Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. I am too cheap to buy girls dinner. Sugar daddy is not in my DNA.
  2. There is a parellel. I have had new insights into how attraction really works. And I am not only talking about cold approach. I am talking about all of attraction. For example, if I was better looking I would have more girls just emailing me for sex. So when I say 1000%, I am counting all avenues for sex.
  3. Depends on how good you can dance. Clearly your dance skills are weak.
  4. Yes! You go run a test. Create 2 male online dating profiles. Keep them identical except for pics of an above average guy and a below average guy. Wait a week and count how many messages each guy gets. Actually do it. Put your theory to the test. I did. The answer is crystal clear.
  5. It's just a matter of risk. You can play with fire if you accept the risks.
  6. No. That's not it. Looks matter to women. Stop with the rationalizations.
  7. If you are prone to panic attacks you should stay away from 5-MeO.
  8. What threatens Putin the most is organic pro-democracy movements at home. And the next worse thing is such a movement in Ukraine because if Ukraine goes successfully into democracy then Russians will rise up and ask for democracy in Russia. Which means Putin's death. For corruption to survive it must corrupt everything around itself. Robust Western democracy is poison to any authoritarian. That's the real issue here and with China. They want to become advanced superpower nations but they refuse to open up access to power and clean up their corrupt ways, which leads to a groteque, backwards system. They want to treat democracy as though it were optional. But it's too deep of an issue to be optional. Superpower status is entangled with democracy.
  9. The core problem that Putin has with the West, and what fuels this conflict, is that his authortrian grip on power would never be allowed in a Western democracy. It is because Putin wants life-long power that he must oppose the West. Yes, the CIA tries to overthrow him because he refuses to leave office and he suppresses any organic political opposition. The CIA is wrong in their meddling but Putin is not right either. It would be better for Russia if there was genuine democratic opposition and term limits.
  10. It was wrong for the US to attempt a coup in Cuba. So that answers that.
  11. Human mating isn't something men or women control. Humans have certain mating habit just like animals have certain mating habits. Humans have never been a strictly monogamous species. But nor are they strictly polygamous. It's somewhere in between. To frame that as something women are doing is kinda silly. Takes two to tango.
  12. I'm not saying the opposite. I told you that value is one lens and that you don't wanna get stuck looking at things from only one lens. Generally speaking if a girl has more value you will need more value to attract and keep her. This is true, but it's just one general factor. Don't get fixated on it. That's nice of you to say, but I have data on how much sexual attention I get from girls vs other guys. This isn't a subjective matter. Just cause you like me doesn't change that. Girls prefer some guys over others. I am not gonna bullshit myself about that.
  13. But few countries are willing to invade their neighbor. That is the real issue. The thing that Putin is in denial about is that Ukrainians might genuinely want to side with the West rather than follow Russia. Putin believes that Ukraine could only want to be Western due to CIA manipulation, when in fact they simply don't want a Russian style authoritarian state. This is where Putin is most fooling himself. Why would Ukraine want to be like Russia when they could be like Germany instead? Doesn't take a genius to make that choice. Russia does not model a desirable system of governance. But of course Putin is too self-biased to see that.
  14. Truth is an acquired taste.
  15. Obviously there are benefits to having a good woman. So what? Too obvious to mention. There's also a bunch of downsides.
  16. Focus on what you want, not what you don't want. Do you want a quality gf? Then go find her. Forget your lame ass friends. Very important that you drop that. Stop carring if any girl rejects you. Means zero. Don't even think about it. Think about something else instead. Okay. At least for now. It depends. Sometimes it is helpful to have a deluded positive opinion of yourself. But in the long-term you should strive for accuracy over hope and cope. You can always just genuinely ask yourself: How can I make my perception of myself more accurate and realistic?
  17. Our discussion was about suffering relative to this lifetime.
  18. Your points would be stronger if you used less harsh rhetoric. RFK is a thoughtful and authentic guy, even if you disagree with him. He has some refeshing and powerful critiques of corporatism.
  19. In a sense you could say spirituality gives you better control because you are less fooled by self-deceptive thoughts and emotions and you are less egotistical and reactive. You also build better habits in the process and your mind matures and develops which meana you create less drama and problems for yourself. This is false. That's a nice spiritual fantasy.
  20. Your perception of yourself needs to be grounded. Too much fantasy of how great you are will eventually lead to problems if you can't live up to it. I know my looks aren't great, but this does my reduce how I value myself to myself. From the perspective of girls I know it hurts me, but I don't send time worrying about empty things. The perceptions of others need to be considered occassionally, but not preoccupied with. Your focus should be on girls who respond well to you. Those who dislike you, just skip over them. You don't try to please or chase them. There many factors at play: looks, charisma, extroversion, game, money, populariry, low standards, luck, etc. Without who? Ask your questions more clearly if you want good answers.
  21. Be careful bullshitting yourself with spiritual pleasantries.
  22. By fairness we mean relative differences in human capabilities and circumstances. We are not talking from an absolute level here. If you are born crippled while some else is not, that counts a unfairness. Yes, life is full of dualities. You were born a man and not a woman. You were born a human and not a kangaroo. And so on.