Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Oh, when I was doing pickup back in 2012 -- before Actualized.org, before I had any knowledge of enlightenment or meditation or spirituality -- I did a 30 day challenge in Austin, TX. I moved and lived in Austin for 30 days that summer. As I was driving down the road I saw a "Fortune Teller" sign and, feeling adventurous, said, "What the fuck? Why not? Let's see how this lady jips naive fools. It's worth the price of admission just to see." So I knocked on the door and paid her $20. As she did my reading in her little spooky gypsy house, I carefully analyzed her, being ever-skeptical, and sure that she was just going to cold-read me. Anyways, I sit down and hold out my hands. She looks at them from a distance across the table and makes several predictions about me. I can only remember 2 of them, both of which came true in the coming 2 years. 1) There will be two girls in your life, one with black hair, one with blonde hair. One of them will cause you trouble. 2) You have an important legal battle ahead of you that's making you nervous. Don't worry, you will prevail. I had told her nothing about myself. Both came true! Just a fun anecdote. Doesn't necessary mean shit. Rather lucky though that she could have guessed that I had a big legal battle on the horizon! And I ended up winning that one: Ugh... I sound terrible.
  2. From the Orange stage, paranormal phenomena cannot exist. Orange is ego-driven, and paranormal phenomena are very subtle. So the ego cannot discern them, because it dismisses them as irrational, impossible, and "pseudo-scientific", and also paranormal phenomena are very difficult to employ towards materialistic needs or desires like money or sex, in the way that stage Orange envisions (although some rotten mystics still manage to do it). So you're not likely to use psychic powers to win the lottery. The reason Sadhguru -- or any other masterful teacher of nonduality -- do not openly discuss or encourage paranormal development -- is because they know that it can be a path of delusion and distraction. It's like shiny object the ego likes to chase and try to abuse. Also, people who have paranormal abilities do not go around talking about it with random strangers because they would just be dismissed as New Age kooks. But if you think back into your own life, you can actually probably remember meeting a person who told you something paranormal, but you dismissed it as naivete on their part. Well, you might have to re-examine that judgment. Maybe it was right under your nose the whole time, but you ignored it. I've personally met multiple highly conscious/spiritually developed people who have paranormal abilities. But they consider it totally normal. And they're very grounded and rational people. Peter Ralston, for example, used psychic abilities to help him in this martial arts to win the full-contact championship in Asia in the 70's. People got killed in those tournaments sometimes, Bloodsport-style. He told me he could "know" the intent of his attacker prior to the attacker himself knowing it! How can you lose if you know every move a second in advance? Well... he never lost, from what I hear You do not wanna mess with him! Some of his opponents would refuse to even enter the ring after watching him warming up! Lol He doesn't mention it much because he knows its a distraction for your ego. Now you want psychic powers to abuse. But it doesn't really work that way. Almost every highly advanced enlightened person I've met has reported some kind of paranormal abilities or phenomena to me. Not that I explicit try to drag it out of them. Usually it's pretty subtle stuff. And it just gets mentioned as casual aside. As in, "Oh, yeah... by the way, I can heal people." What?!!! In the Eastern traditions, Sorcerer Yogis are quite a common path. Some people devote their entire lives to it. In the West, we have various schools and long-running traditions of occultism. It all makes a hell of a lot of sense if you just study and research broadly enough, practice meditation, and have an enlightenment experience or two. Reality is not a classical Newtonian physical system. It's a mystical, infinite, conscious singularity that defies all logic. But don't believe me. Go discover for yourself what's true.
  3. @Esoteric DPT... that's some good shit. You're smoking my kind of substance! You might be ready
  4. I dunno... somehow I have a feeling I said too much. You might not be ready yet.
  5. @John Flores Sanity is overrated Just look at all the lost and miserable "sane" people around!
  6. @Emerald Wilkins The scientific evidence is basically undeniable. Not to mention that it explains a whole hell of a lot of social phenomena. And of course, you can train it in yourself if you want. The only obstacle appears to be closemindedness. Just be careful what you assume about me (or paranormal phenomena) when I say that. And personally it's not my top priority to pursue it. I mostly just speak of it because my interest is to have a holistic understanding of reality. And you cannot have a holistic understanding if you ignore the paranormal.
  7. @Esoteric If I elaborated fully, you would probably call me crazy But I'll put it this way: I wouldn't be too surprised if I saw a yogi levitating Consciousness is not to be underestimated. Remember to be open. And if you read all the books on that list and maybe snort some 5-meo, you just might start to agree with me.
