Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Just stay vigilant. A problem that deep isn't gonna be fixed with just a few videos.
  2. @Joel3102 Don't worry, you can fall back asleep very easily, at any time. In fact, that's almost 99% the case unless you make SERIOUS efforts otherwise. You haven't swallowed any pill. You're gonna have to fight tooth and nail for YEARS to break down that ego to the point of no return.
  3. Read your own question above. Cause apparently you don't know it yet. You THINK you know it. But you're not conscious that that's just another thought.
  4. @Xpansion So in other words.... you can -- with lots of careful investigation and hard work -- one day discover that you're not your thoughts
  5. Just start doing meditation & self-inquiry every day, and stop all this ego-drama. There's nothing to figure out. You don't exist and never have. Either you want to become conscious of this truth, or not. If you do, thinking about it will not help. You just need to sit down every day and look at the fact that you don't exist. Don't expect it to feel good at first. You've built your entire life around this illusion. Get comfortable with confusion. It's a good thing here.
  6. @Wormon Blatburm Egos get scared easily. But the reality is, I've never met anyone who's enlightened who said, "Fuck man! I wish I could go back asleep to how I was." Instead they say things like, "I wouldn't go back for $1 million dollars", or "For the first time in my life I realized I was never happy until now." One of the problems of doing enlightenment from the Western neo-adviata perspective is that it doesn't have any support structures. If you do enlightenment from the Eastern traditions like Buddhism, Yoga, or Tantra, you get a much more supportive framework for enlightenment. Enlightenment is a beautiful and loving thing when seen properly. For the average Western materialistic ego, yeah, it's depressing. Because Western materialism is so stupid. Enlightenment is for people who really LOVE reality. If you hate reality, and love fantasy, then you'll have a hard time with it. From my perspective, there's nothing more beautiful than ego death.
  7. Top reasons for not getting results: 1) No life purpose, no vision 2) No sense of priority or clear values 3) Not building one habit at a time 4) Expecting too much too fast 5) Working on too shallow, too materialistic goals (like money, sex, fitness) 6) No ability to create a practical action plan from abstract concepts/goals
  8. @z2ludgfyyxnz I know a Zen monk here in the USA who travels around the country, living out of his van, from dojo to dojo training in Japanese swordfighting and gives personal massages to pay this meager bills. He seems happy. Very intelligent guy. He has a PhD in astrophysics, and used to work for Wallstreet. There are many creative ways to avoid the system.
  9. @Xpansion So then what are you? Do you realize yet that whatever you think you are, that's a thought!
  10. Good stuff. The ego likes to over-dramatize everything. Darkness only exists from the ego's point of view.
  11. @Epiphany_Inspired Your friend will never know until she tries.
  12. Well, if you expect a single technique to fix all your problems, then 10 hours per day is actually a small price to pay. If you don't want to invest 10 hours per day, then reduce your expectations appropriately. Otherwise it's like expecting to buy a $10 million dollar yacht for $1,000 dollars. The Buddha meditated to the brink of death for over 6 years. When he says not to over do things, that means: instead of meditating to the point of death, make it easy on yourself and only meditate for 10 hours per day. I never suggested to meditate for 10 hours per day. I only suggest it here because John is looking for 1 technique to solve all of life's problems. Meditation is actually capable of doing that, but not at 20 mins per day.
  13. @John If you expect meditation to fix all your problems, A) that itself is a problem because obviously you're looking for an easy way out, B) it is possible but will require MASSIVE amounts of meditation. I would suggest two things: 1) Try meditating 1 week straight for 10 hours per day. Just so you get a true sense of what real meditation is about. 20 minutes per day is nothing. At 20 mins per day, meditation will not solve many of your real world problems. But at 10 hour per day, in a few years, your entire life could transform in unimaginable ways. 2) If you have tangible life goals like buying a house or getting a girlfriend, you work on those IN ADDITION to meditation. Notice how you are looking for an easy way out. Meditation is not such a way. But it is a very powerful way. If you want a remarkable transformation in your life, expect to pay for it with emotional labor. The reason you're depressed in the first place is because you keep avoiding emotional labor.
  14. Those of you thinking that women can't or don't want to do enlightenment work need to read up on nuns. Or women yogi's like this: http://www.yogananda-srf.org/lineageandleadership/Sri_Daya_Mata.aspx#.WAZmGsnz8UI
  15. On tests, do as they want. But for yourself, seek a deeper truth.
  16. Ahemmm.... LP course That's the reason it was created. It's not about the money.
  17. I know MANY women who are into enlightenment work. Careful making stereotypes. My audience is largely male because my approach is rather blunt.
  18. I've bought some but haven't found a good use for them yet. They are mostly good if you are doing stuff like counting breathes or doing every specific pranayama exercises. If you're just plain old meditating, use a timer with a vibrate function.
  19. Now you can appreciate Leela, the play of Shiva and Shakti
  20. Waiting for someone to start a thread of best post-enlightenment names. I call dips on Sri McYodanada
  21. @jse To not make use of a tool like 5-meo is an abuse of knowledge in my book
  22. @jse There's no contradiction really. Most people will never become enlightened through 5-meo because they do not combine it properly with study and practice of nonduality. Like I said in the 5-meo video, a few trips on 5-meo will NOT make you enlightened. I have yet to meet a traditional non-dual teacher who has tried heavy doses of 5-meo. So the fact is, they do not know what 5-meo is capable of. Nor do you, unless you've tried it. So keep your mind open. Also, 5-meo should not be confused with psychedelics at large. It's a totally different beast. Lumping 5-meo together with "psychedelics" is like lumping together NASA's Saturn V rocket with toy rockets for kids you find in hobby shops. One is capable of breaking out of Earth's gravity consistently, the other is not. When I said that psychedelics will not produce enlightenment, that is generally true for most people. And my top concern was that people listening not get deluded off their self-inquiry paths. It's very hard to talk about all this stuff with you guys because almost no matter what I say, it will get abused by one group of people or another. Those who hate psychedelics will abuse it. Those who love psychedelics will abuse it. Because that's the hallmark of low quality consciousness. It doesn't listen with nuance. It seems very difficult for people do the following 2 things in combination: Self-inquiry High doses of 5-meo Instead what people wanna do is take sides and pick ideological fights. But I guarantee that if you did both, consistently, your life would transform in unimaginable ways very quickly.
  23. All serious spiritual teachings and techniques are technologies to support the discovery of enlightenment. The best spiritual technologies are often simple and non-electronic. Although I am a fan of binaural beats for example.
  24. @Aamir King There are MANY tools to accomplish both. SDS is ONE such tool. But like a good carpenter, you wouldn't want to limit yourself to just one tool. You want a toolbox. Can you imagine a young carpenter on the carpenter's forum asking the question: "I want to build a cabinet and a deck. Will a hammer fulfill both my needs?"