Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. The statement is that Bitcoin will replace gold over time. Your graph does nothing to contradict that.
  2. It's sort of like you're looking at the graph of Kodak film vs digital cameras in 1999. If Bitcoin already had a massive graph vs gold, then it would already be too late to invest. The whole point of investing is to get in early, before it becomes obvious.
  3. That is beyond my expertise. Nobody is in control of these vast systems. So my general policy is to not worry about the economic system as a whole. Worry rather about your own finances (which is what you can control). Seems like yes. Lots have tried to supplant Bitcoin and none have come close. If anything, the last crypto crash shows how full of shit all the other coins are and how solid Bitcoin is. If Bitcoin was BS, it should have died in the last crash. The fact that Bitcoin has rebounded to an all time high after such a bad crash is a very good sign for Bitcoin maximalists. I think there is a very good chance that Bitcoin will replace gold. Which is why I invested in it. Admittedly, this is speculative and risky, but it's not a crazy bet.
  4. I think ETH isn't really secure. It is controlled by its creator and isn't truly decentralized. But yeah, historic status is key here. The value of Bitcoin lies in it being a global consensus. Many will try to copy Bitcoin but they are too late to the party. If you think about it, the US economy generates $30+ trillion per year of value. The entire market cap of gold is under $15 trillion. There is simply not enough gold on the whole planet to be a serious global store of value. So gold cannot be the global store of value of the future. Which leaves the perfect opportunity for Bitcoin. Amazon survived the dot com bubble and is now one of the most valuable companies. The way bubbles work is that they kill off the weak and the bullshitters, creating room for the solid to skyrocket.
  5. They may be useful for some limited things, but there's no serious store of value there.
  6. Skepticism is itself a paradigm and a bias, which the skeptic doesn't realize yet. The bottom line is that you don't know that skepticism is true.
  7. Could happen, but Bitcoin could just as likely replace gold long term. Despite all the shitcoins out there, Bitcoin is still quite unique. What needs to happen is all the shitcoins need to die, leaving only Bitcoin.
  8. Then this means the Romanian trial wasn't going anywhere. Once Tate is out of Romania he will never go back. And the UK will have a hell of a time convicting him of anything because they lack tangible evidence. This almost certainly means Tate will escape scott free. The whole thing is stupid now.
  9. In the past he used to be okay. Today he looks weird and creepy. He is certainly not getting laid from his looks. It's also why he never does online game. He would never have success there.
  10. Depends on what you are buying. An ETF, okay, sure. But I was speaking about individual stocks or things. If you just want to doing long term ETF investing I got no issue with that. That is not gambling.
  11. No chart can ever tell you to buy. Your chart means nothing if the company has no future.
  12. I take many supplements for various reasons.
  13. I take it in the hopes of various health benefits. But who knows what it really does.
  14. Yes. But people here like to act like Owen isn't saying that. Hence I said what I said.
  15. I take NAC as a daily supplement. It's fine. It's not doing chelation.
  16. John Anthony is a bigger bullshitter than Owen. Stop trusting what these pickup guys tell you. They are all profressional liars. They make tens of millions of dollars lying to men.
  17. No. Pros spend a lot of time doing research about market news.
  18. This is foolish. Buy and forget will often leave you with nothing.
  19. I don't have sex often, because I got better things to do.