Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Alien 2 is one of the best films ever made. It's a perfect film.
  2. That doesn't seem too serious.
  3. Solipsism does not mean preserving the ego. Ego can go and solipsism can dawn. If the ego is gone you'll still be living in a bubble of your own consciousness.
  4. Oh God, truly the hive of scum and villainy.
  5. Yeah, it requires an extremely flexible mind that can think in radically original and creative ways. A Buddhist is a conformist. Even with enlightenment. It's all on-rails thinking. Such people don't understand that enlightenment is still a kind of narrow human frame.
  6. What else would you call it? It is what it is.
  7. Of course. That's the whole video topic. I don't really have time for that in the vid. But I'll think about it.
  8. Oh yeah, I remember him now. So he had a serious health condition. It's sad that he gave in so soon. I was hopeful he would find some solutions. He only had the condition for a few months.
  9. @OBEler See, already in this thread people are denying what Sadhguru said, because he said it so softly, with plausible deniablity. That's why I don't like such spiritual teachings.
  10. But there are other high states which I wouldn't call alien per se. Alien Mind is a domain you sorta have to invent for yourself. Most people simply don't have enough requisite variety to invent it. A Buddhist is not going to invent Alien Mind because he is paradigm-locked into Buddhism.
  11. I will cover ALL the blindspots for sure.
  12. @Terell Kirby Those are some good questions. Keep em coming folks. I am taking notes.
  13. Well, I didn't know anything about him. You knew him best it seems. Did he have mental health issues?
  14. What questions do you guys have about PM that you would like me to answer in the video?
  15. There are important differences, which I will explain in the videon
  16. This film and its sequel ruined the whole Aliens universe with their stupid black goo. I don't consider any if it canon. Black goo is nonsense. Engineers are nonsense. Alien origins is nonsense. The only real Aliens films are 1 and 2. The rest might as well not exist.
  17. Yes, but not in the way you want. No Yes That is literally the truth. For you, the shape of the Earth is a belief. It is critical that you recognize this.
  18. I hate this movie with a passion. It's so poorly written.
  19. Any time I comment on another teacher, keep in mind that it is a comment based only on stuff of them which I have personally seen. There could be other stuff of theirs that I have not seen which would change my opinion if it came to light. Which is why I now avoid commenting on spiritual teachers.
  20. PM rejects absolute truth.
  21. Sorry to hear that. It's hard to know how to help if they got a bad case of bad health or mental illness. It's not something a few text messages can fix. Chronic health issues take a heavy toll on the mind and mood if they last for years with no efforts panning out.
  22. I was speaking generally. If some teacher has some hidden teaching locked behind a paywall it's hard for me to know about it. Sadhguru softens many of his teachings to be politically correct, so it's hard to know exactly what he knows. I have changed how I speak about other teachers for this reason. I try not to comment on the consciousness levels of other teachers anymore because it is a foolish game. All I really know is what I have experienced.