Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. @Sri McDonald Trump Maharaj I'm definitely gonna talk about shadow work. And I have discovered a powerful new technology that can erase trauma without any analysis or intervention by the mind. Because psycho-therapy-type approaches tend to be very inefficient. I'll be talking about it soon.
  2. Giving up Actualized.org and the pursuit of success. Actualized.org would have been a lot more successful had I not pursued enlightenment. What do you mean by trauma?
  3. @Yonkey The problem is, all your logic is gonna crumble when push comes to shove. Emotions will over-power logic consistently. You cannot use thoughts to solve the problem(s) created by thoughts. When the shit hits the fan, logic will fail. Pursing spirituality and calling it "logic" is gonna create a lot of misunderstanding. Love, truth, or consciousness are much better labels.
  4. @Franz I'm not an enlightened celebrity or guru. I'm just a dude doing his work. I've never taken social status seriously.
  5. Astral projection IS definitely a real thing. Not sure what significance it has exactly, but you can definitely train yourself to do it. That would take a long time to answer. I have the best books listed in my book list. After I experienced Absolute Infinity, I'm much more open about that. Life is basically an illusion. I wouldn't be too surprised if consciousness is "recycled" or there is an afterlife that's totally beyond our comprehension. Yes, many more videos on psychedelics. There is much to say about them. The reality is that not even 0.01% of the world's population will successfully live out their life purpose at this point in history because they are too unconscious. So it's not a problem on the practical level. Theoretically, yes, it's a problem. Should be obvious Not for relationship problems. Only for attraction problems, and even then, only with many warnings and qualifications. I want to make a small course about that. To teach you the full technique. A step backwards for consciousness. But not too surprising, as Trump reflects the materialistic stage Orange consciousness of most of America. The more consciousness work you do, the more you will realize how shockingly little responsibility you take for your life. All of your emotional reactions and your suffering is basically a manipulation to avoid taking full responsibility for your life. It goes way deeper than you ever suspected. Typically I do at least 2 60-mins sits per day. Sometimes more. Rarely less. Right now, none. I got tired of working out. Not sure what you're asking, but I already know next several milestones. If I could re-live my entire life, I almost wish I had the courage not to go to school or university at all. I'm discovering now how terribly damaging they were on my psyche. But in some ways that's wishful thinking because the most important thing I did get from it was my thirst for understanding and self-education. Assuming I had the time and resources to educate myself instead of going to college, I would definitely select that. But this probably won't work for most people.
  6. They don't tend to work out. I have, if you count my psychedelic-induced experiences. I haven't researched the matter, so I don't know. They can be a huge waste of time and energy. Although it's good to at least know the basics. Do it yourself. Lead from the front and don't worry about inspiring them to change. That's very difficult. It's too shallow. I want to invest my time and energy into something more profound. Slowly. Not my main focus right now. I have been doing less and less scheduling lately. I've learned that I'm most creative when least scheduled. I used to create many to-do lists and timelines, but they don't suite my personality type and make me feel disconnected from life. Reprogramming my subconscious mind, which I will be creating a course about since its complicated. 10-20 years is for a deep mastery and embodiment of the realizations. No Do the the work that all my videos are pointing to. It's a legit tool. Haven't had time to delve into it but I want to.
  7. @Gavalanche If you check out the second book in the Consciousness category on my book list, there you will find an example of an individual who pursued enlightenment very diligently and successfully while living a modern Western lifestyle, getting married, AND becoming a medical doctor! So watch out for making excuses about how you can't do it while working a 9-5 job. I bet you that guy worked more than you. Of course he was very serious about doing enlightenment work. He wasn't sitting around and wasting time. If you are strategic and motivated, you can do it quickly. The real problem is that you don't really want it badly enough. Serious enlightenment work is not pretty or easy.
