Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. @hundreth If you keep growing, all your "logic" will melt away. You will be like Jeff Goldblum in The Fly, slowly but surely transforming into a New Age hippy. Much to your own horror. Turns out it's not so bad after all Love and consciousness make logic look like a rusty unicycle. And then you'll become like a New Age vampire, lurking in the shadows of the self-help world. But happy as fuck about it.
  2. Now that's some hardcore meditatin' Less keyboard-jockeying, more being like that kid.
  3. @stevegan928 Lol, the joys of eclecticism AKA being a self-help slut
  4. Good question. In truth, I don't really know. My best guess at this point -- given much more research and much deeper direct experiences -- is that thought goes beyond mere mechanical manipulation of the body. That said, I think some New Agers might over-state the metaphysical aspects of thought. Much of how law of attraction works is simply by programming your mind with better thought patterns and directing focus to things that really matter. In other words, we can explain it with Western psychology and neuroscience. But there are probably some "paranormal" qualities to thought as well. You will probably only start to experience them as your consciousness significantly rises. All of this has to be understood in the context of there not being a physical reality at all! So imagine zero physical reality, imagine an infinitely vast tangle of potential states instead. And imagine that all of it is infinitely interconnected such that there are no hard or fast distinctions between thought, consciousness, matter, energy, time, space, or anything else. This will give you a bit of a better picture, and make "paranormal" characteristics seem completely plausible. It would not shock me for example, if I was able to bend a metal spoon with thought alone. I'm not saying I CAN, I'm saying it wouldn't surprise me if it was trainable at high degrees of consciousness (which I don't presently have). My paradigm of reality no longer prohibits such a possibility, because I've experienced things that are utterly impossible, beyond all human comprehension or scientific modeling.
  5. @Vinsanity This technique is a bit challenging to apply to watching TV because TV sucks you in for hours and you lose awareness. The key to this technique is to maintain CONTINUOUS awareness of how the activity is damaging you. At the very least you can apply it to the start and end of your watching session. Notice how dirty it makes you feel.
  6. @hundreth So now here is an important intellectual point: It's possible to hold partial perspectives. It's possible, for example, to read this entire series of books, vehemently disagree with parts of it, but still get personal growth value out of it, AND hold the entire thing as just another partial perspective out of many. No one perspective being true. That would be a great test of Stage Yellow Spiral Dynamics thinking. Stage Orange would be the way you're doing it: look for one contradiction and throw the whole thing in the trash bin. The reason I brought this book to you guys is not because I think it to be all true. What's interesting to me, is that Ra's descriptions of Absolute Infinity are DEAD ON based on my direct experience. So if nothing else, you could learn about that. But also Ra's discussions of more practical matters like meditation, service to others vs service to self, chakras, etc can all be super-useful in your growth. And perhaps most useful of all is that this book can be used as an antidote against your materialist, naive realist paradigm of reality. I'll tell you this much: your current paradigm of what reality is, is more wrong than Ra's. And what's worse is, you're so stuck in it, you can't break out even if you wanted to. I've personally found this book a great way to dislodge my unfounded beliefs about reality, consciousness, life, afterlife, reincarnation, evolution, good vs evil, free will, UFOs, the purpose of life, etc -- leaving me in a nice state of not-knowing. The problem is, you don't yet realize how much of your "scientific" knowledge is just groundless belief in hearsay. So falling back to that default position by vehemently disbelieving this book doesn't advance you much. You're still stuck in a web of belief -- one you feel is "actually real" -- which is in a way the worst place to be. "The better the model, the bigger the problem." I've personally grown from this book, even though I find it hard to believe in some of the more far-fetched things in it, like Big Foot. I will actually be able to glean insights from this book and shoot videos about the insights, without ever mentioning Ra, and people watching will say, "OMG! That was amazingly helpful. Thank you for changing my life." Sometimes you gotta be pragmatic more than ideological. Growing up is a messy business. And sometimes you should be happy to get whatever scraps you can scavenge. So in a nutshell, be a self-help vulture
  7. Great quote, wish I included in my video.
  8. If people don't think you're a bit insane, you're not sane enough If you understand the Graves Spiral Dynamics model, you'll be fascinated to know this one little bonus prediction of the model: Anyone 3 stages of consciousness or more below you will think you're insane.
