Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. The biggest load of bullshit ever told! Buddha should have slapped that guy across the face for such smart-assery Monk: "Buddha, what do I do if a bird drops a fine 18oz NY strip into my bowl?" Buddha: "Eat it, but only if it also drops a bottle of A1."
  2. @Hardik jain Sorry about your situation. See this video: https://www.actualized.org/articles/how-to-deal-with-strong-negative-emotions Rather than wishing the emotions or situation away, muster the courage to feel into it and see it as part of reality. Reality is brutal sometimes. It's important to cultivate a respect for that. An understanding of that only really comes through nobly stomaching the hard times rather than escaping them. If you do this, it will drive you deeper into true growth. So that's the up-side.
  3. This issue goes very deep. It's really the problem of life itself. The fundamental dynamics of life are very unfair. For some lifeforms to survive others must die. Whether that be animals, plants, bacteria, human beings, children in Africa, the dinosaurs, planet Earth itself, etc. If we take a look a what humanity is doing to itself, it's killing itself at the same time as its growing and evolving. And this is sorta required by the laws of entropy. Even if we all became perfect vegans, we would still be killing other animals, plants, and smaller organisms in a very unfair way by the billions. We would still be destroying the environment. None of this of course is an excuse not to improve, but it just goes to show the intractability of being alive. To be alive requires a sort of turning one's eye away from fairness. Cause life isn't fair at all to individual beings. The great Jain sage Mahavira realized this. First he stopped eating animals. But that wasn't enough. So he stopped eating plants. And then he starved himself to death. That would be the only truly honest solution. Which brings us to the crux of the problem: YOU! Do you want to live? Most people do (although that's a choice). But if you do, then you must also accept all the collateral damage that comes with that. And there's A LOT of it! Now, the only question is, where do you want to draw the line. At pigs? At worms? At trees? At bacteria? At saving the whales? At recycling Coke cans? At not throwing your garbage into the street? At starving yourself to death? Everyone will have different opinions about that depending on their beliefs and level of consciousness. Generally speaking, the more one becomes spiritually purified and experiences personal suffering, the more one will desire to minimize suffering for other beings. But that's not as easy as it sounds, for you couldn't even walk on the grass to the nearest cliff to jump off of without stepping on some worms, snails, ticks, microbes, or flowers. Is factory farming unfair to animals? Surely so. The issue is one of convenience though. How much inconvenience should be tolerated? Is it wrong for me to buy a new t-shirt when there are kids around the world dying of cold or mosquito bites without a single shirt to wear? And is it wrong for the mosquito to bite the naked kid and infect him with malaria? And is it wrong for us to wage war against malaria micro-organisms by the billions? You be the judge.
  4. @harisankartj For one thing, notice that you resist the suffering. Try flipping that on it's head and try enjoying the suffering instead. Open yourself up to it with your body. Allow yourself to feel the full brunt of the hurt, sadness, anger, apathy, or whatever emotions you're feeling. It's true that life is a dream, an illusion, and meaningless. But now ask yourself, so what? What's the problem? If everything is meaningless, what's all that suffering about? It must be meaningless too, right? The you you think you are already doesn't exist. And the True You is ever-present, so it cannot be killed even if you wanted to. Adopting a daily mindfulness-using-noting practice would be very helpful for you. See my video called Mindfulness Meditation.
  5. @alifesurreal Firstly, re-read your original post and count all the places in it where you refer to yourself as "me", "my", and "I". As you've started to realize, none of that is true. "You" are not fighting with the illusion of "ego". You = ego! And it doesn't exist! Right now, there is not a you reading this sentence, there is only a sentence floating in emptiness awareness. The process forward is very simple: sit down and inquiry further into this. What are you? Why are you still attached to that body? Where are your boundaries really? Who is aware? See my How To Become Enlightened video for the exact process. You basically just sit and inquire without making any assumptions and dropping all prior beliefs about how you think reality is structured. You've barely scratched the surface. Keep digging. This goes so deep you cannot even imagine yet. And yet it's all right there, right in front of your nose, hidden in plain sight.
