Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Physically it will not hurt you. But psychologically, of course, you could have a freak out or full mental breakdown -- at least in theory. I wouldn't worry about it too much unless you have some serious history of mental disorder. The ego's only way to defend itself is through trickery and deception. So it will lie, cheat, distract, criticize, get angry, and/or throw tamper tantrums, and stinkbombs of fear. What you succumbed to here is a mild stinkbomb of fear. The solution is ALWAYS to just push through and keep meditating until your period is over. Don't let little things like this faze you. A true Makyo would be something like hallucinating a totally life-like giant hairy spider crawling towards you to eat your head off.
  2. You gotta make sure it's not mechanical though. You have to really wonder, "Why is this true? What is that true? Why is anything true? How do I know? Could I be wrong?" Basically taking an extreme skeptic's stance toward everything.
  3. Yes, do nothing for 5000 hours, lol. When it will come, no one can say. It could happen right now, it could happen in 10 years. But when you sit down to meditate or self-inquire, your intent should be to become enlightened NOW! You will fail thousands of times. But it only takes once to succeed. This is not a mechanical process. Each time you sit down you have to genuinely be curious and come at the question from a place of wonder and wanting to know. You will of course fail at this too many times. You could even just sit there doing nothing and not even care about enlightenment with zero intent. And you could still get enlightened. Although probably it will take much longer. There are dozens of ways to get enlightened. Even opposite ways can work!
  4. These are difficult choices to make for sure. But don't forget just how screwed up and neurotic your kid will be growing up under the "normal American lifestyle". He's gonna get addicted to crap food, crap entertainment, and crap knowledge. I don't think placing a lot of bans on things is the solution. That will only make him want it more. Instead, I would try to personally demonstrate through your own lifestyle how you prefer to live. Set the right example. Have a TV but don't watch it yourself. Have crap food around but don't eat it yourself. When he sees you avoiding all the crap, he will eventually start to wonder why and start to model you. You can't really force kids into personal development. They have to learn the evils of modern society through direct trial and error experience. I personally learned a lot from seeing my parents totally fuck up at life. I had very little bans on what I could do as a kid. But just seeing the disastrous results of their habits and lifestyle eventually made me fully bought into personal development. The important thing is not to set rules for your kids, but to teach them wisdom and strategic thinking skills. And let your kids take risks, fail, and hurt themselves. That's ultimately the best teacher. Suffering is a self-correction mechanism.
  5. Please keep this discussion within the parameters of our User Guidlines. This is a discussion of legal books purchases only.
  6. If you're working more than 50 hours per week, you're doing it wrong. And if you're working less than 30 hours per week, you're doing it wrong. The ideal is... 40 hours per week! No more, no less.
  7. I would just like to add: "Scoo be do be do" -- Scooby-Doo
  8. Kinda nerdy and technical. I'm keep it in mind.
  9. You can find used books on Amazon or Ebay for next to nothing.
  10. Lol Would be pretty cool to have an orgasm and enlightenment experience at the same time. Imagine that moment when God realizes he's jerking himself off.
  11. @Sarah_Flagg That whole "normal life" thing has to be thrown under the bus.
  12. If time is an illusion, then secluding yourself for a 1000 hours shouldn't be a problem Don't forget that when you get killed in the Matrix, it still hurts.
  13. You could take some time off from it, then return in 3 to 6 months. Perhaps you're just burned out on it. Or maybe it's time for you to start pursuing deeper work, like meditation/enlightenment.
  14. Hmmmm... I'll have to think about this. How does one become smarter? Might be a good topic.
  15. I will consider it.
  16. @Sarah_Flagg It's fine.
  17. It's a good topic but since I'm not a parent I don't want to give too much parenting advice.
  18. It's an interesting topic but outside my domain.
  19. Good topic, definitely on my do-to list. Just something to ponder: would you hate your kids for going to college to learn new things? No? Then why would you hate yourself for taking a self-help course?
  20. Yes, morality warrants a specific discussion. Good idea!
  21. I will cover rationality soon for sure.
  22. Yeah, I want to talk about NLP and where it fits into the broader picture of personal development.
  23. Chronic Fatigue is a very common condition these days because of poor diet and environmental toxins. I have struggle with it myself. Once I fix it in myself, I want to shoot a video about it.