awful. That's false. It is this view which is the root of this whole problem. This whole notion that terrorism comes out of some black hole is patently false. Israel's policies and actions directly contribute to the creation of terrorism. Just as US actions did with 9/11. Or perhaps I just don't indulge in your biases.
  10. He is the prime example of how to turn this work into a narcissistic shitshow. It doesn't matter how many awakenings you have, you need maturity.
  11. It is the job of a general to be prepared for all possible attacks.
  12. Because Connor was on this forum attention whoring and spreading his juvenile BS. Connor was a menace to this community.
  13. Have some standards, yes. But overall, just be playful and fun. Don't be serious when talking to girls.
  14. @Spiral Sounds like you're being too logical. Be more humorous and playful. See my video: How To Be Funny, and apply. Humor is a skill that takes a few years of practice to hone. You can practice being humorous on this forum. I do. Instagram is a good source to mine for humor. You can grab funny pics, jokes, memes, etc. Using funny pics makes texting better. I developed my own repository of funny pics. It's like a visual language. You can use that to spice up your texts.
  15. Taking psychedelics chronically will slowly derail your regular life. Yes, it causes demotivation because mundane life is irrelevant in the face of metaphysical consciousness. If you want your motivation back stop taking psychedelics for a year and just work on your life. Motivation requires building up momentum by working every day for months and years.
  16. Are you on coke or something? That general comes off perfectly sensible.
  17. No, I don't have that ability.
  18. When you gaslight children they develop mental illness.
  19. Give it a few weeks. It will pass and you will heal
  20. The Palestinians are so underdeveloped they shoot themselves in the foot a bunch. Certainly the fault is not all Israel's. This whole thing works exactly like a toxic abusive marriage.
  21. @Vrubel Ask yourself why these girls have more feminine energy vs American girls.
  22. That can turn into a trap because "feminine" will correlate a lot with Blue. But hey, do you.
  23. But then how do you explain so many civilians killed by the IDF? All just accidents? How convenient.