Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. @Beyond Words Set theory & category theory. Did you know that Georg Cantor (father of set theory) discovered the Absolute Infinite set? He called it God. And he was right That's as close to God as you're likely to get conceptually. Shinzen Young told me category theory (basically a more generalized and expanded set theory) pairs very nicely with nonduality. You seem like a passionate fellow, so my advice to you regarding life purpose is to aim to craft a very customized purpose that sits at the intersection of at least 2 if not 3 or 4 sciences/fields. Then you'll be in an awesome position. Crave out your niche. Your niche probably hasn't been invented yet. YOU invent it! But it will take time. So don't be too insistent on knowing your exact niche right now. For you it's gonna be a multi-year-long process of doing research, study, and experimentation, as you hone in more and more on your niche. Rather than asking us, or trying to figure this out theoretically, instead, you'll want to follow the breadcrumb trail of your greatest passion. What are the top 3 things you love to study the most? What top 3 fields excite you the most? Figure that out, and then study the shit out of all them. And then your intuition will tell you where to go from there, and you will invent a niche for yourself. This is sorta like passion mixology
  2. @bigzbigi Any attempt you make to try to conceptualize consciousness will fail. Because a concept itself is a subset of the superset (consciousness). If you become conscious enough, you'll grasp this, and then what you're currently attempting to do will look silly. You'll laugh at yourself. The interesting thing about Absolute Infinity is that it cannot be conceptualized. How it works is not by neural networks (that's way too weak and small). It works by BEING ABSOLUTELY INFINITE! That's what it IS! It doesn't work, it BEs. Imagine an infinite-dimensional singularity that simply IS. That's reality. The mechanism is like an infinite, unbounded explosion of being. "God is a circle whose center is everywhere, and its circumference nowhere." -- Empedocles
  3. @AlexB That's why it's a good idea to have at least 1 or 2 no-exceptions habits. If you embodied what I told you from the very beginning with meditation -- make a commitment to meditate every day no matter what for the rest of your life -- then things would go a lot easier for ya. Ironically, a 100% commitment is less painful and easier than the way you're currently doing it.
  4. A state of deep meditative absorption or Samadhi can easily do that. But that's not necessarily enlightenment.
  5. This is an important issue that I will address in a video. For now, suffice it to say that your teachers have not experienced higher state of consciousness, and so are stuck in a naive realist paradigm. It's not important to justify consciousness in terms of quantum mechanics, so don't get hung up on that. But if you actually look into quantum mechanics you will clearly see that the ramifications of it basically say: there is no such thing as physical reality. Many people who know about quantum mechanics don't realize that throws naive realism under the bus. This isn't appreciated nearly enough by modern society. We still collectively believe in a physical, external reality, which has long ago been shown not to exist. And altered states of consciousness can convince you of this. The trap to avoid here is trying to justify or predicate consciousness upon quantum mechanical explanations. As if quantum mechanics is somehow a threat to consciousness, like evolution is a threat to creationism. That's not the case here because consciousness is not a model or a belief system.
  6. This is potentially very dangerous. If you overdose by just 10-20mg, you would lose consciousness and drown. And the Jacuzzi + effects of 5-meo will be very rough on your heart rate.
  7. Don't be so sure about that. I mean, it CAN be that if you make it that, but it doesn't have to be. Just ask yourself this, if you're not going to self-actualize, what's your better idea of what to do with your life?
  8. @Meta Morphoses That's not what we mean when we speak of Absolute Infinity.
  9. @Lisaya Nonduality means there's nothing in control.
  10. @Mark96 Reiki won't make you enlightened, but it can heal or release various pyschosomatic issues that we all carry. Which is a good thing if you're serious about self-actualizing. Your body carries A LOT of emotional baggage, which weighs you down and can even cause things like cancer.
  11. Or... open up a 5-meo lab
  12. @Schulzy Okay, but you do realize control is an illusion, right? You in fact don't control anything.
  13. School/college has all the wrong focus. No attention paid to what really matters: practical psychology, nonduality, self-mastery, holistic understanding, love, consciousness.
