Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Ken Wilber is pretty underrated in academia. One of the best philosophers of all time.
  2. If you think Consciousness cannot dream up a hell, you don't understand Consciousness.
  3. We know very well that Netanyahu has been trying to get the US to go to war with Iran since 9/11. We don't need Trump's word for it.
  4. Hating on Lex Fridman is like hating on white bread.
  5. @MellowEd Who are you to judge God's creation? God created stealing.
  6. He's very intelligent and he genuinely loves his country. He's not a radical as the left likes to portray him. He lost his brother in a counter-terrorism military operation.
  7. @UpperMaster Since you sound young, you gotta work for some years on mastering the basics of human survival. Work your way up Maslow's heirachy of needs.
  8. This is so backwards. 25 year olds are morons. There's just not enough life experience there. Only by around age 40 will you reach a level of serious maturity and intelligence. Assuming you worked hard towards it all those years.
  9. That's exactly my point. Your perspective clearly comes from personal suffering. That's what I call projecting human stuff onto God. You are right that God does not give consent to exist, because existence/truth is an Absolute. God must exist. There is no choice in this matter. But that does not mean existence is about trauma. The trouble with trauma is that if you experienced a lot of it, it will give you a warped view of reality. The solution is to work on healing that trauma and finding forgiveness and peace.
  10. I don't know enough about that to make an evaluation of its truthfulness.
  11. Ginger tea does the trick. Always stock some in your pantry.
  12. Your passion for music isn't fake. Keep in mind that after you reach truth you will still have a whole life ahead of you and need some passion to pursue. You have time enough for both.
  13. It's funny. I like Netanyahu as a person but not his policies.
  14. Nah, that's just a very limited perspective on existence. Be careful projecting your personal human stuff onto existence.
  15. Marriage is far more fiscal disadvantage.
  16. I don't think this is true. It would break encryption.
  17. If you don't want kids then marriage makes little sense.