Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. There's no good answer to your question. How can you expect such a thing to be quantified? Here's the simple fix: Implement a 20 minute daily mindfulness meditation habit and you'll never have to worry about it again.
  2. Enlightenment and unconditional love are ultimately the same thing. But it will take you years to realize that, and true love will not be possible until the ego is kicked out of the castle. You can still apply self-love techniques now, even if you're very far from enlightenment. It's sort of a fake-it-till-you-make it approach. It definitely helps. But it's not a replacement for discovering your true existential nature. Nothing big can shift in your psyche as long as you believe that you actually exist as a human character. Why? Because it's a bald-faced falsehood. You can't do something deep and meaningful based on a lie.
  3. You need to do a LOT more study and research to orient yourself within this field. Any new field you enter requires some time for laying the theortical groundwork so that you start to have at least a basic map of what's possible and how things ought to be prioritized. Right now you're like a rat in a maze asking if you should turn left or turn right. The proper solution is to zoom out and study the maze from a birds-eye-view. What does this practically mean? Lots of reading, watching videos, taking notes, and introspection. Don't be afraid of getting a bit nerdy and theoretical. This is a necessary first step to get your bearings straight. In other words, gather your intel.
  4. Ask yourselves this: How does a heroin addict release the need for heroin? Most of your "needs" are not different from heroin. Your mind just tells you they are, and uses scientific studies -- or whatever's justification de jure -- to back it up.
  5. Of course, because for it to "stick" all the 100 billion neurons in your brain have to rewire. Usually takes a decade. Maybe you could speed things up with nano-robots who rewire your brain for you (patent pending ) While at it, you may as well invent a technology to cram 12 years of school + 4 years of college into your brain in the flash of a second.
  6. Just sit for many hours at a time doing absolutely nothing. Suicide will happen automatically after a few thousand hours of this. Don't ask how to sit. Just sit in a relaxed manner and be aware of reality.
  7. If you could do it without destroying the person's brain, similar to binuaral beats, then hell yeah! It would be a revolutionary technology greater than electricity or the PC. Psychedelic drugs do just this. Nothing unethical about them. The unethical thing is banning them.
  8. There's a lot of shit we just flat out don't know. Enlightenment is not about knowing everything. It's about seeing the beauty of the unknown.
  9. @Philip Haha! Awesome! Try gnawing on this chestnut: is the distinction between true/false true? Or false? Is falseness true, or is falseness false?
  10. No, most don't even become teachers.
  11. JUST?? To become a yogi is the only thing of significance. Everything else is fool's gold.
  12. @Maty The ego is an illusion. It's no one's fault because there isn't anyone here.
  13. Good God! This place is going to turn into a cult after I'm dead.
  14. Unfair to the silly ego that thinks it exists, and thinks time exists. To the True Self, everything is great! If you really feel enlightenment should be wide-spread, why not commit your life to helping people become enlightened?
  15. @A way to Actualize What you're missing is the part about enlightenment being just a BEGINNING, not an end state. It will take a decade for your psychology to fully adapt to the revelations of truth. And you'll have much deeper enlightenments in the future too! For the truly wise, the spiritual path NEVER ends! Only a fool has an enlightenment experience or two and thinks he's arrived.
  16. You should take a 10 day Vipassana meditation retreat. It will blow your mind wide open. There's nothing like 10 hours a day of meditation for 10 days! It's the stuff that makes Buddha's
  17. I doubt the artist had enlightenment in mind. It just struck me as a great allegory for enlightenment.
  18. In Zen, they commonly only give you 4 hours of sleep. So you learn to meditate through sleepiness and tiredness and stop being a little pussy. But, hey... that's just Zen.
  19. Lol Just look at this bald-faced lie! Hint: confusion is only a feature of the ego. Without ego there cannot be confusion.
  20. Enlightenment doesn't exist in the sense that it's just a concept in your head. Enlightenment is existence itself. Looking for enlightenment like an object within existence is of course a trap. You will never find a thing called enlightenment.
  21. The distinction between reality/observer is false. That's what ego is. A boundary which does not exist.
  22. There is a big difference between having a few enlightenment experiences and becoming a Buddha. The Buddha thing takes 40 years and it's only a path for the most exceptional people.
  23. Editing is limited to a 24-hour window because people abuse the privilege by making stealth edits or delete content retroactively.
  24. A good book to read after watching the video.