Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. If you purchased The Ultimate Life Purpose Course, you may discuss it in this sub-forum but please be mindful of copyright and don't post chunks of content from the course. The course is designed to contain exclusive content that makes it more than worth purchasing. Sales of the course help maintain the weekly free videos and this free forum. Thanks!
  2. WARNING: All advice provided without warranty! Some of the advice provided here could be dangerous to your psychological or physical well-being. By using this forum you agree to take 100% responsibility for which advice you follow, and you agree to waive any legal recourse against Actualized LLC, Leo Gura, staff, and the forum Moderators. WARNING: This forum is casual chat room. This is not psychotherapy. All advice here is given pro-bono, casually, non-professionally, without warranty. Often the advice is incomplete, quick, or oversimplified. Leo nor Actualized staff makes any commitments or promises to personally resolve your emotional issues. You are responsible for handling your own emotional issues. This forum NOT designed to deal with serious psychiatric issues such as mental disorders, suicidal thoughts, depression, schizophrenia, psychosis, bipolar disorder, OCD, ADHD, drug addiction, and other medical or psychiatric conditions. Leo's videos are not cures for such issues. Leo's advice assumes you are psychologically stable and can live a functional life. If you struggle with these basics, if you are suicidal, if you are on serious medications, if you are an addict, if you are hearing voices in your head, you should seek professional help with such issues. Self-help and spirituality are not substitutes for professional treatment for such conditions. No one on this forum is a qualified suicide-prevention expert or licensed psychotherapist. If you are seriously suicidal please stop spiritual work and seek professional help. Warning: Spiritual work is inherently risky and dangerous if misapplied or misunderstood. Some Actualized.org teachings are not suitable for people with serious mental disorders. If your mind is chaotic and unstable, these teachings may lead to a deterioration of your condition and even suicide if misapplied. If spiritual work is causing your life to unravel in unhealthy ways, discontinue the work until your mind has stabilized and you are safe. Some Actualized.org teachings are very advanced and can easily be misunderstood and misapplied. Nothing Leo teaches ever promotes physical harm to self or others. Any time Leo talks about “facing one’s death” he is NOT talking about suicide or physically harming your body, but rather ego-death and spiritual awakening. Never confuse these two things. Never physically harm yourself or another. Warning: Psychedelics are inherently risky and dangerous. Only use psychedelics if you are willing to take 100% responsibility for the consequences. Do not take psychedelics if you are too young, too immature, on mind-altering medication, if your mind is unstable, or if you have a mental disorder. By listening to Leo you agree that Actualized.org is not responsible if you misuse psychedelics and injure yourself or others. If you decide to use psychedelics you must exercise extreme caution and carefully follow safety protocols. Do not take high doses of psychedelics. Leo’s use of psychedelics is always done with extreme caution and attention to safety. You should treat psychedelics like a loaded gun. You assume all legal risks that may come with acquiring and using psychedelics. Actualized.org does not source or provide psychedelics. NOTE: This is NOT an anything-goes free speech zone! You do NOT get to say toxic & fallacious things here with impunity. This community is regularly moderated to maintain high quality and civility. Trolls, bigots, ideologues, conspiracy theorists, and devils are regularly banned. Remember that without moderation this community would be a toxic dump. #1 Rule: Don't Be A Jerk Speak to people with respect. Be conscious and nice. - - - - - - - - - - Post carefully. This forum has unusually strict moderation. If you misbehave you will be banned swiftly. Be ware that this forum is not a free-speech zone. Unlike some places on the internet, this forum is strictly moderated to keep it high-quality. Not only do we enforce basic anti-trolling guidelines, we go further to enforce quality of posting. If you repeatedly post low-quality stuff, disinformation, or ignorance, you will be banned without warning. What determines "high-quality" posting is, of course, subjective. Nevertheless, discriminations must be made to ensure high-quality. Basic guidelines for quality posting: No conspiracy theories: Covid hoax, 9/11 inside job, David Icke stuff, reptilians, Pizzagate, QAnnon, pedophilia