  14. @Azrael Good work! *hi-five* You've discovered true religion. Beyond all words.
  15. @OBEler We're not gonna discuss that on this forum. But if you do some research online, you can learn a lot.
  16. No Feb 2016 is like a lifetime ago for me! Outgrew that. But the issue is sorta moot as all of reality is supernatural. The natural/supernatural distinction is a contrivance. Point to one thing that isn't supernatural (or natural). I didn't say I HAVE given up. I was responding to a question which asked about the biggest challenge for me. Read the original question more closely. I will be spending Xmas with my Mom and brother. No. I don't trust IQ tests. Not really. RSD already has that covered. If I talk about pickup it will be aspects not usually addressed by PUA culture.
  17. @Ape Never tried it. As a low-tech solution, you could make mushroom tea, although not at good as alcohol extract.
  18. I would caution everyone about buying anything from research chemical companies (especially from China). They may be scams, or send you the totally wrong chemical. Always use drug testing kits to at least verify you got a DMT-class substance.
  19. @Samuel Garcia Attaining new levels of consciousness or mindfulness is the key. This requires a consistent mindfulness practice. That duck/rabbit will look totally different when you hit a new level of consciousness. You've yet to see it for what it really is. Not only does judgment distort reality, your entire current level of (low) conscious distorts reality. If you're serious, start building the practices.
  20. @Shan Mushrooms 1-2 dried grams as alcohol extract, or equivalent synthetic 4-HO-DMT (active chemical found in mushrooms). I try to avoid eating mushroom flesh as it causes unnecessary nausea. You'll have to do more research, but that should give you a starting point.
  21. @Parki Yeah, that's the last step: the final surrender. YOU cannot reach the state of no-you. Enlightenment is the realization that there never was a you. It's like you're trying to find a needle that doesn't exist in a haystack. One day you must surrender to the fact that it isn't there and cannot be found. When this happens, it's FOUND!
  22. @Vercingetorix The "research phase" is a good phase. The key to this phase is to do it actively, rather than passively. It's all to easy to say, "Yeah... I need more life experience." And then 20 years fly by and you've basically just been sitting on your ass because "I need more life experience" is such a vague plan. If you really need more life experience, good, that's a valid strategy. But now you gotta flesh it out and make it concrete. What kind of life experience? What steps will you take to acquire it? By when do you want to wrap up your research and commit to a LP? What kind of skills/training do you need? Etc. Write up a plan and get to work on it.
  23. @Callum Milner Stop thinking of it as suffering. If you're doing the thing you're most passionate about in life (supposedly that's what your life purpose is), then why is it a point of suffering? It's basically like you're being told to go the toy store and select your very favorite toy out of all the ones every built, and then playing with it your whole life. If you say, "But I wanna dabble in lots of stuff!!!" You're welcome to do that, but then you won't have a career because you will be mediocre your entire life, and therein lies much suffering. Fulfillment comes from building depth in something, not from skimming the surface of a bunch of stuff. To offer value in modern society (and get success for yourself) requires that you invest at least 5-10 years into mastering ONE thing. Otherwise you've got very little to offer, as all your competitors will have more expertise than you. And remember, you're still allowed to have hobbies on the side.
  24. @MochaSlap There's no way you can imagine how far it can go. And there's little I can say to help you imagine it. If you do a heavy dose of psychedelics, you'll get a little taste.
  25. @Richard Alpert Don't be so eager to drop seeking that you fall back into ignorance before you've actually become conscious of the really deep stuff. That's just another trap. The point of seeking isn't to seek, but to do the work. And if you haven't done 10,000 hours of work, you ain't seen nothing yet. Don't over-dramatize seeking, as if you're being tricked into seeking for the sake of seeking. There's nothing wrong with pursuing a deliberate plan of spiritual development. In fact, it's necessary to have a plan. The fact is there's a lot of ignorance that needs to be corrected, and it will not correct itself without serious work. What you're doing is burning the bridge before you've used it to cross the canyon. Burn the bridge AFTER you're crossed. And stop advising people to burn their bridges before they've even started. That's counter-productive. It's like telling your child not to go to school because he's already complete and perfect.