Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Be resourceful. This is not a toy. If you're serious and care about your consciousness, you will find it. If you're just dicking around, then 5-meo is probably not for you. Did you finish high school in 3 years with 2/3 hours per day? It's been delayed as I am swamped with research.
  2. @Yertle the Turtle Oh snap! That video! Man, you've got ONE life. It's gonna be over before you know it. GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER!!! What are you waiting for? You're fucking YOUNG. Get leverage on yourself. Just do it and stop the overthinking and story-telling. JUST DO IT! START TAKING ACTION! Complacency ruins more lives than all the meth in the world combined. You should be out there hustling your ass off every thing day like an eager beaver, building your dreams. JUST SHUT UP AND DO IT!
  3. Just as a tip guys: Don't read too many negative trip reports. Don't fill your mind too much with horror stories. Stupid people do stupid things and then post them as trip reports. Many negative trip reports are written by neurotic teens being teens, doing stupid things, mixing substances together with alcohol and weed, in the wrong settings, without a scale or drug test kits, using unknown substances & sources, etc. If you are mature and follow all the proper guidelines, hold yourself to a higher standard, and have faith in yourself and your ability to surrender when the moment comes. All psychedelics do is reflect your own mind back at you. They are a mirror. So polish your mirror and have faith in Truth (what you should be doing already anyways).
  4. Variance is huge between dosages because it's very easy to fail to absorb the full dose properly. Someone can snort or smoke 60mg, but it drips down their throat or isn't fully inhaled when smoked, and so effectively they only get 10-20mg out of that 60mg. Or maybe they get the full 60mg! 5-meo takes some trial and error to do correctly. Smoking it isn't easy. That takes skill. Snorting is easier, but still easy to screw it up if you don't tilt your head upside down for 10 minutes like I discovered. I recommend starting low and learning the proper technique. Then going higher. Proper technique is especially important if smoking.
  5. Sure, it's not hard at all if you really want it. The problem is people don't want it and minds are way too closed. Finishing high school takes more work than enlightenment. Let's not over-state the difficulty.
  6. I don't consider 30mg very high. It feels like a perfect breakthrough dose. I would call it a high dose, but not a very high dose. Over 30mg would start to reach into the Very High territory. But you could be more sensitive than me. For snorting, 20mg is low. I doubt it will bring you to Absolute Infinity. At least it didn't for me. I tried exactly 20mg my second time. It was a relatively deep experience, but not Infinite. I've read reports of people taking 75mg or more and living. That's plain stupid, but just goes to show. I'm pretty confident that anything under 40mg snorted will not physically harm you if you are of normal health.
  7. Any clips posted of the interviews will be deleted. They are nowhere near the final product and are not meant for release.
  8. @electroBeam A) Not enough foundation work B) Too young C) Too low a dose D) Discounting the value of bad trips as part of the growth path E) You're probably failing to fully surrender
  9. Sounds like you're applying the technique neurotically. Might be better for you to chill out and just meditate regularly, with love and kindness towards yourself. Meditation is not a dick-measuring contest. The most important part is that you're MEDITATING. Your posture is not that important. I meditate comfortably on my couch. If you have health problems, SDS might not work for you at all. Then again, consider that your ego might just be creating a backlash from all the neurotic self-discipline you've been forcing upon yourself (which is why you're pissed off). I suggest trying a different meditation technique and then returning to SDS after a few months to see how things have changed. Don't worry, you haven't lost anything. It's all consciousness training. And SDS is designed to be VERY hardcore.
  10. Of course, that's the buying yourself 1,000,000 lottery tickets part. You buy a lottery ticket each time you sit down and question, question, question yourself.
  11. It's random in the sense it's unpredictable. You will never know when it hits you. But just like playing the lottery -- which is random -- buying yourself 1,000,000 tickets can help you win very significantly. So from your perspective, there's no need to worry about odds. You can make the odds 100% if you want. But you still won't ever know when it hits you.
  12. That's like asking, do mathematicians get diseases? There is no difference between any enlightened person and yourself.