accusations, the Jewish question, holocaust denial, etc. No right-wing political dogma, talking-points, Trumpism, or denial of basic facts. No race-IQ "science" No "debunking" and debating. No denial of enlightenment, awakening, spirituality, Love, God, or Consciousness. If you feel these things are not real, then this forum is just not for you. Show a level of respect & humility. Demonstrate kindness, friendliness, and compassion towards fellow members. Show a willingness to learn and consider multiple points of view, rather than only pushing your own. Show us that you are doing inner work, rather than merely engaging in metal-masturbation. Restrain your projections and egoic reactions. If we see you projecting your biases, judgments, misunderstandings, grudges, ignorance, and other egoic issues onto forum members, you will be banned. No wild-eyed ranting and raving, or posting while drunk or high. Write using proper English grammar, spelling, and punctuation so that your posts are easy to read and understand. If you we cannot understand your posts, you will be banned. These are just the bare minimum quality standards expected of everyone on this forum. There are other implicit quality standards which are too numerous and subtle to enumerate, but our Mods will be watching you. So watch what you post. This is not a free-speech zone and we will definitely "censor" you and ban you if your presence here drags down the overall quality of the forum. If we see you repeatedly acting from ego with no self-awareness or ability to restrain yourself, you will be banned. - - - - - - - - - - About The Forum: The Actualized.org Forum is a community for people passionate about self-improvement. This community is focused primarily on self-actualization and spirituality, not dysfunctional psychology or mental illness, although to some extent dysfunctional issues must be covered. Newbie, intermediate, and advanced self-actualizers are equally welcome. Vision Statement: to create a high-quality, supportive online community for self-actualization work. - - - - - - - - - - What We Are Focused On: Self-Actualization, Self-Improvement Spirituality, Consciousness, Enlightenment, Nonduality, Meditation, Mindfulness Mysticism, Yoga, Lucid Dreaming, Paranormal, Channeling, Chakras, etc. Discussing & Sharing Spiritual Techniques Psychology Success, Productivity Motivation, Inspiration Emotional Mastery Relationship Mastery Self-Help Techniques Starting & Running A Business Life Purpose Practical Philosophy Self-Improvement Product Reviews, Book Reviews, Service Reviews Psychedelics, Trip Reports Diet, Fitness, Holistic Health, Healing Spiral Dynamics, Developmental Psychology Sociology Conscious Politics, Improving Society, Understanding Collective Issues What We Are NOT Focused On: Religious Debate Culture Wars Mental Illness Abnormal Psychology Academic Philosophy Abstract, Theoretical Debate Treating Medical Conditions Addiction Recovery Gossip, Rumors, Conspiracy Theories Sharing Torrents or Copyrighted Files Actualized.org Billing or Technical Support - - - - - - - - - - This community is a privilege, not a right! If you fail to behave in a courteous, civil, and ethical manner, you will be kicked out! Freedom of speech rights do not extend to privately owned websites such as this one. You must follow the community guidelines. Disruptive behavior is not tolerated. There is a zero-tolerance policy on the following: spam, hate speech, verbal abuse, racism, copyright violations, porn, sharing paid self-help products, abuse of the PM system, and attempts to splinter the community. If you do any of the above you may be PERMANENTLY BANNED without warning and without any second chances. ABSOLUTELY NO: advertising, promotional materials, junk mail, spam, chain letters, pyramid schemes, or any other form of solicitation. What’s NOT Allowed: Self-promotion Coming here to start your teaching/coaching/guru business by leeching off this audience Multiple accounts. (If you are caught opening multiple accounts, both will be banned). Posting in any language other than English Sharing copyrighted material, including sharing of files, videos, music, etc. to which you do not have copyrights. Discussing group-buys or sharing of self-help products or courses. Discussing torrenting, warez, or cracks SPAM, including but not limited to: affiliate links, mass marketing, clandestine promotion, SEO, promotional PM Harvesting member contact information Links to pornography, graphic violence, religious/political propaganda, etc. Hacking the forum Viruses or malware of any kind Recruiting members for chat-groups outside of this forum, including Skype, Discord, chatrooms, etc. Starting new spiritual communities, private groups, or cults Mass messaging or abuse of the PM system PMing