  8. Modern folks tend to re-invent the wheel a lot in ignorance when it comes to psychology or spirituality. It's ironic because psychology and spirituality have been fully understood by humans since over 5000 years ago. It's very simple and it's virtually unanimous. The core problem is simple: ego The core solution is also simple: realize that ego is an illusion God is what remains when ego is realized to be an illusion. There cannot be true freedom until this is realized. God is not a set of patterns or universal laws. God is not logic. God is indiscriminate and unbounded, whereas patterns and laws and logic are limitations, facets of Absolute Infinity. This technique they share may be helpful on a practical level, but remember, there are much deeper and more profound things to discover. If we're gonna boil down reality to one thing, it should be CONSCIOUSNESS, not logic. What this video is doing is sorta making a weak version of spirituality palatable to rational-minded people who normally dismiss spirituality and religion because of its packaging. But actually these people do not understand the deep core of all religious and mystical traditions and how practical and therapeutic it is. Modern culture needs things packaged in "logic" in order for people to swallow it. Which is actually a big part of the problem because logic is a tool of the ego. The problem with trying to rationalize nonduality/reality is that it will always ultimately fail, because rationalization is conceptual in nature, and reality is beyond concepts. What would really help people watching this video is to let go of their need for logic, concepts, thinking, rationality, science, and evolution. Now that would be a really counter-intuitive move, and lead to an amazing transformation!
  9. @Mitch I didn't mean creating a fake business just for practice. I meant creating your dream business. Any business you create will have to be your baby for many years.
  10. @Muhammad No, that's not a life purpose. That's you setting a goal to move away from discomfort. There's nothing creative in that. There's no love in that. There's no passion is negative motivation. And also, it's totally self-centered: you're doing it only for you. You're not going to accomplish anything great that way.
  11. @Mitch Business is best learned by getting your face in the mud. Try creating a business right now from scratch. If you set that as you main intent, the rest will take care of itself as your mind gets to work coming up with solutions to all the inevitable obstacles you'll face. Any education you need you can pick up along the way. Formal education tends to translate very poorly into actual business success.
  12. @rush Working in a giant, heartless bureaucracy is likely to kill any passion you have. There's very little fulfillment to be had there. It's an inherently inhuman and unconscious system, by design. Passion isn't about climbing anything, passion is about desire to create something. "Climbing" is a dysfunctional value. Probably something you picked up from our dysfunctional culture. You don't really want to climb anything. You really just want to create whatever you're passionate about creating. So skip all the posturing and just go straight for creativity.
  13. @Gavalanche 1) Definitely move out of SF, waste of money. 2) Fastest results would come from enrolling in a full immersion program. But that's only if you're very serious. Otherwise, you can still get pretty good results solo, but you'd have to really dedicate yourself and be a self-starter.
  14. @Kserkkj He may be completely enlightened, but if all you do is follow his books, you're gonna misunderstand 90% of what this work is about. His books are ONE piece of the conceptual puzzle. They are not going to give you all the information you need, because they are not written as enlightenment manuals, but more as polemics and stories. Him ranting about stuff and being cheeky is of limited value to you understanding how to do deep consciousness work.
  15. @Elzhi Yes, you're very far from understanding that life is dream. You're lost in your life story more than ever. What you're experiencing is an ego backlash just as you're taking the first step on a journey of 1,000,000 steps. Already the ego is recoiling and back-peddling. If you're gonna pursue enlightenment, do it gently, with self-compassion. Stop this self-hatred nonsense. Enlightenment has nothing to do with that. It doesn't really seem like you're mature enough yet to pursue enlightenment. You probably just need to do some basic personal development before you can successfully navigate enlightenment work. And if you're gonna pursue enlightenment, study the field more than just through McKenna's books. His perspective on enlightenment is quite limited and incomplete. You're gonna need a much deeper conceptual understanding of the field to navigate it successfully.
  16. @Samuel Garcia Worry less about that, and more about whether the things coming out of their mouth are useful and ring true. Don't fall into the trap of making this about other people. Your main concern should be your own unconscious situation.
  17. @MochaSlap Life purpose isn't an obligation, it's simply the strategic pursuit of your passion. If you have no passion and you just want to sit on your ass, then drop the pursuit of life purpose and sit on your ass. But don't forget, you still gotta eat in this world and pay the bills no matter how enlightened you are. If you like the idea of being enlightened and working at McDonald's, go for it!
  18. @Psychonaut So what did you become conscious of??? Sounds like you just scared yourself to death with 50mg in darkness, but didn't glean much insight. Remember that this is not a macho contest. The measure of success is how much insight you get into the structure of reality.
