Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Firstly, realize that what you want here is a VERY juicy thing. Everyone and their uncle wants that. The question is, how hard are you willing to work for it? What are you willing to sacrifice for it? How much are you willing to push your comfort zone to get it? How clever are you willing to be? Secondly, realize that what you want will be MUCH harder than you currently assume it is to achieve. It will be much harder, but also extremely rewarding and worth it. It's just that you have to set proper expectations or you will quickly quit. I've faced this exact same challenge as you in my 20's. Which is why I created the my Life Purpose Course, where I walk you step by step through all the foundational concepts you need to know in order to have a chance to succeed. Check it out if you're serious. This is a very big topic which cannot be adequately addressed in one video, let alone one forum post. I took all the core insights and lessons I've learned in the last 10 years of starting small businesses and developing my life purpose, and put them into the LP Course.
  2. There's gonna be a lot of shit to do to accomplish your life purpose. Hence why you gotta really love it. When you really love it, the minor shit can be annoying, but isn't enough to ever stop you. There's plenty of annoying stuff I had to do to get to where I currently am. It's not a big deal because it's eclipsed by the good stuff. This should go without saying, but without self-discipline, nothing can happen. Maybe take this opportunity to really contemplate why you are shooting yourself in the foot with such petty laziness, and re-commit to disciplining yourself a bit.
  3. @James Hunter In practice, you will still have many beliefs, even post-enlightenment. The beliefs which are necessary to eliminate for enlightenment are certain existential beliefs about self, reality, science, religion, spirituality, etc. Besides the above, you hold many pragmatic beliefs which are simply there to allow you to navigate the everyday world. Beliefs such as "jumping out of a skyscraper will hurt". These beliefs are no problem. You can hang on to them. Most of your business beliefs will not impede enlightenment work. Other than maybe beliefs about why you want to have a business at all, or why you want success or money. Success in business generally doesn't require a lot of "believing" in stuff, other than just a core belief in your ability to follow through. That's not really a belief. That's more like confidence or motivation and clarity of intent. Those are good things. You will need plenty of that to become enlightened too.
  4. @optimize Sounds like you're a creative guy (or girl). Sounds like you want creative autonomy too. If that's the case, you need to leverage your creativity more. That's your money-maker right there. You can lean much harder on it. Whatever creative work you've done so far, start thinking of it as just the tip of the iceberg of what your mind is capable of. Don't limit your mind. You have some ideas of the kind of animations you wanna make, but it sounds like you're clinging to them too much. Be more open. Let your mind consider other bold possibilities within animation. Sit down and brainstorm 50 ways you could make animations which are fresh and interesting to you, but ALSO are marketable. When you're first starting your career, you may not have enough career capital to have full creative autonomy. That's something you gotta work up to. You may have to sacrifice autonomy for a while to release some stuff which is marketable and financially viable. Why can't you start a second channel which has popular animations, and then use that to funnel eyeballs to your more niche animations? Or find a way to make your niche animations really popular. Explore various styles, themes, lengths, etc. If you're gonna be an entrepreneur, you gotta learn how to feel the pulse of your audience. You cannot work only for yourself. You've learn how to generate value. And value is defined as something other people really want. It sounds like you're lacking a foundation in marketing. You could go buy some marketing courses and learn the fundamentals so that you have a better idea of how to tailor your content to attract eyeballs. Also, don't limit yourself only to Youtube. Be more creative! Every fool and his grandma has a Youtube channel. You gotta push the envelop and explore many other avenues. Also, invest more time perfecting your animation style. Find more of your own voice. This will set you apart from the crowd. You might need to invest more time just mastering your craft. In which case, maybe get a part-time day job and spend your nights practicing. Remember that your best work will only come in 5, 10, 20 years. So don't get too hung up on any one thing right now. Explore your entire field more. Develop something truly original and inspiring. Then people will come. Your jealously will go away when you turn inward and put all your energy into developing yourself and your craft. Forge a deeper connection with the love you have for your craft. That is your major advantage over everyone else who hasn't taken the LP course. You know your life purpose explicitly now. That is a huge advantage, but only if you use it.
  5. @Lha Bho I wonder what a dose of MDMA or other psychedelic would do for a person with DP/DR. It may pop you out of your mental rut. Like kicking a stuck computer. Seems like you're missing the experience of divine love. So are you conscious of what you are? Or what reality is? If not, you're not enlightened, and what you should be shooting for is actual enlightenment, not "normal". Your desire to become "normal" is already evidence of your ego-mind being normal. That's exactly how a normal mind acts. It's seeking states and experiences because it knows nothing else. The solution is always MORE awareness, not less. You need awareness of how your mind is twisting around and getting hung up on itself. Your mind is doing something wonky, because otherwise you should be aware of the beauty of reality. Which suggests to me that you may not be as aware as you think you are. Or maybe you have a physiological brain issue. I bet you that an actual enlightenment experience would pop you out of your rut. Have you had any?
