Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. So what you've discovered here is the threshold between Zone of Excellence and Zone of Genius. Living inside your Zone of Genius is SCARY! That's why most people don't have a life purpose and never will. This is emotionally challenging stuff. Lots of resistance will come up. Best thing I can suggest is to just be mindful of the resistance and keep pushing through the course and doing the assignments. Don't worry yet about "But how will I do it? How will I make it all work out in the end?" << Those questions are not as important to answer as you might think. The important thing is to simply get clear about what you want to do with your life. And the assignments will help you do that. Also realize that this is a long-term journey. You don't need to do it all in one month. You can take a couple of months off and then come back and finish it.
  2. I know of two ways: 1) Go into a coach training program, get certified. Doesn't require college. Takes about 1 year. 2) Don't even get certified. Just start coaching people and building a client-base. Option #1 is much preferred because without good training you will make many mistakes.
  3. Basically, therapy is dealing with more dysfunctional people. More serious issues like depression, anxiety, anger, abuse, severe trauma, etc. Coaching is dealing with high-achievers who want to do even better. Less serious issues. More about achieving success and optimizing one's life.
  4. I don't have a desire to manage coaches. That's not my path.
  5. The Star Wars movies have a lot of juicy Hero's Journey wisdom. The Force is so similar to enlightenment!
  6. I'm just curious, for those guys who feel that porn/fap is toxic, how often exactly are you jerking off? Like 6 times a day? Lol
  7. I have read it, but I doubt its accuracy. Human beings seem waaaaay too possessive and prone to jealousy to fit the Sex At Dawn model. You gotta wonder where the whole girlfriend/boyfriend dynamic came from. It certainly didn't come from mainstream society. Mainstream society ultimately reflects our own nature back at us. The human animal seems to like to pair-bond, at least for 2-7 years, which makes sense given how human children take a while to mature.
  8. I used some local lair forums which won't be helpful to you guys. And some other lame pickup forums which shall go unmentioned. I used RSD Nation a lot. RSD has some of the best hardcore pickup material you'll find. But also very dogmatic community. Finding local guys in your area who are willing to take you under their wing proved very helpful to me. You can do that by either finding a local lair online for your city. Or through RSD inner circle.
  9. Cool, glad you like you
  10. Faith has become somewhat of a dirty word. But let's put it in proper context. Does a scientist need to have faith in order to verify an existing peer-reviewed lab study? Is it proper for him to act like a fundamentalist cynic and refuse to allow the possibility that the study was accurate, to the point where he refuses to verify it for himself? Even to disprove something requires that you first take the possibility of it seriously. Otherwise why even bother disproving it? From a pragmatic point of view, you wouldn't even be able to take a piss without the faith that it won't miss the bowl and squirt in your eye. All action requires a baseline level of faith. Self-inquiry is no different.
  11. Technically there is no way to tell because enlightenment is an inner realization. But in practice, you can easily tell enlightened people from non-enlightened people simply by the non-reactive way in which they carry themselves. I've never found this to be a problem. I can tell when someone is speaking the truth just from listening to them for 5 minutes. It's quite obvious if you study this stuff for some length of time. The other reason it never bothered me is because it doesn't really matter. What matters is my enlightenment. What matters is if the stuff they tell me is getting me closer or further away from my own truth. And that's quite easy to detect.
  12. That's a lot of interests! Oh well... better to have too many than too few. One thing I could suggest is to buy and read books about each one of those fields. Then see which interests still stand strong and which ones fall away. A top interest should emerge over time with further study. If you haven't checked out my life purpose course, in the course I take you through a pretty deep process for how to drill down into your core values and eliminate dead-ends. That might save you a lot of time too. The whole point of the course is to show you how to develop a VERY strong, clear, singular direction in life.
  13. I would wait until the forum gets more users and more established before trying to organize meet-ups. There aren't enough members yet to make that feasible. Once we have 10,000 or 20,000 members, THEN it could work and perhaps we'll even create a sub-forum specifically for that purpose.
  14. I will shoot a video about psychedelics at some point. Not ready to share my full thoughts on them yet. It's a deep and nuanced topic.