  13. Depends on how you define reality. I'm talking about what most people consider their reality, the ego-constructed dream state, the entire web of beliefs.
  14. @Frogfucius Par for the course. Of course you will experience existential crises on this journey. Many of them. Many depths of them. Just keep going. And if it gets really bad, ease up on yourself, eat some ice cream, and watch some Donald Trump speeches Then come back to the work in a few days. Remember to temper your relentless drive for Truth with self-love and self-compassion. Be nice to yourself! Whipping yourself isn't God-like If you start seeing giant praying Mantis people creeping up on your from the ceiling, remember it's all cool. They're just praying Mantis people, nothing to see here folks... move along... just phenomena...
  15. This: http://testkitplus.com/product/lsd-test-kit It tests for Indoles, which is what LSD and mushrooms are. LSD, DMT, and Mushrooms all have the same basic molecular structure. There is no way you're gonna confuse a mushroom with LSD because LSD comes as blotter and mushrooms look like dried mushrooms or tan powder. The most important thing when testing a powder is to test it against harmful chemicals like heroine, cocaine, DXM, meth, etc. *This info is provided for harm reduction purposes.
  16. @Deep That's just reaching a point of being fed up beyond the pale. Enlightenment is WAY beyond that. It's more like getting fed up beyond the pale of ALL OF REALITY. It's like saying, "Fuck you reality! You are bullshit! I quit you forever!"
  17. @RossE Firstly, it takes time and consistency. Doing neti-neti once a week, it will take you 50 years. Try doing 100 hours of neti-neti straight in a row. That's more like what you need to break through. And even then, that's just newbie work. Secondly, you're never going to find yourself. Even after 50 years of neti-neti. All you'll realize is that you ARE the thing you're failing to find: namely, NOTHING! There's nothing to find cause you don't exist. That's what's to be found! You have no attributes. You cannot be seen, hear, smelled, tasted, felt, or thought. What you are is the absence of all attributes. AKA, infinite nothingness, AKA God. It's right there! Look! There is nothing to find.
  18. Philosophy, mathematics, nuclear physics, trans-personal psychology, linguistics/semantics/semoitics, comparative religion. Although you'll have to be very picky within those. Lots of anti-enlightenment dogma in each of those fields.
  19. That's because ego twists this whole thing around. To become God is the humblest move possible. But from your egoic perspective it looks arrogant because it feels threatening to you that I am now somehow above you. But that's not how it feels to me. I AM YOU! So there's no superiority or separation. There is no one to whom I could be superior or inferior. Those ideas only make sense to egos.
  20. @Mercy Chances are quite high that a Christian ego would coopt the experience and say, "See! I knew it all along! I was right, and they were wrong! Christianity is the one true faith!" But a truly openmineded Christian would say, "OMG! So much of what I believed and was told about religion is bullshit! But I understand why now and I don't hate anyone for it because the same forces of ignorance I see in others is present within me. All beliefs are wrong."
  21. I've noticed a lot of aspiring life coaches here, which is cool. I remember the days, not so long ago, when I was in your shoes, struggling to enter this weird new field called life coaching. If you have any questions about the DO's and DON'Ts of coaching, ask away. I'm happy to share my lessons from the last few years of coaching clients. I've actually stopped coaching at this point to focus on shooting better videos and developing Actualized.org. One thing that I discovered about myself through this career journey is that my zone of genius is more about direct advice-giving and research than coaching and guiding. I enjoy coaching people, but I enjoy shooting videos more.
  22. The problem with all religions/sects is that they are not 100% bad/useless. If that was the case, it would be very easy for people to reject them. The problem with all religions/sects is that they take techniques and methods which have legitimate psychological or spiritual value and mix it with a bunch of dogma. And no matter how good the benefits of the techniques may initially be, eventually the dogma catches up to you and limits your growth. But by then, it's usually too late. The dogma's got ya!
  23. @Esoteric http://www.shinzen.org/Articles.htm Detailed Vipassana manuals available here, although Shinzen's approach is a bit different than mainstream Goenka Vipasanna retreats, which just have you do body-sweeping and focusing on the breath.