Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. It makes sense because one is still stuck in the dream and has to interact with dream characters all the time to survive.
  2. The key to getting girls is to be Ryan Gosling.
  3. @Nivsch Do you understand how many Gazan children have been traumatized for life by the last 3 months of bombing the hell out of Gaza? Many of them will now become terrorists. Because they have no other options.
  4. Let's not pretend that Israelis care about Gazan children.
  5. @mmKay If you abuse that little blue flag I will send winged demons to haunt your dreams.
  6. There has always been a report post option on every post. Little blue flag next to the date
  7. @Karmadhi I'm done reasoning with you here.
  8. Empricism and rationalism are both partial perspectives of a larger reality.
  9. That's what my statement means. Read the parable of the blind men and the elephant.
  10. I will tell God to give you extra cookies upon your death. So you have that to look forward to.
  11. How To Talk To Girl Without Being A Creep is advanced enough for you guys.
  12. Yes, this is crucial. Averages are not individuals.
  13. @Yimpa I see you have elected yourself to the role of court jester here.
  14. There are definitely limits to SD and it can be misused if you start to look at everyone only through that lens. What's needed is the ability to put on and take off the lens. I use the lens when it's helpful and when I see it's too contrived, I drop it.
  15. Read the books Conversations With God. It explains how consciousness after death works.
  16. Eventually you'll realize the foolishness of your ways and wake up. Or not. Up to you.
  17. @Bandman You are like the man who locked himself in a jail cell, threw away the key, and spent the rest of his days wondering how a loving God could be so cruel.
  18. Of course it's fitting. I fitted it.
  19. @Danioover9000 Dude, please stop this.
  20. Again, if that's what you focus on, maybe that's what you'll get: unescapable doom. God can't help you if you lock yourself in Hell by misusing your Consciousness.
  21. No, but why should I do things that lose me money?