Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. @Skrotus If you do some DMT or high dose mushrooms, or start to develop psychic abilities through practice, I'm pretty sure you'll start to experience such things. 20-30 grams of mushrooms will send you into an totally nother dimension, from what I hear. You would gain a new sense of respect for the paranormal after that. Not for newbies.
  2. That's a rather good explanation of it. Karma Yoga would be like selfless action. It would be similar to what I call life purpose. I doubt that Karma Yoga is too effective at making people enlightened. But it could be highly effective for spiritual purification -- which in a way is even more important than enlightenment. But if you're gunning for enlightenment proper, I would focus on a more direct method like self-inquiry, or mindfulness meditation, or neti neti, etc. Ideally, of course, do both! In general, seek to make your actions and your work as selfless as possible.
  3. @Anlib Good, keep practicing self-honesty like that. Get very REAL about what you're up to in life, and why. Keep turning the focus inward, especially when the mind decides to turn the focus outward through projection, blame, bitterness, criticism, distraction, etc.
  4. @BeginnerActualizer Life purpose is a construction. That's all. It's something you decide to create, in the same way that a child decides to create a sandcastle at the beach to entertain herself. You can be enlightened and build a sandcastle. The only difference is, you will be aware of what you're doing, unlike other people who become identified with their sand castles, only to cry when the tide washes them away. If you took my course, you should remember that I specifically talked about how life purpose is a CONSTRUCTION and mustn't be taken too seriously. And yet, at the same time, you must take it very seriously What you're struggling with here is the notion of detachment. It's very paradoxical. You haven't reconciled in your mind yet how it's possible to be super-passionate about something, and yet fully detached from it. This ability requires massive development of awareness. It's an advanced fruit of spiritual purification. So if you're doing the consciousness work alongside your life purpose work, one day you will reconcile the paradox of detachment. And when you do, your ability to execute on your purpose will skyrocket. Or it's also possible that you realize your purpose was inauthentic, requiring a big re-alignment. Either way, it's a great thing.
  5. The infinite is always here. There's no method to "access it". If you're aware of this, you're enlightened. Strictly-speaking, there is no method for enlightenment. Enlightenment is beyond all methods. There's nothing you can do to reach it because it's already here, right now. It is effective, but if you want to get enlightened, 1 hour per day is generally not nearly enough. You should be doing week-long retreats. You're not serious about this work unless you've spent at least 100 hours straight doing nothing but meditating, eating, and sleeping. You should be doing at least 1 or 2 week-long retreats per year. The daily 1-hour of meditation is basically maintenance work. Although it's still WAY better than having no practice at all.
  6. @smd I've heard that it requires a lot of reading, as Ken gives you a large book list and expects you to read most of it for the program. Other than that, can't say whether it's worth the cost or not. Most of the self-help industry uses dishonest marketing techniques to maximize sales, so that doesn't necessarily mean it's bad.
  7. @quantum You sleep, but just keep the intention to be mindful while falling asleep and as soon as you wake up. If you do that, you'll notice that even during sleep, while you dream, mindfulness will sorta be at work, keeping a vigil. You don't need to consciously manipulate anything during sleep itself.
  8. @Naviy As explained in that video. Basically noting and labeling experience.
  9. @Anlib It's not a matter of trust, its a matter of self-honesty. You know when you're honest with yourself about an issue. The above sound like genuine insights. But be careful about how you assign meaning to them. Be careful about your emotional reactions to insights. And be careful about judging or blaming others. This path is about taking 100% responsibility for everything that happened in your life.
  10. Yes, hundreds of hours of mindfulness meditation does the trick. So does self-inquiry.
  11. Actually, look closer. Is there an "I" who is aware of sensory experiences? Or is there only sensory experience, without a YOU? If there is a YOU, point to it. It should be easy to find. As you carefully investigate all this, don't dismiss the possibility that there may not be a YOU there at all. After all, why would there be? P.S. The reason you're stuck is because the thing you think exists (YOU), actually doesn't. It's like you're trying to find a needle in a haystack when there never was any needle to begin with. Now... the only question is, how long will it take "you" to realize that?