members with pitches or promotions or recruiting PMing members to share copyrighted material or do "group buys" of self-help products Duplicate-posting: posting the same thread in multiple locations Posting AI-generate content like text, images, or video without disclosing that it was sourced from AI Posting Deepfakes without disclosure Verbal abuse Verbally abusing moderators or administrators Threatening or blackmailing other members, moderators, or administrators Hijacking threads Hijacking the community, mass manipulation of the community, sabotaging the community, leeching off the community Excessive or repetitive creating of new threads or replies Hate speech: racism, sexism, homophobic slurs, threats, harassment, or excessive profanity Ganging up on other members, starting factions that splinter the community Sharing private logins to Actualized.org products or services with other users Reproducing or posting content from Actualized.org paid products Calling members names like: stupid, idiot, moron, asshole, retard, etc. Trash-talking, trolling, chronic criticism, blaming, and finger-pointing Political activism (this is NOT a political forum) Religious activism or dogmatic promotion of any religious belief system Threads about which religion is the best Debates about whether enlightenment is real. (If you doubt enlightenment this forum isn't for you.) Conspiracy theories (like Illuminati, Reptilians, 9/11 inside job, Flat Earth, Jews running the world, pedophilia rumors, etc) Spreading rumors and gossip Asking how to source drugs, psychedelics, or prescription pharmaceuticals Attempts to undermine or damage Actualized.org, staff, or employees Excessive thread bumping ALL-CAPS messages Impersonating Moderators, Administrators, Leo, or Actualized.org staff Threads about Actualized.org billing issues, refund request, bugs, or technical support. (Contact tech support for that.) Using images of Leo or the Actualized.org logo for your profile picture Offensive, grotesque, dirty, or sexual profile images or usernames Posting personal information such as address, phone number, or email Doxxing What IS Allowed: All standard forum functions Expressing strong opinions in a thoughtful, non-hateful, non-violent manner Moderate use of profanity. But do not direct profanity at members, staff, or people in an inflammatory way. Discussion of psychedelics for spiritual development (no sourcing questions) Linking to useful resources for non-commercial purposes Relevant, non-spammy signature links. (2 sig links max) Embedding acceptable videos and images Contacting forum members through PM - - - - - - - - - - Limitations: You can only edit a post for 48 hours! This is to prevent abuse. So post with care. Usernames cannot be changed. Your account has a file upload limit to save server disk space. So don't upload unnecessary files. There is a limit to how often you can use the search function, to save server resources. - - - - - - - - - - Be careful with posting sensitive or personal information. It will be visible publicly and you may not be able to edit it or remove it after 48 hours. How Warning Points Work: Users are issued warning points by Moderators for violations and infractions of the above rules. A minor violation typically incurs 1 to 5 warning points. Warning points accumulate on your account and never expire. If your account reaches 20 warning points total, you are automatically banned by the system. You will never be able to access this forum again, so please mind what you post. Try not to take warning points personally. Just correct your behavior. - - - - - - - - - - Participation in the Actualized.org Forum constitutes agreement to the following guidelines, which apply to posts, profile information, avatars, signatures, any other content on this site and participation in general. This includes private messages, which we have the ability to read, but only do so rarely to prevent gross exploitation and hijacking of this community. Because of the live nature of the discussions on this community, it is not possible for us to review and/or confirm the accuracy or validity of a message before it is posted. The views expressed in this community do not necessarily reflect those of Leo Gura, Actualized.org, or any other member of the Actualized.org staff. If you believe that someone has violated our User Guidelines please report the violation to a Moderator with a link to the content and a brief description of what you believe is wrong. If a user violates our guidelines and shows a disregard for the staff or the community, they run the risk of losing their account. We reserve the right to deactivate any account and to edit or remove any content without warning. These guidelines are subject to change at any time without notice. By posting on the Actualized.org Forum, you agree that neither Actualized.org nor it's employees make any guarantees to protect or safeguard your content or data. You understand that your content may be moderated, edited, moved, or entirely deleted at any time at the discretion of Actualized.org staff and the moderation team. Please help us keep this community on-point and productive. Welcome to the Actualized.org Forum, and enjoy! -Leo
