Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. I have had deeper insight into attraction. It's not an easy thing to unravel.
  2. The Turing test was always stupid. ChatGPT is no doubt very impressive.
  3. Health is mostly genetic. So there is no point at looking at Mark Sission or any other health guru. They are just coasting on good genetics and selling you health fantasies. It's no different than super models selling you cosmetics. It's not cosmetics that made them super models, it's genetics.
  4. No. Number 1 is status and fame. Followed closely by looks. But practically, the #1 factor for getting girls is being highly social. Even your status and fame and looks will not work unless you are being social.
  5. I get you. Same here. But aging is also a thing.
  6. It matters quite a lot. But you don't need great looks to have success with women. You can overcome lack of looks with volume of approachs, good game, charisma, humor, and other value. But if your looks are below average you are boxing with one hand tied behind your back. But you can still win because you are boxing with a girl.
  7. Consciousness. Since it imagines death.
  8. I doubt that the relatives of people who died from psychedelics post about it on Reddit or Erowid.
  9. Hence I said, on weed and psychedelics.
  10. Wanting AI to tell you that pedophilia is evil is really really stupid.
  11. Exactly. Conservatives will get outraged over "woke" AI.
  12. The centeralization of AI power in a handful of maasive corporations is deeply concerning. AI mixed with shameless late stage capitalism is very problematic for us little people.
  13. Sounds like you will benefit from detox. Just follow my video and read Andy Cutler's books about heavy metal detox and metal amalgams. Study the issue before you start popping pills.
  14. Because all world leaders follow strict protocols for food and drink. They are hard to poison because they were poisoned so often in centuries past. He has disloyal oligarchs thrown out of windows instead. Navalny did a video of a spoofed call with the FSB agent who poisoned him. You can find it online. In the call the FSB agent admits how they poisoned him and why it failed. There is zero doubt that the Kremlin poisoned Navalny. We even know how. Dude, your political takes are consistently filled with false facts or lack of knowledge of basic facts. I'm not even talking about your opinions, just your lack of awareness of the basic facts of an issue. You don't even know of the Navalny FSB agent phone call. Go listen to it.
  15. The best thing these AI have over humans is how unbiased they are. Humans are too biased to accept the AIs lack of bias, they will engineer human bias into the AIs to make humans like them more. Which is the purest form of corruption. Conservatives, especially, will hate the AIs not mirroring their own biases back at them.
  16. Europe is oddly regressive when it comes to weed and psyches.
  17. Daily use can lead to some serious problems after a while. If you feel you need a break, then you need a break. Better to go slow and steady than fast and reckless. It's too easy to overdo psychedelics.
  18. How could I know? Sounds like one of those urban legends. Ram Dass is fond of such stories and I don't find them convincing. Lol If you don't come back, there won't be a trip report. And yes, I have read reports of people who just flat out died from one dose of 5-MeO-DMT. You never know how a chem will interact with every unique genetic variation.
  19. Also known as closedmindedness.
  20. Beyond nonduality is where serious consciousness starts happening.
  21. I figured out why Putin had Navalny killed now. It's because his election is coming up and he is fond of anniversery style gestures. Now the loose ends are tied up right on the eve of his reelection. A little reelection gift to himself. Clever devil.
  22. A forum member suggested we start this mega-thread, so here it is. Contribute any images, quotes, videos, examples of strange loops here. What is a strange loop? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strange_loop