  6. @strwbrycough It's a funny thing. You see that you are God, but then you drop back down into human form. Life continues like normal. But you still have the frightening memory that you are actually God. For me, personally, it's totally revolutionized my understanding of reality. Opened me up and made me extra-serious about doing God's work and mastering all the levels of consciousness possible before I die. Whenever that memory comes back, it jolts me back onto the spiritual path like a cattle prod. But of course it's not enlightenment. Although perhaps if it happens another dozen times, maybe it will be. Who knows? That's what I'm experimenting with. It's so powerful no words do it justice and unless you've tried it, there's no way you can understand. And the scaffolding has not fallen over because you have a lifetime of spiritual purification to do, even if you happen to become enlightened quickly. Enlightenment doesn't make you a good person, it doesn't teach you how to interact with other human beings, nor how to master all the various aspects of your human form.
  7. @Nexeternity In an existing relationship, lying will certainly tank it. The only option for long-term success is honest and open communication. It's a bit trickier when first attracting the girl. Before you sleep with her, manipulation tactics can be highly effective. Although they produce subtle karma which retards one's development. For a guy who lacks social skills or a solid core and is trying to attract girls, honesty can backfire and lead to worse results, at least in the short-term.
  8. @strwbrycough I'm not clear what you're asking. 5-meo effects wear off after about 45 minutes.
  9. @Chris40 Being authentic and open about your emotions is a higher consciousness quality. Seems like you're interpreting "wearing your heart on your sleeve" as some kind of dysfunctional thing, when it's really just authenticity and emotional openness. It's a win-win, for the guy and the girl. But it has to be done in a truly authentic way. It has to be grounded, not just emotions flying all over the place. You have to build up your core.
  10. It's not a matter of impure substances. It's just normal spiritual purification happening. The ego doesn't go down without a fight. Yup, pretty much what I experienced. But it's still not ultimately true. The real truth is much deeper and more beautiful.
  11. @Frogfucius Actually I've been interested in existential matters from the very beginning. I just couldn't speak about it well and I didn't have anyone who wanted to listen. The more simple PD videos I shot were to build an audience for the advanced stuff I wanted to share. But of course I never knew how deep the rabbit hole went until recently. That took years of work to finally comprehend. Most personal development teachers don't get into existential matters because one generally has to be existentially-minded from the get-to. The chances of a successful dating or business coach suddenly discovering enlightenment and changing his entire mind, life, business model, and audience base to accommodate it are very slim. There's way too much for the ego to lose, and seemingly too little to gain. (But that's of course a gross miscalculation.)
  12. Very very typical experience on this path. The good news is, it's just the tip of the iceberg of what's possible. There's WAY deeper to go! Yeah, it didn't stick. Because you got caught in phenomena and still don't really know what you are. Only thing to do is keep at it. Keep probing: "What am I?!" The trap is that enlightenment is not an experience and it's not bliss. The bliss is phenomena which isn't what you actually are. Don't get seduced by the bliss. I know it's hard cause it's a fucking awesome experience and it feels so good. But that's just a feeling. Make sure you're getting to the EXISTENTIAL root of things, not just psychological or emotional. You have to grasp what reality actually is, EXISTENTIALLY! Even if it did stick, there would still be WAY more to grasp. So don't assume you can just get it and then retire to the Bahamas. It also helps to become conscious right now of the fact that you can never lose what you actually are. It's ever-present. Yes, it's infuriating to hear that. Notice how there's an attachment to the bliss and fear of loss. That needs to be worked through cause it's delusion.
  13. @Xpansion The label philosophy doesn't really do consciousness/Truth justice.
  14. When you're just starting off, simply replacing limiting beliefs for empowering ones is very useful. You gotta bootstrap the development process by whatever means available. It depends on how developed you are. If you're a total newbie victim who can't get out of bed in the morning from depression, then don't worry about the limits of empowering beliefs. You're not at the point where that is significant yet.
