Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. @Ishanga You've got spirituality backwards. You don't gain control, you lose control. The illusion of control. You will never control your health. And the transcendence of suffering, if it is possible, is such a rare feat that very very few will achieve it. The point of spirituality is the joy of being conscious for its own sake. Not to win prizes.
  2. @zazen RFK makes some good points. But I somehow doubt that Putin would not have taken chunks of Ukraine regardless. After all, according to Putin, historically Ukraine is not a thing. Fundamentally Putin does not recognize that Ukraine has soverignty. Are we really supposed to believe the US forced him into this view? What would RFK do if Putin tried to grab Ukraine anyway? Just give it to him?
  3. Of course life is unfair. Some children are born crippled. It's better to face that head-on rather than living in a fantasy. This is all part of the process of accepting the truth of what you are. You are who you are. Not a fantasy of who'd wish you were. Accept yourself FULLY, this is key. And while you're at it, accept that women are how they are and men are how they are, not how you wish they were. There is way too much fantasy when it comes to dating. That's what this whole thread is about. Fantasies getting crushed by the weight of reality.
  4. A warning for you men: Do not get fixated on this value stuff. Don't let it be your only lens for seeing dating and relationships. That would be foolishly reductionistic and dysfunctional. Don't make a Red Pill out of this. Be careful with how your mind frames these issues. Value is only one perspective. There are other perspectives. Do not go around analyzing women in terms of numerical value. This will create huge problems for you. I do not endorse such thinking. Seeing women as numbers is very fucking dysfunctional.
  5. @Princess Arabia Fair enough.
  6. Sure. I know for a fact my looks are not what most girls like. But that's what I got to work with. At some point it's not an active insecurity but just an acceptance of reality. But it can take a long time to get there. If I'm in a club I'm not thinking at all about that kind of stuff. I turn off my logical mind and just try to have fun. Of course I know that many girls rejected me simply for my looks. But the more you think about that the worse your results will be.
  7. Look, value is extremely subjective. You may be low value in the eyes of 50 girls but high value in the eyes of 2 girls. And that can be enough. Those 2 can be your wives. I am not physically high value. I have other kinds of high value for the right girls. Just do the best you can and stop worrying about it.
  8. Yes. I did that. Of course that doesn't mean you'll be swimming in girls. Yes. Some women. Remember, there are thousands of women and only some need to love you. If all you want is 1 girl, it's easy. If you want dozens of girls, that's much harder.
  9. 1) This thread is about attraction. 2) You won't have a good relationship if the value disparity is too high. One of you will feel bad about it. Of course these are generalizations. Nothing is stopping you from creating a relationship if you want. My guess is it's a bit more than that. Yes. You're a weirdo. You understand that a guy has to get hard to have sex with a girl? If he doesn't find her hot he won't even get hard. You girls seem to not understand this. You assume it's just a given. But it's only a given if he finds you hot. I've been with some girls where I lost my hard-on because she wasn't hot enough. What I am supposed do? How would you feel if your man didn't get hard for you? Would you fall in love with him? No. And this is not something a man can fake for long. A hot girl doesn't even understand what it's like to not be hot. If she got a taste of that it would crush her. You have a fixation with me. You are lucky I'm not actually a cult leader or I would abuse that. It's more than that. Many countries are below replacement birthrate. You'd be surprised. It's not as easy as girls think to go to the club and pull an ugly girl home. That ugly girl is sometimes as hard to get in your bed as a pretty one. And can be harder because you gotta fake that you love her for her to wanna sleep with you. But also I am biased here. I have very high standards. Most men have much lower standards so it's less of an issue.
  10. Be ware of those who don't claim to be enlightened. Super dangerous.
  11. In a party nightclub setting girls are drunk and just looking to have fun. So the value scan is very superficial: your looks, your vibe, your status. Honestly, looks is a huge factor. You can compensate for it, but... value is looks, for men and women.
  12. 1) That's false. Regardless he is a handsome and charismatic guy. 2) Money and wealth are huge factors in attraction and value. So this cannot be overlooked. 1) Yes, of course the high value men pair with the high value women and the low value men pair with the low value women. Most humans are low value so they pair with themselves. 2) Even so, most men are sexually frustrated and struggle to get laid. Of course! And the only reason you like me is because I am not Hitler. If I was Hitler you wouldn't like me any more. So what? All women are attracted to value. But not all of them aim high. Many people in general have very low standards. The notion that women do not scan men for value is nuts. They all do it unconsciously if not consciously. This doesn't mean they will only sleep with high value men. Value is a totally relative matter. You will not sleep with a homeless guy. Why not? Because he's too low value for you. The issue is that women's minds simply work in such a way that all of this is unconscious and instictive, not logically analyzed as we are doing here. So for a woman this kind of talk just does not compute or correspond to her reality. In her reality she just gets horny for some guy and doesn't care to know why. He's just magical and it's love. But behind the scenes her brain is doing value calculations. Why is Taylor Swift fucking a Superbowl Athlete and not a homeless guy? Why does Taylor Swift not sing love songs about all the homeless men she's slept with? Because she is maxing out her value. Actually we do. Japan, China, Russia, Germany, etc are facing into economic collapse and decline from lack of childbirth. Why are you so sure about that? Maybe they do. That is mostly thanks to previous generations. China's population is declining now every year. It doesn't matter what the population numbers are, everyone is mating based on the value they can unconsciously maximize. How successful they are is another matter. Most people will end up settling.
  13. Dancin' with the Devil
  14. I found the best approach is to date freely whoever you want until things get serious and exclusivity arises. Unethical would be if you start lying about things. Setting the right frame is important. What are your intentions? Do you want a gf or do you want to just sleep around? Set your frame accordingly so she is not misled.
  15. As you go out into the long cold night hunting for girls, repeat to yourself: Even Hitler had a girlfriend.
  16. It's not even assholes or badboys. She will sleep with an attractive man and ignore the unattractive ones. All this will happen so unconsciously that it won't even register in her mind. She will simply have zero feelings for the unattractive ones. Well, what goes around comes around. It's not that women are attracted to assholes, it's that attractive men have so much sexual abundance that they have no incentive to treat women well. Abundance leads to wasteful and abusive behavior. Like a billionaire who lights his cigars with $100 bills. Why not, if you can get away with it? Let's call this Russell Brand syndrome Contemplate this: If you were as attractive as Russell Brand, you would treat women has he did. And if you're a woman you too would treat women badly if you were Russell Brand.
  17. MAGA voters feel the same way about Biden.
  18. Def not ideal to plug because you are absorbing toxins. When you vape it the toxins stay in the pipe. Bufo is just an impure form of 5-MeO-DMT. Effect is identical but you get unknown impurities and who knows what the health side effects might be.
  19. I'm not conservative in the sense of how online right-wing figures are. But I clearly see the problems and limits of progressives. Trump is not a conservative. He's just a con-artist, and anything he touches will turn to shit.
  20. Exactly! That's the pivot for all political conflict.
  21. Because they are not conscious enough to see it. All politicians are mired in profound group-think. Their job depends on them not seeing it. BTW, Putin suffers from the same problem. It's not like he's open to the Western Green worldview.
  22. Then what is the puzzlement?