  15. There are many ways to market yourself as a coach. Videos and social media are NOT an easy form of marketing. They are very challenging and extremely labor intensive. I do it because I love to create videos, not because I want to attract clients. If you did what I do just to attract clients, you would probably hang yourself after a few years. Most life coaches struggle to get clients because they suck at marketing. Most life coaches never even begin to make money and quit because they cannot attract clients. Most successful life coaches attract clients in-person through word-of-mouth, speaking events, and networking functions. Successful coaches are usually very social and build a large social-circle of contacts. Running an online business like I do, is VERY different from coaching. Which is basically why I don't coach any more. They are two different fields. There are information products and seminars available that you can purchase which will teach you how to market yourself as a coach. Learning marketing is more important to be a coach than learning to how to coach. Coaching is EASY. Marketing is HARD. As a self-employed coach, you're a coach second and an entrepreneur first. Most coaches are terrible entrepreneurs so they fail. If you wanna be a successful coach, you have to make sure that you don't let your positivity and passion for coaching blind you to the realities of running a business. Business is cut-throat and demands very pragmatic thinking.
  16. Never. All my clients were great and polite and very respectful. You would have to do something horribly wrong to get a negative coaching review. Where would they even post it?
  17. I wanted to read another book of Sam's after Waking Up, but his other books are not really books. They are more like essays. Nothing wrong with that I guess, but I didn't feel like reading them. I could be wrong. If someone here knows better, then please correct me.
  18. Yellow is not enlightenment. Yellow is systemic thinking. Being able to see the world as a set of complex interacting systems. And the ability to think up and down-spiral. It's a very intellectual kind of activity. Yellow is stuck in his head a lot. But he's finally seen the spiral and therefor has tolerance for and understanding of all the other stages to some degree. The transformational dilemma of Yellow is that systemic thinking is STILL not sufficient to solve the world's biggest challenges. Thinking can only get you so far. Turquoise is not necessarily enlightenment either, but it could involve enlightenment and its various spiritual insights which make one compassionate towards the entire planetary ecosystem. Turquoise is concerned with ecology and is willing to sacrifice self in order to uplift the world. There is an emphasis of peace and love and deep respect for life. Genuine spiritual leaders fit into this category. Think: Buddha, Jesus, Gandhi, Ekhart Tolle, Yogananda, etc. My guess is... you're probably not at all at yellow yet, or you're just scratching the surface of yellow. You'll know you're solidly in yellow when the majority of your day is spent trying to solve big problems with systemic thinking. How much time do you spend planning how to save the polar bears from extinction by using technology to address the root causes within politics and society that's leading to their demise? << that is what yellow thinking looks like.
  19. You're basically doing it right. You just sit and genuinely wonder, "Who am I if I'm not the body/mind?" Actually, you don't just wonder, you ask this question directly of your present experience. What does direct experience say about this matter? Any logical answer to this question is wrong. The question is not meant to be answered verbally or intellectually. It is meant to get you to a direct conscious "taste" of the True Self. But in practice, before you ever get that true taste, your mind will have to slog through thousands of false verbal and conceptual answers. Your mind will come up with all sorts of wrong answers like: I am me! This is a stupid question I am confused I'm not doing this right I am nothing I am everything I am God I don't exist I am the no-self I am invisible I am awareness I am this body I am a brain I am the perceiver I am the one who's aware I am behind my eyes I am empty space I am infinite I am unknowable I don't know who I am I am Markus I am a man Etc. All these answers are wrong because they are intellectual. You have to exhaust all of that until your mind finally gives up the search in total frustration. Then what might happen is that the mind finally goes silent, and the answer is revealed to you experientialy in a very shocking and powerful way. The best place from which to do self-inquiry is a true position of not-knowing. You need to generate massive doubt in your mind about this idea you have that you are a human being sitting there with a human body and a human mind. << This belief is so strong that it prevents any deep self-inquiry from happening. So you have to bust it with whatever means make sense to you. Are you seriously open to the possibility that you are NOT a human being? If not, then self-inquiry cannot occur.
  20. I actually have a video planned about this topic. While doing enlightenment work I got a surprise insight into what prayer is. Prayer is contemplation. It's the attempt to directly merge with "God" or your True Self by cessation of mind activity and total surrender. It's identical to the aim of yoga (union) and meditation. That's what old-school prayer used to be before modern-day religions corrupted it and turned it into a tool for appeasing the ego. Old-school Christian and Jewish prayer was designed to stop your mind from thinking, merging the ego with reality. It had nothing to do with asking God for good stuff, lol.
  21. Submit it as a feature request with the exact type of emoticons you want to see and maybe we can do it.
  22. Hehe, you guys just LOVE asking me about porn. It's definitely on the to-do list.