Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Be careful. That's not true. There are some jobs that pay a lot and require zero education or skill. For example, I once met a merchant marine. He worked for 6 months a year on shipping container ships. It pays a lot of money, a high full year's salary for 6 months of work. And it requires no education. They train you for free on the job. This guy was saving tons of money and traveling all around the world and only working 6 months out of the year. You can find stuff like that if you bother to do deep research as I said.
  2. Look for jobs or businesses which pay much more than average. Such things can be found with effort. You have the internet so do lots of research. The way I started my first business was I literally just asked myself: "What is the highest profit thing I can sell?" I searched around online and found a thing with insanely high profit margins. Getting rich is all about profit margin.
  3. Let's start a list of the best music for listening to on psychedelics. Obviously taste in music is very subjective, but try to post the best of the best here. This music should work well with psychedelics and tripping. Chill, moody, down-tempo, ambient, techno type stuff. There's lots of obscure psychedelic & chillout music that can be found on SoundCloud.
  4. You can hone your intuition by putting it to the test. Take the job and then monitor whether your fears pan out.
  5. That is so dangerous. Sure way to cripple yourself for life.
  6. That IS the insight!
  7. I don't really care about the dangers of science. I consider science in its purest form as an attempt to understand reality. And then whatever people do with that understanding is a secondary matter. Part of understanding is understanding that understanding can be misused by unconscious actors. So of course in practice safegrauds need to be placed on stuff like AI, genetic engineering, nuclear tech, etc. The danger is not so much science but engineering paired with a lack of consciousness and development and Tier 1 politics.
  8. I would like to, but my health problems prevent me for now.
  9. Alien Consciousness is a very advanced form of God Consciousness. There are human forms of God Consciosness and then alien ones, which put the human ones to shame. No I will ask God to make you a chair in the next incarnation Buddhist bullshit. Is an ant made out of atoms? Is a rat made out of atoms? Is a human made of atoms? Is an alien made of atoms? Yeah. But that says nothing of their consciousness.
  10. Nonsense. It is possible to have 1000x more consciousness than a typical human. A human's consciousness is like that of an ant from God's perspective. If you accessed Alien Consciousness you would be so amazed and terrified you would shit yourself. I still have shit stains on my carpet from it.
  11. The good is the enemy of the great. If you are starving it is better to eat a twig than nothing. But why eat twigs when you could eat a steak?
  12. A dating coach will not get you laid.
  13. Use a trip sitter.
  14. Just because one guy doesn't have complications or side-effects doesn't mean you won't. Imagine arguing that a new medicine is safe for the general public because one guy took a bunch of it and didn't have any side-effects.
  15. String theory has advanced so far that they no longer even need to do studies or experiments. Sorta like religion.
  16. Given the popularity of trip report threads on here, I think we need to start indexing them. This thread is for linking to all trip report threads on the forum. Do not actually post the content of your trip report here, just post a link. Someone please use the forum's search function and make a list of the best trip reports we've got and post links here. It'd be nice to organize them by substance, with sub-headings like: Mushrooms, LSD, AL-LAD, DMT, Ayahausca, 5-MeO, etc. I think this can become a valuable online resource for serious non-dual psychonauts. That kind of thing doesn't really exist elsewhere. Most places that list trip reports are recreation-focused, not spirituality-focused. Thanks!
  17. It does for Nazis. "Better world" is a relative notion on which no two people agree.
  18. Christianity is literally a personality cult. Just because you can fool yourselves into believing it doesn't mean it's good for you.
  19. I get headaches from vape pens. It's caused by the e-liquid. It's not healthy for you. Try vaping it without the pen and see if you still get headaches. With that said, chronic use of 5-MeO-DMT can definitely result in damage to your system and brain. That's not just a myth. So be careful. Don't overdo it.
  20. Yes, of course. I am not advocating zero rigor. Anyways, you guys are acting dense as Dave here, so I'll leave you to it. No one here understands the trickeries of understanding reality. Stop kidding yourselves. Such arrogance.
  21. Rigor itself is a bias and will lead you to getting stuck. As I said, the notion of rigor is relative and subjective. So whatever you consider rigor to be, your mind will use that to lock you into a paradigm. Rigor is not the same thing as truth. The only proper priority must be truth, not anything else. And even that is a bias. If you are not aware of these biases you will fall into self-deception. As every scientist on this planet has done.