  9. I would caution you guys to refrain from judging unless you're actually willing to put your money where your mouth is and take a 30g dose. It's easy to sit back and philosophize. It's much harder to put your own balls on the chopping block. Remember: EXPERIENCE IS KING! You cannot evaluate a thing such as this without ACTUALLY experiencing it. What's beautiful about psychedelics is that they are REAL. You can very easily run this little science experiment and get back REAL tangible data within a matter of hours. No philosophy or speculation necessary.
  10. @bobbyward There is only one way to know for sure. Try both and report back your results. From my understanding, every psychedelic has it's own properties and characteristics. I bet that a 30 gram dose of mushrooms would be twisted beyond imagination, perhaps more powerful than a 30mg dose of 5-meo. You might discover spiritual realms you never knew existed.
  11. Okay, I figured out how to split off that removed block of posts into a separate thread. You can find it in the Meditation, Consciousness, Enlightenment, Spirituality subforum.
  12. The last few portions of this thread have been modified to remove tangents subjects. A block of about 20 posts have been removed, including some of my own. Let's keep things on point please. No more wild speculation about everything under the sun. This thread is meant to be specifically about the book. You can start separate threads about any topic you wish. Forum functionality is limited, so I was not able to split off the tangent topics in a sensible way into their own thread. Feel free to re-create that discussion in a new thread.
  13. @stevegan928 Trust your intuition.
  14. The problem with responding to critique is that it makes one look defensive, and only further feeds accusations of acting from ego. It creates debate, which is always anti-consciousness. There is no consciousness to be had in a debate. All ego needs to do to win, is drag consciousness into a debate. Instant win. Sorta like fake news. In the battle between low consciousness vs high consciousness, low consciousness has more latitude and power. High consciousness has to stay high consciousness, which often just looks like silence. It's sorta like waging war on terrorists. Every time you do it, you're forced to stoop to their level, and by definition you lose and they win, because their goal it to drag you down to their level. Dragging people down is much easier than lifting them up. It's interesting to see how a spiritual master like Jesus allowed himself to get nailed to a cross by refusing to stoop. Now that is true embodiment of nonduality. And a very rare thing.
  15. @Hunter Arrington "Hey, this is Ra, for Actualized.org..."
  16. @khalifa That's sorta like asking if chocolate is really better than vanilla? Different people have different meditation styles. Find the one that fits you.
  17. I mean healing of the sort Jesus is said to have done. Keep in mind, there may be different degrees of healing. From very mild forms, to extremely advanced forms which very few people are able to demonstrate. You won't find interviews on TV about such things, because anyone who speaks of it will immediately be demonized and their message distorted due to dense closedmindedness in mainstream society. You know why you don't hear about the most profound and deepest things? Just take a look at what happened with this thread. When this kind of dynamic is commonplace all across society -- and even among enlightened people -- you can really appreciate the need for esotericism. It's virtually impossible to openly and genuinely discuss a radical worldview in public because people's web of belief immediately gets threatened, and they become emotional and combative. And the whole thing devolves into a debate with projections and character attacks. No actual research or investigation happens. And people are left even more ignorant and closedminded than they previously were. Such are the epistemic dynamics of mind which have kept mankind in the present dark age. And may lead to man's annihilation. Intolerance, bigotry, crusading, war, the excesses of capitalism, closedmindness, lack of empathy, low consciousness, lack of holism, lack of systems thinking, lack of understanding of epistemology, ego, Zen Devilry... it's all closely interconnected. And enlightenment alone will not be sufficient to escape it.
  18. That assumes you already know what realty is. Boy, you guys really don't like practicing openmindedness. Interesting to observe. I should post more openmindedness tests. So we can reveal your mind's true colors.