  8. Yeah... This guy sure is doing a great job of NOT understanding nonduality. 1) Evil is a thought. It doesn't exist in the external world. Nothing is ever evil except in so far as it threatens a particular human ego. This is not a opinion, this is reality. And it's obvious to anyone with sufficient consciousness. Evil can only exist relative to an ego. 2) Solipsism is not nonduality. The guy in the video is committing the classic naive mistake of conflating nonduality with an ideology. It's not an ideology and never can be. To read a book about nonduality does not create any true knowing. 3) He claims that for solipsism (nonduality) there is no objective truth. This is false. There is ONLY Absolute Truth, which is Absolute Infinity. It's not merely subjective. It's utterly universal. So universal the human mind cannot even fathom it. 4) It is a fact that nothing can truly be known. We don't actually know what anything is. Everything is unknown. The mind only spins stories about it. 5) Evil stems from judgments and the kind of mindset this guy espouses. He doesn't understand unconditional love, nor does it seem he's ever experienced it because that requires high degrees of awareness which he doesn't seem to have. 6) This guy is ideological. 7) The woman was just being polite (and compassionate) with him not to flare up his obvious ego. 8) To a naive ego, nonduality appear egotistical, but actually the opposite is true. When I claim I am God, that's actually a very humble position. But the ego likes to attack that as arrogant. It's sad to see modern skeptics executing skepticism so poorly. He would be better off applying his own skepticism to himself. True skepticism means: suspension of all belief or judgment about truth, because it cannot be reliably ascertained through the mind. A real skeptic would be skeptical of judgments of evil. After all, how would he know a thing was truly evil? By what method? Moral judgments are the least agreed upon. 30 mg of 5-meo up his nose would solve his whole problem Nonduality can only be found directly through experience, not theorizing.
  9. The problem is that true not-knowing isn't happening. You're just doing a mental circle jerk. You gotta really doubt what you think of as reality! You gotta really doubt that you are that body. Get serious! Right fucking now! What are you?!!! Do you know? Look at whatever you immediately identify as. Cut all the shit. Cut all the theory or answers you've heard. That's not what you actually identify with. You identify with that meaty body and monkey mind. So be honest about that and start your inquiry there, not in theory-land. You have to inquiry from a place of what actually feels true in your direct experience, not what you've heard is the right answer. When you ask yourself "What am I?", make sure you force a concrete experiential answer, not some vague idea like, "Oh, I'm everything." No! That's not true for you. In fact you identify with a body sensation or a mental image of yourself. So that's your answer. It's wrong, but an honest wrong answer is better than a dishonest right answer. You have to answer honestly, otherwise self-inquiry cannot work. This is why good spiritual teaches are loathe to give you any information or answers. Because they know it will put you in the current trap you're in. Now you gotta be wise enough to avoid the trap. How? Force honest answers. Then question them to see why you hold them and how they're ultimately false. Why do you identify with being a mental image or a body sensation? Who told you that's actually you? Question, question, question until you start to get a dawning sense that your self-image is totally arbitrary. There is absolutely zero proof that you are who you think you are. It's like a case of mistaken identity. The man who mistook himself for a coffee table If you get even 5 seconds of TRUE not-knowing of who you are, enlightenment is a hair's width away! But it has to be REA not-knowing, not pretend. Like -- REALLY -- you have no idea what you are! When you gonna admit it to yourself?
  10. Yopo is actually quite different from pure 5-meo. It's mostly bufotenine, which is a whole nother critter from 5-meo, but still a highly visionary substance. Pure bufotenine, if extracted from Yopo, is some very powerful stuff! Pure bufotenine will make you hear spirit voices in your head, talking to you, telling you things. It's one of the few powerful auditory hallucinogenics. If you just do unextracted Yopo snuff, it won't be that powerful. You'll have to snort a ton of it to get a strong trip. Imagine snorting a gram of powder up your nose until you're throwing up from it. That's what the native shamans are forced to do cause they can't do a proper extraction. Extraction teks for Bufo can be found online. But check legality in your area.
  11. @SBB4746 Easier but not easy. There's a reason people get enlightened and then spend 10 to 40 years deepening their practice. The ego is a tough son of a bitch, and it will still largely be there after enlightenment. You gotta polish it for decades. And just because you've had one enlightenment, that doesn't make the next enlightenment any easier. You don't really have control over such things. And being enlightened doesn't make you a good person. That takes WAY more work than even multiple enlightenments. You could be an enlightened thief, drug addict, molester, and asshole. There have been plenty of enlightened assholes throughout history. That is not the way.
  12. Those are all good signs. You're definitely going in the right direction. The one trap to look out for is over-identification with any kind of phenomena, even the "spiritual" sort. So things like vibrant colors and positive moods, etc. Those are great, enjoy them. But always be asking in the back of your mind: "What is actually aware of these phenomena? What am I? What is perceiving all this? What was I before I was born?"