  6. @Tuure That certainly doesn't help with enlightenment. The whole point of enlightenment is to realize that being a millionaire is unimportant.
  7. @I Am That Considered it yes, but it's addictive and harmful to the body. So I tend to avoid that.
  8. "Supernatural" is just a term you invented for things you don't yet understand and which would force you to abandon your current paradigm. You need to preserve your paradigm, so you cleverly dismiss anything that could break it as "supernatural". Thus allowing you to stay blissfully ignorant of other facets of reality.
  9. @Lenny Of course. Because they lead you beyond the mind.
  10. @cetus56 Certainly if you can do an all-night sit, that's some real good training. Takes balls to pull that off in a non-retreat environment. I don't like all-night sits because it just screws up your sleep cycle. I'd rather meditate during the day, when I'm alert.
  11. You can certainly learn to astral project. Just takes some rigorous practice. Don't confuse it with enlightenment however. Enlightenment is outside all experience.
  12. @Bodhi123 Of course, that's the nature of teaching & leadership. I keep trying to cation you guys to use great nuance and ground everything in your own direct experience. How many people get it? Only a handful. Such is the nature of ignorance. Like water, it always finds a way to sneak its way into every crack and corrode the truth. It could not be otherwise. It's the ego's job to corrupt truth.
  13. It's not that you can't or it won't work. It's that if you have limited time, you want to use it effectively. 5 minutes of strict meditation is worth 5 hours of sloppy meditation. @cetus56 Doing an all-night sit in a retreat setting is a very different thing than doing a 30 min sleepy, mechanical daily session. Working through sleepiness is it's own kind of skill you can develop. It can toughen you up, but it doesn't produce actual contemplative insight. You can clearly see this by doing 30 mins sleepy meditation and 30 mins of alert meditation. The alert session will be 10x more powerful.
  14. Would you let your surgeon operate on you if he was in a sleepy condition? Why not?
  15. Don't turn "paradigm" into some buzz work that refers to everything. A paradigm is a word that refers to a specific category of things. I gave a precise definition at the beginning of the video. Paradigms are large, cohesive conceptual frameworks. Most things in life are NOT paradigms. A simple thought like, "I want to buy some food." is not a paradigm. Not every concept or belief is a paradigm.
  16. That is a very large dose. It will blow your mind. Make sure you've done smaller doses first. 10mg >> 20mg >> 25mg >> 30mg
  17. Plugging is your best bet. Don't eat it. Vaporizing it is possible, but challenging with HCl. You'll most likely burn it.
  18. @Kloof It's not something you can believe. It's so radical it's unbelievable. You can only believe things your paradigm can imagine. And no paradigm can imagine Absolute Infinity or Nothingness. It's way too big for a mind to handle. The only way is by transcending mind. This is very challenging because everything you've ever experienced has been mind, so you don't know where to turn. You're stuck in mind for the time being. But inquiry will slowly unravel your mind.
  19. @Salomon Tolosa 12mg is a baby dose. It won't alter consciousness very much.
  20. The forum IS the chat room. We don't want to dilute the discussions across multiple platforms because we are still a small community.
  21. Of course once the supernatural and paranormal become a part of your worldview, they are held at perfectly natural and normal. Words like "supernatural", "paranormal", "mystical", and "pseudoscience" are just dismissals/demonizations of various phenomena of which one is ignorant. They are always circular definitions whose function is to preserve the old paradigm. Once the ignorance is removed, those words become meaningless.
  22. @John Do a 10 day Vipassana retreat, and you will understand what mindfulness is.
  23. Sure you can. Learn to lucid dream and use it work on various aspects of yourself. Don't expect it to be easy.
  24. The problem only rises if you have false expectations. A psychedelic is a temporary glimpse into Truth. Temporary of course. But not without lingering shifts in your mind. If you expect one trip to change you much, of course that's foolish. No one has seriously made that claim. So all this talk against psychedelics because they don't cause an instant permanent enlightenment is a straw man. Meditation or self-inquiry doesn't cause instant permanent enlightenment either. So that kind of expectation is silly in all cases. And the idea that just because you do some psychedelics that now you can't also simultaneously be working hard towards enlightenment is also a straw man. If you meditated or self-inquired for as few number of hours as you tripped on psychedelics, you would NEVER get enlightened. So it's really an unfair comparison. If you did 5000 hours of psychedelics for example (which might be analogous to 5000 hours of self-inquiry), well... who knows where you'd get. So be careful comparing apples and oranges. It's very easy to poo-poo any spiritual technique simply by pointing out all the ways people fail to get enlightened. All enlightenment techniques are 99.9% ineffective. Not because of the technique. But because the person using it is ignorant. Osho, Mooji, Eckhart, Buddha, Jesus, etc. all have 99.9% failure rates with their students. It couldn't be otherwise.