  19. @electroBeam Not everyone develops it of course. And it doesn't mean you can heal someone's "man flu". One of the problems here is that when people hear "healing" they assume all sorts of silly things about what that might mean, creating a sort of straw-man. Also, don't expect a enlightenment master to spill all his deepest wisdom and abilities to you on CNN. They're usually very careful and quiet about it. Cause they know you're gonna misunderstand them.
  20. I'm aware of this DMT hypothesis. I haven't personally tasted any DMT dripping down my throat, but then again, I'm not a yogi who's spent 10,000 hours training his pineal gland using arcane yogic methods. As for Bohm's holographic universe, it fits perfectly with what I've experienced on 5-meo. Bohm was a genius; more genius than Einstein in my opinion. He grasped reality conceptually. Too bad he died depressed, never having actual direct consciousness of his theories. His heart would have sung with joy to find out how right he was, and what impact this could have on his emotional state and degrees of fulfillment in life.
  21. A) This is trivial because when one speaks of "raising" consciousness, it's a linguistic device. Not a literal existential claim. It's a way of speaking to help people understand certain things about this work. Again, you assume I'm naive about these things because you like to nitpick rather than seeking to be inclusive and hearing the intent of the communication. This is what happens when you let the left side of your brain become a lawyer for the ego. It can nitpick anything anyone says. You could take the words of Buddha himself and make him look like an ignorant devil if you so desire. B) All nonduality teaching and communication is METAPHORICAL. As it must be. You cannot speak of enlightenment non-metaphorically. EVER! So whether you choose to speak of it in religious metaphor or scientific rationalist metaphor, it's all metaphor requiring decoding. C) The self resides in EVERYTHING. Thought is an aspect of self. EVERYTHING is an aspect of self. Atman is Brahman, Brahman is Atman. Your conceptions of nonduality are excluding duality, which is an immature conceptual of nonduality. No masterful nondual teacher rants against duality, mundane life, education, mastery, or other people teaching nonduality using alternative styles. Because he understands the game. I could choose to teach nonduality by only speaking of it in terms of Jesus. Jesus this... Jesus that... Satan this... Satan that... And that would be no less valid than whatever your favorite way would be. I encourage you to seek to be more inclusive and generous, rather than nitpicky and harping. The ultimate goal is full acceptance of reality. So long as you harp, you aren't really understanding of reality, or embodying nonduality.
  22. The following is a quote from Harper magazine quoting Nixon's domestic-policy adviser, John Ehrlichman: The following is a quote from Rolling Stone: So be careful with how you allow government to dictate your consciousness. BTW, recreational marijuana is now officially legal in Vegas! Yay! (not that I smoke it).
  23. @kurt I'm happy to be proven wrong. Because I'm not loyal to any position. I was proven wrong about psychedelics for example. So I changed my views 180 degrees and become a psychedelic advocate. It's never been my goal to create a bulletproof ideological castle. That's not what Actualized.org is about. It's about helping you grow and explore consciousness for yourself by sharing ideas and resources that you probably wouldn't have otherwise discovered on your own given the state of mainstream culture and business. As a researcher, it doesn't bother me if I do research that sometimes leads to a dead end. Cause I understand that's the cost of doing research. Then again, sometimes the research hits the motherlode, like with 5-meo, and some other technologies which I will be sharing in the future. I've been surprised at the "magic bullets" I've been able to find. In the end, by doing all this research, I will be able to help many more people raise their consciousness than conventionally possible.
  24. "Aliens" do sound silly when you think of them as creatures from Men In Black lurking around the corner. They sound less silly when you think of them as untapped aspects of consciousness/mind/brain. Understanding as well that EVERYTHING is an aspect of consciousness/mind/brain. It really helps to stop thinking of reality as being a rigid physical thing composed of atoms or "strings". It's clearly not. I think of it more as an infinite possibility cloud or gigantic neverending ball of yarn.
  25. "Hopper" means it's uploaded and scheduled for release.