  13. @UpperClassWhiteBoy Doing both is really what's needed for serious results: awareness + habits/action. Awareness feeds habits. And habits feed awareness. If you only focus on one or the other, you'll get much less than you would otherwise. 1+1=11 in this case. There are MANY very practical action steps you can take to catalyze and grow awareness. That's what all real spiritual paths are basically about: practical methods for creating massive levels of awareness rapidly.
  14. A girl being sober doesn't make pickup easier, it generally makes it harder. When you really develop the skills and charm, you actually WANT girls who are sober, not drunk. Attracting sober girls is very easy when you know what you're doing. They aren't being attracted via coercion but seduction. Girls get attracted to guys just as easily as guys get attracted to girls. You don't need to be drunk to get attracted to a girl, do you? Neither does she.
  15. @aurum Enlightenment is only the beginning. Not the end. And there's a ton of stuff to get enlightened on. Not just yourself.
  16. Depends on your goals of course. But everyone's ultimate goal is simply this: fulfillment. And you can't get that through any other way but enlightenment. Of course it's important not to interpret this as me saying, enlightenment is all that matters and everything else is useless. That's not what I mean at all. There is much to learn and master besides enlightenment. But it will not lead to fulfillment unless enlightenment is reached. So of course positive focus and life purpose are still important and worth pursuing. But they will not complete you like enlightenment will. It's not possible to EVER be fulfilled if deep down you believe you are that body/mind. The body/mind must be transcended and put into their proper place. Right now the equation of life is upside-down. And no amount of lipstick will turn that pig into a swan. Although of course ordinary personal development is still WAY better than nothing. I'm a fan of this recipe: ordinary personal development + enlightenment work. Psychological mastery + metaphysical inquiry = Awesome life
  17. @Wouter Yes, I've caught my mind doing that in the past. It's pretty freaky. Not sure you can deliberately trigger it. The more you learn about the subconscious mind and its workings, the more open you will be to accidentally see it at work constructing your conscious experience behind-the-scenes.
  18. I find that people who don't like clubs/bars and haven't spent much time there tend to have an automatic negative stereotype of the people who visit them. Something along the lines of: "They're just stupid jocks and sluts and drunks." I sorta leaned towards that attitude 5 years ago when I was inexperienced. But having spent a lot of time visiting clubs/bars and interacting with 1000s of people in them, I can say that the people there represent a fairly average cross-section of society. Most people you find in a club/bar are not regulars. They're just like you. They're there on a Friday night once a month or once a year to hang out with their friends, celebrate a birthday party, celebrate a wedding, or blow off some steam from doing business. And girls like to go cause they get to let loose, socialize, and dance. If you're introverted and don't have much clubbing experience, that will be difficult to understand. Humans since the dawn of time have had the habit of gathering together around a fire, doing some drugs, playing some music, and letting loose after a long day of work. It's not a problem as long as it doesn't become a daily lifestyle.
  19. @Neill Leo should... Leo should... Leo should... Humans should... Humans should... Humans should...
  20. @Neill Your logic is exactly the sort of logic that leads to slaughtering of animals and all sorts of other unecological activity. The problem doesn't stop at animals. That's YOUR agenda. You like animals so you draw the line there. The true problem is one of unconsciousness to self-agenda. That humans tend to feel sorry for polar bears and cuddly puppies is totally arbitrary. It's like a form of racism but with mammals. It's not really inclusive. But I agree that on a practical level, we gotta start wherever we can. And so it's good that people show compassion to mammals. We can start there.
  21. @Neill Again, you assume a lot here. I'm not defending meat-eating. I think it's something to ultimately stop. I merely said the problem goes much deeper.
  22. You're assuming a lot there. The truth is more like YOU don't care what the flower or microbe feels. But that it feels is pretty clear. And that it has a survival agenda is pretty clear too. Why is YOUR survival agenda more important than a microbe's? Because you are bigger? A lot of moralization going on here. Microbes and grass have an agenda to survive, just like everything else. To ignore that is delusional. Why is YOUR survival agenda more important than a microbe's? Because you are bigger? Your outrage is very your-centered. When you get into a car or airplane to go somewhere, why do you ignore the fact that it directly contributes to global warming and the death of a polar bear somewhere where the ice is melting? Not to mention things like: when you buy an iPhone or any Chinese made product you are contributing to the suffering of poor sweatshop workers in China who are consigned to terribly inhumane and unconscious working conditions. The answer is, you have to draw the line somewhere. You cannot exist and also not cause suffering to others. All you can do is ignore this fact and construct justifications for why certain modes of living are superior to others. And I'm not defending meat-eating. I think it's something to ultimately stop.
  23. I never drank when I went out. Drinking is counter-productive to growth. Again, watch out for your projections.
  24. @LaucherJunge You'll be back! Once you recognize that that positive focus stuff won't ever work. I suggest you be more gentle with yourself in how you pursue enlightenment. It doesn't have to be painful. You're making it that way.