Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. @InsidesOut 5-meo doesn't show you a void. Just the opposite. If you're looking for a void, Ketamine seems more like that.
  2. @InsidesOut Don't get me wrong, any psychedelic is better than none at all. Mushrooms, LSD, mescaline, DMT, etc are all great mind-opening tools and will speed up your growth significantly if used wisely.
  3. @InsidesOut Not as clearly or consistently. Try finding some Yopo snuff. Should be easy in Brazil.
  4. @Peak https://www.actualized.org/articles/how-to-become-enlightened
  5. @Ready You don't have a lot of time to waste. No one is going to really help you become enlightened. It's all up to you. Sit down and start deconstructing that ego. And if you wanna blow your entire worldview out of the water in 15 mins, try 5-meo. You will learn more from those 15 minutes than you have in your entire meditation career combined. You don't need more Vipassana. You need to self-inquiry. Answer the question: What are you? Answer it from direct experience only. No ideas, no philosophy, no belief, no Vipassana theory, no speculation.
  6. @Natura Sonoris Be prepared to get your ass kicked If I was gonna take DMT, I would plug it rectally.
  7. @DJ I felt awesome. Like a lifetime of emotional baggage and tension was shed from my body. Even my sinuses were cleared.
  8. @Parki If you can't google for a drug test kit, then you're probably better off not getting involved with psychedelics at all. http://testkitplus.com/product/lsd-test-kit
  9. @Kserkkj Learning to be OKAY with confusion and not-knowing will be a hurdle you'll have to cross in order to get to enlightenment. Don't wait for enlightenment to fix that for you. Fix it yourself now. Otherwise you've got very little chance at enlightenment. Enlightenment is not a knowing. It's an un-knowing. Your ego will likely NOT like that. If you try to get to enlightenment through your normal modes of knowing, you will waste YEARS of your life. It will never happen that way. It's safe to assume everything you know is wrong. So just throw it out the window and sit quietly with a blank mind experiencing direct experience.
  10. @username If there was existential terror, you're definitely on the right track. But that was only the tip of the iceberg. So keep going!
  11. Nice report! 5-meo will knock your socks off! You are ready to see the Infinite. (You might also be interested in looking into DPT.)
  12. @Ramu Salvia's actually pretty dangerous because you lose motor control for a while. I'm shocked it's not already illegal.
  13. Tis legal in Spain I believe. But check for yourselves.
  14. Start low or you're gonna freak yourself out.
  15. Read the Bible and look at his demeanor. Jesus was basically a radical spiritual revolutionary and nutcase who ran around town yelling, "The world is ending!" He had a bone to pick with the materialistic corruptions of Judaism, his religion. Several short years of that kind of behavior got him executed by the establishment. Understandably so. That's how it would have looked to you if you were alive in that era.
  16. Check out MAPS: http://www.maps.org/ They are a government sanctioned medical research program which is using psychedelics for therapy, and very successfully. In the next few decades, psychedelics will be used legally in the USA and Canada for therapeutic purposes, because science definitively proves it works, and works well. Just a matter of time. 5-meo has been used for therapy a lot in the past. It's highly effective. See Ralph Metzner's work. It's all been well-studied for decades. People are just ignorant of the results.
  17. @Aamir King Right, cause who the hell wants to fast for 30 days when you could just watch cartoons and eat ice cream instead? How can we turn this whole thing about fasting for 30 days into more like cartoons and ice cream? So the kids like it I know! We could promise 72 virgin vaginas! Way better than cartoons and ice cream! Besides, cartoons haven't been invented yet and ice cream melts pretty fast in the desert. So... any takers?
  18. A distinction needs to be made between mystical experiences and insight. A mystical experiences comes and goes. But from it may come insight. The insight is more or less permanent. It's possible to have: Mystical experience with no insight Insight with no mystical experience Both Neither A mystical experience, even with little permanent insight, is still a HUGELY valuable thing for people on this path. Plus they're cool as hell. Would you pass up a free cosmic orgasm?
  19. @Outer There's a reason the medicine man was the original guru-figure in ancient human cultures. He knew where to find the good stuff
  20. @John Flores It's safe to assume there's always something deeper. Don't ever underestimate consciousness
  21. @David1 I wouldn't call it dissociative. It's more pleasant and less twisted than mushrooms or salvia. Just gotta get over the initial fear. Also, the fact that it's duration is short is a huge plus. That really minimizes the freakout factor because you can calm yourself down by thinking, "It will be all over in 20 minutes."
  22. Good to hear that it's possible to get through to some of you
  23. Mushrooms are highly effective for dealing with psychological issues. It's like 1 year of therapy compressed into 4 hours. 5-meo is like a divine nuclear explosion in your mind. Hard to tell what structures will collapse from it other than your entire model of physics and reality. It's more existential than psychological, although it could certainly have psychological fallout. Your biggest challenge will be integrating it back into ordinary life. These substances could certainly help, but it's still essential that you go out and socialize more. You're not going to cure shyness by sitting in your Mom's basement (if that's your plan).
  24. I bet ya that even a blind person will experience some crazy visuals on N,N-DMT. 5-meo's most important features aren't visual. Infinite is infinite. Even a blind man is infinite.
  25. @Frogfucius Careful about idealizing enlightened people, you will be disappointed. Jesus was not pure benevolence. If you look at the descriptions of him, he was also a prick. As many enlightened masters can be. Don't equate enlightenment with automatic goodness. That goodness requires MUCH additional work. And it's actually easier to become deeply enlightened than to become perfectly good.