Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. That's what happens when you spend half your life playing video games, watching anime, and hanging out on Reddit.
  2. I perfer to go by Great Satan these days
  3. You need some more challenge. Set yourself some higher goals. Throw yourself into some new experiences. You need new grist for the thinking-mill, otherwise your mind grows stale.
  4. Not thinking is not an option. You just need to balance out your thinking with action. And prune your thinking so it's streamlined and productive. Thinking does not replace action. Make sure you get that.
  5. Physics has nothing to do with good writing. Science fiction is not science. It's writing. Creative writing is a craft all on its own. Don't beat around the bush. Tackle it head-on if you wish to be successful. Whatever physics you need you can learn from YT videos. Don't waste time. Get on with the work of writing. Everything else is distractions. I've taken years of physics, engineering, and math. It's not gonna help you write a damn thing. The beauty of writing is you can start doing it right fucking now. Today. Don't wait for college.
  6. I don't know the details but probably because they knew they could not hold onto it for long and I'd bet the quality of that land isn't so great.
  7. I don't think sugar is that bad for you in moderation. I think the real problem isn't the sugar, but the highly processed garbage that it's usually put inside and the massive quantities of it you eat.
  8. God is a man, a woman, a raccoon, a dinosuar, a coffee table, a toilet, the sun, etc. A biased mind can exclusively identify God with any one of these things because God is Everything. This means, if your mind has a bias for raccoons, your God will be a raccoon, and that will be true, but a limited realization of God. If you want the full realization of God then you must realize it as pure Infinity. God is an Infinite Mind, so it can become any form.
  9. Hamas is the military unit of what ought to be a Palestinian state. Hamas was not created by Israel, but Israel pours gasoline on the fires of hurt and injustice, which emboldens Hamas.
  10. Yes, of course, and an abused child grows up to abuse others. The big picture here is simply that traumatized Jews are displacing their trauma onto Palestinians. That's really what's going on. Yes, and this is called dogma and self-bias. Which leads to conflict.
  11. You've experienced nightmares. Hell is just a strong form of nightmare. Infinite Consciousness includes some twisted nightmares.
  12. Yes, but now we live in the 21st century, where such things are no longer acceptable. Because we're more morally developed. That's the cost of development: you can't act like a genocidal barbarian. 100 years ago you could kick a dog, no problem. Today it is considered a crime in the developed world.
  13. Of course there is. That's like saying the British didn't oppress the Native Americans.
  14. @Thought Art Mew
  15. You kicked them when you settled on their land. When that clicks for you, everything will make sense. Otherwise not.
  16. But that's clearly how they feel and how they act. It's like you kicked a dog and then tell onlookers, "I'm not convinced he's in pain", while the dog is running after you, snapping his teeth at you. Maybe you should just listen to the dog.
  17. 1) There were slave rebellions where slavemasters were slaughtered. And you would say, "Oh, the poor slavemaster's daughter was raped." Yes she was. Because she was part of a system of injustice and what goes around comes around. 2) Black people were given equal rights eventually. And if that didn't happen there would surely be riots, violence, and terrorism. Muslims and Arabs are rather radical people given the harsh envirnoment they had to survive in. There is a cultural factor here. They are forced to give up land! You are conveniently ignoring the elephant in the room! And they are not allowed to have a soverign state with their own military. That's what all this is about. The foundation of every healthy state is soverign military security over its boarders. Israel explicitly denies this to the Palestinians. That's empty words. Israel wants land more than they want peace. It's not vague at all. You can see Israeli settlements growing like a cancer into Palestinian territory, and then those settlers engage in violence too. And then this leads to militarized security checkpoints across their land which is highly intrusive.
  18. That's about right. Another big factor is extroversion. Even if you don't got top 20% looks, but you are naturally highly social, you will get laid plenty. Getting laid is mostly a function of how much you socialize.
  19. There's no mystery to it. When you back people into a corner and oppress them for decades, they don't sit quitely, they lash out. Psychology 101. It's like if you had a child who you locked in a cage for years, and then you act surprised when the child breaks free and attacks you.
  20. I don't know about white supremacy, but his politics is just awful. A good lesson for you guys.