  12. @oysterman For me self-inquiry is a combination of thinking and being. There are generally two ways to become enlightened: 1) Use the thinking mind to eat itself alive, finally seeing through the illusion. (The method of contemplation or questioning or deconstruction) 2) Just be still for so long that the mind quiets down and Truth reveals itself. (The method of meditation or mindfulness) In reality, you will intermix both methods because it's very hard to only do one method for years on end. You will naturally have intellectual questions arise. You will naturally want to actively think about your thinking and logically investigate your beliefs. And you will also have to go beyond thinking, still the mind, and reside in raw awareness. So I think it would be a trap to so start a debate in your mind about whether method #1 is better or worse than method #2. You really want to master both. For some people, one method will be much more effective than another. That's okay. Experiment with methods until you find one that suits you. Don't be rigid with methods. There are many methods and you will not know which is effective for you unless you try it for a while. I've personally found week-long mindfulness meditation retreats most effective. It's really hard to not get a glimpse of enlightenment after 100 hours of full-time mindfulness meditation. But that's just me. And I have done a lot of intellectual deconstruction already, so that set the foundation for the mindfulness work. Because my mind is very conceptual and creative, meditation tends to be very effective because it stills the mind. To me, deconstruction & meditation are like peanut-butter and jelly BTW, the "Who am I?" and "What am I?" questions are NOT meant to be intellectually answered. You ask those questions and then BE the answer! It's a dredging up process. You keep querying "What am I?" until all the false answers are purged from your mind and you BECOME the answer. Any intellectual answer, any linguistic answer, is NOT the answer. The answer is an experience, not a thought or sentence.
  13. If you do hours for cross-legged sitting every day for years, it can screw up your knees. So if you're afraid of that, just use a well-padded chair for long sits.
  14. No, it's not. You can feel the floor without any thinking whatsoever. Notice that when you stop thinking for 3 seconds, the floor doesn't disappear. If thought was required for awareness, the entire universe would cease to exist in between each of your thoughts. A thought is just one kind of arising WITHIN awareness. Awareness is required for thought, but thought is not required for awareness.
  15. @Martin123 Well, it's a physiological fact that your right brain controls your left hand.
  16. @Martin123 Of course. Stuff like shaking or twitching is often the direct result of suppressing emotions and improper energy flow through the body from years of low-consciousness living. And it can be reversed.
  17. @George Paul Try it and see. Or don't and keep living inside your fears.
  18. @Azrael Good stuff, but sounds like you've only experienced about 5% of what 5-meo has to show you. Your mind has not yet been sufficiently blown The difference between 22mg and 30mg is infinite, in my experience.
  19. @Svartsaft Some more meditation would purify you of this reaction against meditation
  20. @Martin123 Growth involves change. That's what you're seeing. So don't be too surprised. With growth comes confusion and not-knowing. Get used to not having that comfortable feeling of "I understand reality and my role in it." That turned out to be a lie.
  21. No, no, no! You have no idea yet that what you call "reality" and "your life" are all just silly hallucinations. You have no idea yet how powerful 5-meo is. It's beyond any experience and anything you think is possible for reality to be. The bottom line is you will NEVER, EVER understand unless you try it. And if you ever do try it, you will instantly understand why people dedicate their entire lives to walking the hard path.
  22. Yes, enlightenment and generally personal development is about getting out of your left-brain dominance. Especially for those of us in the West who've been indoctrinated into a left-brained culture. I'll be talking a lot more about this in the future. It's an extremely important and practice piece of information. We can actually use this knowledge to re-program the brain and trigger more enlightenment experiences and raise our consciousness.
  23. @vikisss1 What is Spiral Dynamics? It's a model that traces the development or evolution of consciousness.
  24. Folks, please remember to keep your posts thoughtful, non-personal, and avoid turning this discussion into an ideological debate. Otherwise this thread may end up getting locked.
  25. This is an emotionally charged topic for many. Folks, please remember to keep your posts thoughtful, non-personal, and avoid turning this discussion into an ideological debate. Otherwise this thread may end up getting locked.