  3. This community aims to uphold a certain high quality standard for our discussions. Keep the following points in mind when posting: Be constructive and positive as much as possible Be clear & specific when asking questions. Provide all the relevant details. Use good grammar, spelling, and punctuation Don't attack the person, address the ideas or the message itself Watch out for over-generalizations Watch out for black & white thinking Avoid pure abstract, philosophical debate. Keep the focus practical and real-world. Have compassion for people & their situations Keep in mind that people can be at very different places in life, so your advice may not work for them Be tolerant & accepting of newbies who may not be as experienced as you No trolling Be open to and tolerant of new ideas and perspectives Useful Tips: Use the search function before asking newbie questions that have been answered hundreds of times already. Start new topics in the most appropriate sub-forum. Ask quality questions. Be specific and tangible, otherwise you will get low quality responses. Use English only. Use good grammar and spelling. Don't be lazy. Don't post the same question in multiple sub-forums. You may bump your thread once per 24 hours if no one has responded to you. Do a well-rounded research and be more familiar with a completely new, unfamiliar topic before responding.
  4. Please read the User Guidelines before posting. Thanks!
  5. Please read the User Guidelines before posting. Thanks!
  6. This community is built to enable self-actualization. More than just a place to hang out and blabbermouth, this is a call to transform your life. Make your life count, seek the profound, inspire others to do that same, and die with a smile on your face, knowing you lived well. Self-actualization is a nuanced attitude towards life. Here are our community values -- the things we care about most: Practical, no-bullshit, results-driven personal development Self-improvement as a way of life Truth/Reality/Consciousness/Enlightenment Openmindedness Authenticity/Honesty Developing awareness & mindfulness Emotional awareness & mastery Understanding of diverse viewpoints, treating them with all with equanimity Meditation & deep introspection Embracing paradox & uncertainty Being vigilant of our infinite capacity for self-deception in all its forms: Dogma Black & white thinking Superstitious thinking Warping of our worldview due to ego & personal bias Narcissism Vanity Hedonism Group think & social conditioning Arm-chair philosophy Academic snobbery or technical argumentation Debate Acting superior Judging/criticizing others 100% responsibility: holding yourself to a higher standard than anyone else Concern for the well-being of humanity and the larger ecosystem Passion for life Being a positive leader & role-model Walking your talk Hard work: recognizing that it takes massive effort to become successful Long-term thinking: investing in yourself Finding your true life purpose Staying on track with your purpose after you've found it Becoming world-class at what you do Creating financial success, creative autonomy, freedom, and lasting fulfillment Unleashing your full potential Helping others unleash their full potential
  7. I'm always on the lookout for popular, juicy new video topics. If you think you have a good idea for a new Actualized.org video, great! I'd love to hear it. Tips for submitting suggestions: Clearly define the topic. Describe what exactly you want to know. Be very specific. Come up with a catchy title. Catchy titles sell! If your suggestion catches my eye, I'll add it to my to-do list. Please note, my to-do list has over 100 topics on it already (that's over 2 years worth of shooting), and my time is very limited, so your suggestion may take a while to happen, or it might not happen at all. Very good suggestions might happen much sooner. It all depends on how relevant and important I think the topic is to the Actualized.org audience. Also keep in mind that my expertise is limited. I can't speak intelligently about all topics. This sub-forum is ONLY for posting suggestion for Leo. This is not a place to discuss these topics in-depth. Only enough discussion should happen here to communicate your topic idea clearly. Users can also cast their vote for suggested topics by bumping threads with a short response like: "Yes! I want to see a video about this!"