  19. @Vercingetorix Well, it seems quite clear that physics is a dead end for you. You're passion lies elsewhere from the sound of it. Now you're facing the central challenge with life purpose: you've sorta found your purpose, but you aren't clear about how you can turn it into a viable career yet, and for the sake of practicality, you're turning towards irrelevant stuff like programming to pay the bills. Your sole work here is to find out what changes you need to make in yourself so that you can pursue your life purpose. And be very mindful of all the excuses and fears that are causing you to desire irrelevant but "more practical" options. If you let practicality trump your ideals, then you will get what everyone else gets in life: a lame job that they secretly hate. And all this life purpose talk will end up as just idle talk. Now is the time to face your fears and think outside the box and research how to turn your LP into a viable career. This is why pursuing life purpose takes balls. It's not for the regular Joe. The regular Joe just wants the path of least resistance. And life purpose is a path of high resistance. High resistance comes from facing your inner demons and doubts. There are a 1000 ways to raise consciousness. Being a coach is just one of them. You're stuck because you aren't being creative enough. Your brain is being lazy, just equating raising consciousness with meditation and coaching because you have limited reference experiences and haven't done any deep research into this field. Try brainstorming 100 new, innovative ways to raise consciousness. What kind of art appeals most to you? How can you combine creating art with raising consciousness? There's a lot for you to chew on here. Sit down and really contemplate the vast possibilities.
  20. @Juan Cruz Giusto That's a good start. A couple of pointers: It's very unlikely that you value business for the sake of business. So get to the rock bottom of why you're actually interested in business. If business itself becomes your life purpose, that could become a low-consciousness trap. It would be similar to making money your life purpose. Drill down on what "raising consciousness" actually means to you. That's a very generic term. You need to be more specific about which ways of raising consciousness you're most passionate about. If raising consciousness is the essence of your purpose, might there be better ways to do that than business? I dunno, but you should ask yourself that. Don't put the cart before the horse. Maybe the best way to raise consciousness is by destroying business? Are your loyalties to business or to consciousness? What emotional impact do you want to have on people? You don't need to answer here. These are just food for thought for you.
  21. Keep in mind that a life coach is first and foremost self-employed (unless you work for a corporation). Which means you're an entrepreneur first, and a coach second. Which means you need to learn how business and marketing works. The number one reason most life coaches fail (and most of them fail miserably) is because they don't bother to learn business and marketing. You could become a financially independent life coach in less than a year if you understand how business and marketing really work. And you wouldn't need a PhD to do it. If business isn't your cup of tea, then consider other possibilities like working in a corporation or entering academia. But those are very different things. You gotta get very clear about what kind of position you're really after.
  22. @ChimpBrain You're on the right track, but your thinking it still too small, and you lack deep research. Study the hell out of this field. There's so much potential here. But you're gonna have to do research. And remember to think BIG. Ask big questions like, "What does humanity need in this field?" Worm gardening? Is that really important? Or maybe humanity needs environmental education and awareness? Or an organization that promotes these concepts? Etc. Don't think of this issue as, "How can I make a living doing something Earth-friendly?" No! That's too selfish and small. Instead think of the issue as, "How can I transform how humanity relates to the Earth?" Now that would be you thinking in terms of providing VALUE to the world. And then it would only be a matter of research to discover what that WAY should be. Do research by reading dozens of books, studies, and magazines on this topic. Go to some seminars/conferences/expos. Go meet people who work in this industry. Find out where the opportunities are and why people are so unconscious when it comes the environment. Then you'll have tons of ideas for how to solve these real-world problems. A life purpose must be grounded in helping people overcome real-world challenges. That's what generates both IMPACT and MONEY. To create a career, you need to find a way to meaningfully impact others in practical ways. Then they will gladly pay you for it. What transformation do you want to see in terms of humans and environment? What change would be immensely valuable? Maybe it's saving the polar bears. Maybe it's getting people to stop littering. Maybe it's raising awareness about the threat of global warming. Maybe it's planting new rainforests. Maybe it's developing a new type of solar panel. Etc. Now find YOUR thing! The thing YOU'D really be passionate about.