Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Consciousness is a much more complex and richer thing than merely awareness. Although of course awareness is core to consciousness. To understand what consciousness is requires insane levels of awakening. Beyond nonduality and human spirituality. It couldn't be more profound. These so called enlightened people do not understand what consciousness is. Consciousness is a 1000 times more sophisticated than what Buddhists teach.
  2. That is certainly an easy trap to fall into.
  3. But think of it this way: if he was physically able to do it then his heart could not have been the limiting factor. If his heart was truly a limiting factor he simply would have failed. You cannot just grind your way through a bad heart. That is the fantasy. It's sorta funny, but if someone with a handicap succeeds, then by definition it was not a serious handicap. A serious handicap means you will fail no matter how hard you try.
  4. I never said it was. You guys keep arguing against things I didn't say.
  5. And if he could not afford those surgeries where would he be? You just prove my point. You speak as though everyone has access to 2 heart surgeries. And just because those specific handicaps didn't stop him doesn't mean much. They may not be relevent to his success. Other handicaps would have stopped him. So what you're saying does not contradict what I said.
  6. It's simple actually: just make the most of whatever genetics you got.
  7. Robert Greene writes some wise things. His books are worth reading. It's just not the full picture.
  8. I understand. I plan to make a video about that. Be careful not to get down over this. Getting laid is still possible for you.
  9. Black Pill is a poisonous ideology. That's not what I'm doing here.
  10. If you do as many approaches as Owen, you too will slip and land into some hot girls. I've dated some hot ass girls that were out of my league. That's what lots of pickup enables. Effort does matter. Again, none of this contradicts what I said.
  11. That's a huge if. Hitler's goal was simply unsustainable and was bound to come with many negative consequences for him and his people.
  12. Pretty much all of it is valid and very useful. The only correction is that looks play a bigger role than I said.
  13. Depends on how you define what karma is. If you simply mean that acting selfishly will produce natural negative blowback for you, then of course that's true. If you mean that God is somehow inflicting punishment on you for your evil ways, then that is a fantasy. Karma is not some kind of perfect or fair universal accounting system. It's possible to be extremely selfish but also lucky in avoiding blowback. But you could also be unlucky and experience extreme blowback to the point of unfairness.
  14. At least half of everything humans say is bullshit. Nothing I said contradicts that. Loosing weight is doable. Learning to read is doable. Doesn't require any super genetics. Remember, David Goggins has made a career out of selling you hope and the alpha grind mindset. That doesn't make it true. He is playing a character he has constructed. As is Owen. Their constructed personas have co-opt them. He does have good genes if he's in good health. He couldn't do the intense things he does without a baseline of good health. Health is a much deeper issue than just being fat. Fatness is not a genetic problem, it is a diet problem. Dude, you are citing a fictional character. You might as well cite Wiley Coyote's ability to survive a fall from a 1000ft cliff. There is no way a person with bad genes could even make it into the Navy Seals. Just because Gogins struggled does not disprove that. They aren't nothing. A cheeta can outrun you with zero discipline, just on his genes. Your discipline is a very limited thing relative to your genes. You can think of genes as all the stuff you can do with zero discipline. Practice is important but it requires having the correct genetic foundation. It's not one vs the other, it's both that are requiree for worldclass achievement. As I said, both are needed for worldclass achievement. Yes, you can generally learn all sorts of skills through massive practice. So what? I didn't say otherwise. Nothing I said means that hard work and practice are not important to success. It's also a question of the magnitude of your result. Can anyone learn to play tennis decently? Pretty much any able-bodied person can. But that is not the same as being a worldclass player. Likewise, can almost any guy learn to get laid with a random average girl? Yes. But that is not the same as sleeping with 100 8's, 9's, and 10's. The magnitude of your result is a huge factor here. Earning $1 million is pretty easy. Earning $10 billion is a totally nother level. If all you want to acheive is to sleep with 10 mediocre girls in your life, almost any guy can acheive that. Not a big deal.
  15. Pretty much. But still it sucks. Stage Orange is running amok. The corpos are soulless money-chasing devils.
  16. As I said, to do pickup effectively you need to move to a big city.
  17. Why do you care about tits at all? Think about it.
  18. You're not going to be confident. Confidence comes from experience. So just do your best and work hard to gain experience. Confidence will come naturally from that effort.
  19. Beauty at the non-metaphysical level is just stuff that promotes survival. You are talking about the metaphysical level, which is a tricky matter to explicate.
  20. You guys are my fanboys. Nobody else in the world treats me as special. When I am out about town I am as invisible as a ghost.
  21. Read what I said before carefully. I said it is possible to compensate for lack of looks. Two things are true at once: 1) Looks matter 2) You can still get laid with hot girls if you don't have great looks. But it is limited and you are at a disadvantage. Disadvantage does not mean something is impossible. You guys are arguing with me other nothing. If you read what I said careful you will see there's nothing to argue over.
  22. Owen is a worldclass bullshitter. Owen does not get many girls. He struggles to get them. Because of his looks. You have to understand that pickup coaches are very biased and untruthful people. They either straight out lie to their students or they themselves are deluded by years of pickup brainwashing. Also, if you notice, most of the successful pickup coaches are good looking extroverts. It's not merely their game that's doing the work. Similar to how successful bodybuilders are also coasting off great genetics and fooling you into thinking that it's all their hard work at the gym. No matter how much a regular guy hits the gym he will never be Arnold Schwarzeneggar. Because Arnold had peak genetics that enabled everything else. But fools think that it was all just hard work. You can't hard work you way into peak genetics. Which is why actors, musicians, athletes, and models get paid so much money. It's not just because they work hard. It's because they have peak genetics which 99% can't have. This makes them incredibly valuable comodities. Spiritually successful people also coast off their peak genetics, in case you haven't noticed. And so do the best intellectuals. All these things are grounded in having the right genetics. And then these people fool you into thinking otherwise. Many times they themselves are unaware of their innate advatages because they are too close to them. You can deny this all you want but in the end it's the truth. Be ware, if you turn this truth into a victim mentality, that's on you. I am not saying to do that. My only concern here is how reality actually works, not how you feel about it and how you need it to be for your sake.