Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. These are not simple issues that have simple solutions. You need to study and research both issues, look for books and information products that offer real inner-growth solutions. And/or work with a quality life coach.
  2. Hehehe.... This distinction you're making between "me" and "ego" is just more ego! The sly fox is calling itself a sly fox! And btw, Do Nothing does NOT mean that you let go of thoughts. Letting go of thoughts is NOT Do Nothing, it's a whole hell of a lot of doing! Do Nothing means you sit there and do not manipulate experience. Don't even try to manipulate yourself into non-manipulation.
  3. I'm not a bat. I don't want live in a cave. Cabin sounds much nicer
  4. @Clay Curl If you're in a cult, it's cause your mind created it. I don't do cults.
  5. Throw all your rules out the window because they are wrong by the very fact that they are rules. Absolute Truth exists, and it is that which existed FOREVER -- before your body/mind were born, right now, and after your body/mind will die. What would be the point of enlightenment if it didn't transcend all that crap? How could one escape fear of death unless there was an change-less, eternal absolute that one could anchor one's identity in? All your experiences are real, but they are dreams relative to Absolute Truth. So seek the Absolute. It's right there in the midst of all your experiences! It's right there as your body/mind reads this sentence. Nothing is hidden. But you may want to focus more on the Who am I? and What a I? questions first. This Absolute Truth stuff is extremely advanced. Get some preliminary enlightenments first.
  6. Avoiding creating a cult is hard enough as it is.
  7. To follow your suggested path to chimphood
  8. @Parki Words don't really explain anything. They are a confusion of the mind. Just sounds and images which function as symbols: things that are themselves not the thing they speak of. In actuality all words and symbols are illusions. Nothing can represent a thing better than itself. This is the fundamental deception of the mind.
  9. Experience is true in the moment, but it's also ever-changing. Ask yourself what was true before you were born. What is Absolutely True and never-changing across all time? Believe it or not, there is such a "thing." And it's in your awareness right now.
  10. Proper philosophy is exactly that. It's not a sense of frameworks, but a deep questioning into the truth of things. Proper philosophy converges with enlightenment. Of course most people get lost along the way.
  11. @Galyna Nothing about enlightenment is hidden. It's all right in front of your nose the whole time. Being able to train onto awareness is one thing. Being able to penetrate into its depth is another. Do you know what that awareness actually is? If not, keep at it until there are no more questions and no more confusion.
  12. @TruthSeeker Yup, that's part of it.
  13. These kinds of questions are basically the foundation of philosophy.
  14. To get a sense for this, right now, put your attention on the fact that all of reality is within your awareness right now. You can get an intuitive sense for it. You won't be sure exactly how or why, but you can sort of place your focus on awareness itself rather than the contents of awareness. Try to expand your focus until you're not focused on any object, thought, or sensation in particular.
  15. Well, in yogic traditions and in Buddhism they have you take vows when you join their community. The Buddha spoke of the Eight-fold Noble Path. These vows typically include the following: Not taking of life Not lying Non-violence Not using people sexually Abstinence from sex, drugs, alcohol, and other addictive substances These are not to be taken as moral commandments or truths, but merely self-imposed restrictions to hasten your path towards enlightenment.
  16. What is truth? Try deconstructing that! Also try, What is existence vs non-existence?
  17. Next time this happens, try noticing that you technically aren't feeling the fear, but your identity is literally made out of the fear! The fear is just a way that you trick yourself into reinforcing the belief that you exist. Fear makes you feel alive (in a false way).
  18. @Saitama The plan is to turn it into a vehicle for the distribution of the deepest yogic wisdom.
  19. Welcome to life. Where everyone's family is guaranteed to be fucked up in some way. Focus on your life purpose and your self-mastery. Don't stick your nose too much in other people's business. Let them eat Nutella sandwiches while you gleefully nibble gogi berries. Practice UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and COMPASSION for those people who stand in your way.
  20. Yes, definitely. Zone of Genius is like a diamond in the very rough. You gotta have a lot of vision and persistence to polish it into a sparkling beauty. When you first start, it will seem like you're not great at anything. Greatness only comes with 10 to 20 years of prep work.
  21. Ultimately I will probably become a yogi, so I don't think a family is in the cards for me. I'm not opposed to it on principle or anything. Nothing wrong with having a family if done for the right reasons.
  22. Cool idea. I'm not sure you need lots of perks and rewards. The reward is in the work itself. Once people get a taste for it, they get hooked on self-mastery. Not everyone is ready for it, but that's no different than selling any other thing. Nothing is right for everyone. You might try recruiting folks in philosophy classes, yoga classes, meditation classes, and psychology classes. Those people should naturally see the value in self-improvement. Also you can look for people in support groups for substance abuse, physical abuse, depression, anxiety, etc. Those people are hard cases, but some of them are really ready to reform.
  23. I started my first business and made lots of money in 2008-2010, the height of the economic collapse. Never let the herd's trajectory dissuade you from your own. Right now, every day, new self-made people are making millions and billions of dollars. You can be one of them if you desire.