Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. My pleasure. Stay with it and enjoy the work. There is nothing more meaningful you could be doing. If you've been asking the question: Who am I? You might now want to move onto the question: What am I? If you now know Who you are, what is that who? Look deeply into the matter. Nothing you see, hear, feel, or think is What you are. Become the Nothingness & infinity that you are.
  2. Know your purpose, know your values. Trust them and stay authentic to yourself every day. That's pretty much the recipe for an awesome life. The opposite is a recipe for a disastrous life.
  3. A few hairs on the ox's tail Good! But don't fool yourself. That ain't enlightenment yet. It goes WAY fucking deeper than that. Things you can't even imagine. There's still 1000s of hours of contemplation to do!
  4. It seems to be a spontaneous phenomena that may arise from a mystical or religious experience. It occurs for psychedelic users sometimes, so it's not an exclusively Christian thing. There's really nothing important about it. Just a distraction from the really deep insights you should be after.
  5. Cool. No problem as long as you're not selling them to people. Depressed, no. Anxious, a bit sometimes. Yeah, negative emotions are getting their ass kicked every day. It's like becoming Teflon-coated. Nothing sticks for very long. Many of the authors in my book list. Deep video coming about psychedelics soon.
  6. @Christian Do both! Affirmations can easily be misused. Or they can be used well.
  7. Yes, of course! Real enlightened people ARE both Buddha and Zorba. They enjoy life! They do not take themselves or life seriously at all. This idea of an enlightened person being an overly-serious Zen monk is a myth. It's just an excuse unenlightened people create so that they can say, "Oh, I don't want to be enlightened because it's a drag." In fact, an enlightened Zen monk will have way more personality and range of emotions than the average American.
  8. No! That's the whole point! You do not control awareness. Try it.
  9. No! Not nearly enough. The things you learn in the new course will totally revolutionize your life in ways you never imaged possible. You will wonder how you ever lived without it
  10. I got a new video about psychedelics coming out soon. It will be a good one.
  11. Those are all good questions you should sit down and ask yourself, in silent and deep contemplation. The work is done when YOU generate YOUR own answers.
  12. @cirkussmile That sounds like something that might get you fired more than leading to a raise. A boss does not want to know all his mistakes. He wants YOU to create more value for the company. And he's not likely to view criticism of him as you adding more value to the company. Because he's of course going to get defensive. Focus on being a creator rather than a critic. If you're going to play the critic, you are best off working for yourself. Because if you supposedly know how to do everything right, then you should have no problem starting your own company and running the show. In which case, you no longer need this job. Don't forget that it's very easy to criticize. What's difficult is making shit happen.
  13. There exists an older thread that addresses exactly this question, and people posted their opinions and experiences. Try doing a search. It was in this sub-forum.
  14. @Mat Pav Good! Be sure to put your money where your mouth is
  15. No, enlightenment and life purpose are synergistic when done properly.
  16. I cannot speak to your situation. Only you can know what is best to do there.
  17. People are different. Enlightenment can come through very different paths, and post-enlightenment can be different too. How the mind interprets the Truth can be very different. I dunno about Norquist, but McKenna's clearly very happy with his enlightenment. Don't mistake the hellish path to enlightenment that some people take with enlightenment itself. A lot of people are neurotic and fucked up before they get enlightened, and they can even remain so afterwards. If you're doing enlightenment work properly and calmly, there's nothing to worry about. Broaden your sources. Try looking at enlightenment from the Sufi perspective or the Yogic perspective, rather than just these two guys.
  18. Sit alone in a room for 12 hours without doing anything. See how happy you are. If you're detached, you'll be a happy camper. If you're not a happy camper, you're attached to whatever.
  19. If you expect your blog to pay the bills, think again. That's very tough to accomplish and you shouldn't bank on it. Prove consistent profit first before you decide to move out. When it comes to income, you need a reliable plan, not just a pipe dream.
  20. You guys take Jed way too seriously. He over-exaggerates a lot for dramatic effect. The fact is that experiencing the truth, first-hand, is the greatest experience you can have. There's nothing else like it. The only problem is that getting there isn't easy.
  21. My alarm clock Sure, many times Thanks! Just the random purgings of the psyche from lots of meditation and self-inquiry. I remember many. I talk to none. How am I supposed to quantify that? The time is not important. I don't meditate when I talk to people. I get lots of monkey mind still all the time. What else is there to do? It's philosophy. It's ego. Don't get stuck on philosophy. Go for direct consciousness of truth. Some of very old videos aren't that great or that deep, or sometimes a bit neurotic. But people are at different levels and the channel could always use more subscribers. Probably quite different. Yes, although it's not a high priority thing. Sex/masturbation, although it's not really a problem for me or a point of frustration. Relaxation is good. Don't limit that. But TV... just stop watching it period. Sell your TV and never think about it again. There is nothing you will miss about it after a year or two. 1) I don't know what that is. 2) No. You should be enlightened already. Yeah, sometimes. Not on the street but at the gym, at grocery stores, restaurants, or nightclubs. I honestly can't remember any more. It's always slow at first.
  22. No, I look to the left because that's where the eyes naturally go when I think and because there's a bright-ass light to the right which isn't pleasant to look at. I'm making my impact, I just don't want to change society through the political process because that's not my cup of tea. No. I don't join any ideology or social system. Oh I dunno... They all sorta blur together in my mind after a while. I like my deepest videos about metaphysics, philosophy, and the deception nature of mind. I don't play video games any more. That's a deep topic I can't adequately address here. Yeah, sometimes. Although my desire for decadent food has really dropped off a lot. It's just such a low-quality pleasure. Orange County I did about 45 minutes x5 days per week for a long time. But lately I've stopped going to the gym at all.
  23. Of course you're gonna fail! Of course! It's not an "if", it's a guarantee! Which is why life purpose is so critical. I've failed at many many projects. You've never heard of them, and you never will.