Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Don't over-romanticism the ancients. They were plenty dumb.
  2. Bitcoin is not a hedge against inflation. When inflation was high, Bitcoin crashed. You guys are so bought into the group-think that you are not seeing reality clearly.
  3. That's very interesting. Thanks for sharing. It would be good to get more data on whether this works consistently for everyone.
  4. This is just hindsight bias. Many people were predicting a recession and market collapse. When you guys are accidently right, you act as though you knew the market. And then one day the market will wipe you out. Because you're not actually predicting anything, you are reading tea leaves and BSing yourselves.
  5. But how do you avoid plastics? Nearly all food is packaged in it. It's impossible to avoid. Even the meat you buy at the butcher is wrapped in plastic-coated paper.
  6. But I'm sure the next version of ChatGTP is in the works and will be better.
  7. But what can be done about it? Is there a way to detox microplastics?
  8. Mostly against, as it is speculation. I have an investment in Bitcoin. But my financial sitauation is different than most of you. If you don't have lots of extra money then I would not place it in crypto. Stocks are a much better investment.
  9. Old man yells at cloud.
  10. Bitcoin is not a currency. It is a high integrity store of value.
  11. @Past-Philosopher-562 A) Your education was not pointless, you learned some valuable things. B) You don't have to just work, you can prioritize your social life over work since that is part of your goal.
  12. A lot of rounds are required. At least 20-30 rounds. You can do them every other week for a year. Then see how you feel. You may need to do even more. 1 or 2 rounds is not going to do much for you.
  13. How is it pointless? It will be a meaningful use of your time and you will feel good along the way. You will build a nice life for yourself. You won't have to wait 5-10 years to start feeling good. You will get good feelings all along the way. Like I said, what is the alternative? Sitting around feeling sorry for yourself and getting more and more bitter?
  14. @Cocolove Sounds like you are on the right track for you, so don't doubt yourself now.
  15. So? I have lived most of my life without friends or girlfriend. You don't need weed for that. Focus on your life purpose, career, business, art, reading, hobbies, travel, etc. You just need to face sober living. Eventually it will become better than being high. Make sober living a principle of your life. You know very well what unsober life is like, and it sucks for you. So you have nothing to lose by going sober.
  16. Because peace is too boring
  17. @mr_engineer If you were getting laid you wouldn't be talking about any of this crap.
  18. My last two girlfriends were both emotionally unavailable for 4-6 months before they came back around to date me. I gave them space and it worked well. This is not the ideal way to date, but sometimes you gotta give girls space. Just don't sit there waiting. Go talk to more girls. Fill your funnel with interested girls and some of them will pan out 6 months down the road. It's no different than a sales funnel. A good salemen is not pushy and gives the customer space to come back around.
  19. I have been earnestly trying to help you for a long time now. But my patience with you is running thin. You show no interest in learning or changing.
  20. Not really if it's a cornerstone to your dream. Don't worry about working hard towards things you know you want and need. Worry about wasting your money on things that contribute little to your top values.
  21. Yes, your behavior is scaring vulnerable girls. So stop doing that. Simple. You deliberately refuse to take in the points I make. Why don't you just learn to behave better? It will be easier than all this complaining you do for YEARS.
  22. @Cocolove Well, 55 hrs of work is not that much in order to build a key piece of the life you want. You just have to frame it properly in your mind, as a stepping stone towards your dream.