Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. I love this topic! Good thinking! How To Be A Fuck Up At Life Lol
  2. Yes! I want to shoot a vid on this. I've been holding off to get more real-life experience.
  3. Yes, I'll cover that in more depth.
  4. Yup, this one is planned. Shadow Work is a very deep topic.
  5. I am a pretty lazy and slow reader. For me it's not about some fancy reading skills, it's just a life-long commitment to learning. Over a decade, the books add up. And lately I mostly just listen to audio-books. Far more efficient.
  6. If I ever commit to being a vegan, I might discuss it. But I haven't made that commitment yet. I will shoot some more videos about good nutrition though.
  7. This is a disaster in the making. Stop being lazy and pathetic and go meet new girls! It will only get harder as you age. You dream girl will only happen as the result of taking massive action. Statistically, you'll have to burn through a dozen girls before you find her.
  8. Find a new girl to practice with. Go for a less attractive/popular one. Don't be too picky. Get all the rookie mistakes out of the way. Go try to approach 10 new girls and befriend them. If you fail, don't worry about it. Failure with girls is all part of the game and ultimately they don't care.
  9. Here's what I've been buying lately: Organic frozen blueberries Organic frozen strawberries Organic frozen raspberries Organic frozen green beans Organic onions Organic garlic Organic kale Organic baby spinach Organic baby carrots Organic tomatoes Organic bell peppers Organic oyster mushrooms Organic portebello mushrooms Organic sprouts Smoked salmon Organic almond butter Raw unprocessed honey Cold-pressed organic v8-like juice Pom-juice Oranges Tangerines Avocados Bananas Kiwis Pineapple Mangoes Organic Honeycrisp apples Organic unsweetened almond milk Organic spices: white pepper, cumin, coriander, bay leaf, etc. Unsweetened coconut yogurt Coconut milk Coconut flakes Coconut cream Organic first-cold pressed olive oil Avocado oil Cantaloupe Honeydew melon Pomelo grapefruits
  10. Divorce rates are actually like 40% to 45%.
  11. This! Exactly! You have not addressed the root cause of anything. You cannot control your negative emotions at will. What you're doing is using him as an escape from dealing with your own issues. That's a disaster in the making.
  12. Fastest way to get over one-itis is to find a new girl. Use your current loneliness as fuel to pursue the next girl.
  13. This makes no sense from a biological perspective. All our closest ape cousins jerk off and have sex incessantly. Your body produces sperm regardless of if you jerk off or not and then expels it through your urine if you don't use it. It's not like that sperms stays in your nuts for a month. Sexual release is healthy for the organism. Now... perhaps not 12 times per day, lol.
  14. Good God! Look at all this human potential being pissed away. Glad I was smart enough never to touch the stuff. I've had hot girls invite me over to their place for weed. And in my mind I'm thinking, "No fucking way. You can smoke that shit all you want but I'm not having anything to do with it." Zero interest in artificial intoxicants.
  15. Audiobooks for FTW! Gets TONS of them. Or meditate if you're not driving. These basics is all you need. Do them consistently for months and your life will automatically transform. You don't need to always be doing some clever new thing.
  16. Food for thought: If you look at Zen monks in a monastery, they are super clean-freaks. They make the place look spotless. Many hours per day are spent on tending to the temple. They do their chores mindfully. I enjoy doing personal chores like groceries. It's the easiest part of my day.
  17. To start a business online you need to roll up your sleeves and start doing lots of research. Survey the marketplace and start eyeing a niche for yourself. As you do that, find answers to the following questions: What kind of business do you want to have? What do you want it to accomplish? How do you want to run it? Who would you be competing against? How would you be attracting clients? What is the value you'd be offering to clients? What role do you want to play in the business? How many employees do you want to have? How much money do you want to make? How much money do you have to invest in the business to get it off the ground? What are your passions? What are your are your really good at already, or could become good at?
  18. What is it you want to do with your life?
  19. It's a shortcut to enlightenment in the sense that once you take it, you now start the 1,000 hour self-inquiry process. You can't short-cut self-inquiry. I never said 100,000 hours. Only 1,000 hours. << That's not too bad if you think about. Only a couple years work. Less than high school. The problem is that people are so damn lazy and care about truth so little, that this 1,000 hours might as well be 1,000,000,000.
  20. Reframe it as a tangible sign of progress. I love it when I feel crappy after meditation. It means the meditation is working. The subconscious mind is surfacing old mental garbage and purging it. This is what spiritual purification looks like. Most people mistake it for a sign of trouble when actually is very healthy. Keep going! Don't let up.
  21. I thought all artists were neurotics
  22. It takes faith in a larger vision for your life. I decided to make a 100% commitment to meditate every day for 1 hour, no exceptions EVER! I made that decision because I could not run Actualized.org congruently without it, nor could I realize my life purpose without it. That was almost 3 years ago. Have not missed one day since. It was one of the most important decisions I've made in my life. TOTALLY worth it! Just go for it. As Jack Canfield says, "100% commitment is a breeze, 99% commitment is a bitch."
  23. Yes, it will be brutal at times. And worst of all, the ego will use this as an excuse to trash all your other personal development gains. The ego is like a little spoiled child. When you take away its candy, it starts to spit and fight and rage and cry and use every other cheap trick in the book. What do you do about? Just observe it mindfully. Don't react to it. Be patient. Be accepting. And never break your daily practice under any conditions. If your pace or workload is too high, scale it down. This is just like running a marathon. You gotta pace intelligently.