Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. What does it say about your government if even with their best intentions they are not more accurate than terrorists?
  2. I discovered a new psychedelic which is as powerful if not more powerful than 5-MeO-DMT. It is: DPT Here is my DPT Trip Report video: https://www.actualized.org/insights/dpt-the-other-god-molecule This will be our go-to thread about DPT related questions, tips, techniques, etc. As usual, no sourcing questions. Here are some good reference links: https://psychonautwiki.org/wiki/DPT https://erowid.org/chemicals/dpt/ https://www.bluelight.org/xf/threads/dpt-subthread-dpt-dosage-methods-of-administration.399044/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dipropyltryptamine https://www.reddit.com/r/researchchemicals/comments/8y7k3j/dpt_dipropyltryptamine/ Summary: DPT is for highly experienced users only. It's very powerful DPT can produce horrific trips for some people, so be careful The best way of taking DPT is rectally DPT lasts 2.5hrs at least For me, rectal doses go like this: Light: 20mg-30mg Medium: 30mg-40mg Heavy: 50mg+ I am very sensitive to all psychedelics so your doses may need to higher.
  3. Maybe the lesson here is: don't be reckless with your life and be careful who you go up against.
  4. Brutal but expected. He is a true martyr.
  5. The civilian to combatant ratio on Oct 7th was something like 2:1.
  6. Thanks to the Mods for their good and consistent work. They don't get enough thanks.
  7. @DefinitelyNotARobot It is a deep mystery why you are not a chimpanzee. I don't have an answer. If you ever find out, let us know.
  8. Putin doesn't think in black and white.
  9. Putin is masterful at his job.
  10. 15mg is way too low for rectal. You will need 50-100mg for a decent trip. And maybe more. If all you have is 75mg total, you should be vaping it.
  11. Genetics basically. A chimpanzee doesn't care about enlightenment either.
  12. Careful with all that Red Pill ideology. It's gonna hurt your ability to have healthy relationships.
  13. Going out to bars and clubs would be the most obvious way.
  14. https://www.transparency.org/en/countries/russia I do. Not that it matters.
  15. Putting oligarchs in order is what dictators do. Hehe.
  16. Learn to relax. That's all.
  17. Then they can take that up with their president. Military service is not a pure democracy.
  18. Every dictator's worldview is such that he thinks his dictatorship is what's best for the country.
  19. It can and it will, but that takes a long time and Putin is pumping the breaks.
  20. Downfall? Rogan just raked in another $200 million.
  21. @josemar Do not encourage people to speculate.