  15. No, schizophrenia is physiological and chemical. Not merely over-thinking. I've read that schizophrenics have more 5-meo-DMT in their blood than normal people. Although I doubt that's the only difference. Their brain physiology is different. Which is not to say it cannot be changed. The brain is quite plastic with lots of room for development. My last mushroom trip felt like I went totally insane. So I can relate with insanity a bit now (I think). Although it didn't feel like just a bunch of random voices in my head. It was more like I felt I was disconnected from all human beings and no one would ever understand anything I knew because I stopped believing in consensus reality. Interesting video.
  16. Spirituality isn't for pussies. No matter which spiritual path you take, your ass will take a serious beating. So get used to it. Par for the course. When you start to see demons and start going insane, check out my Dark Side Of Meditation video to calm yourself down But you got many hundreds if not thousands of hours of practice to go until then. Kriya yoga techniques are supposed to be more gentle in releasing the Kundalini than some others. Not sure which techniques you're using. Kundalini practice is usually done with a guru to assist. Although I think Kriya should be fine to do solo.
  17. No, don't use "See tree" or "See Thought". Just use "See". Simple is the point. There are in fact no trees or thoughts. Those are all concepts. You've never really seen a "tree" in your life. You'll start to discover that after a few 100 hours of using the technique.
  18. I'm stilling waiting for the post from you where you simply say: OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!!!!! IT'S ABSOLUTELY INFINITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!!!!! IT'S ABSOLUTELY INFINITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!!!!! IT'S ABSOLUTELY INFINITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!!!!! IT'S ABSOLUTELY INFINITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!!!!! IT'S ABSOLUTELY INFINITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!!!!! IT'S ABSOLUTELY INFINITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!!!!! IT'S ABSOLUTELY INFINITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!!!!! IT'S ABSOLUTELY INFINITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!!!!! IT'S ABSOLUTELY INFINITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!!!!! IT'S ABSOLUTELY INFINITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!!!!! IT'S ABSOLUTELY INFINITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!!!!! IT'S ABSOLUTELY INFINITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!!!!! IT'S ABSOLUTELY INFINITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!!!!! IT'S ABSOLUTELY INFINITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. @Don_Avocado Good, but there's deeper to go! Your mind hasn't been utterly blown yet. Doesn't sounds like you've experienced God yet You've merely glimpsed one of God's nose hairs. Absolute Infinity awaits!
  20. I have chosen my one thing: consciousness/Truth, and I'm working to master it.
  21. @Xpansion I never claim to be a master of anything. I'm just a guy sharing my research and insights with you.
  22. @Juan Cruz Giusto Cause they are mere scraps compared to the revelations of higher consciousness. It's like I'm skipping the McDonalds and going straight to the most expensive steakhouse in town. Meanwhile you're obsessed with going to the nearest McDonalds McDonalds will NEVER fulfill you. But it will take many trips there before you realize that.
  23. @Xpansion I actually have been following my own advice over the last 4 years. I've selected my domain of mastery: personal development, and I'm working within it with quite a lot of focus. To some this might appear like a very broad, unfocused specialization, but actually it's not. I would say that 90% of my entire life right now is focused on it, even to the exclusion of things like making money, fitness, sex, relationships, family, etc. And I'm becoming more and more specialized within this domain as I hone my core values deeper and deeper. I'm becoming more and more focused on researching and exploring consciousness and existential Truth. My older videos from 2 years ago are much boarder than today. And this will probably continue. Also keep in mind that I sometimes shoot broader videos for you guys, because not everyone can relate to esoteric topics, and it helps "lure" folks into the deeper work. You might start by watching a video like "How To Be Funny", and then hopefully dive deeper and discover a possibility like enlightenment which you would never have otherwise been interested in. You can think of Actualized.org as a trojan horse for enlightenment work Imagine you're driving down the road and see a big billboard for a brothel with sexy images of girls, then you walk in, some sexy girls lure you in deeper, and once you're all the way inside you find out it's really a Mormon church! But now it's too late! And the girls were just a mirage