Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Definitely don't feel forced to take psychedelics. I merely said it was a much more effective method of teaching than speech (which is obvious to anyone who's tried psychedelics). If you wanna do enlightenment through self-inquiry or meditation, by all means have at it. It will be A LOT of work, but have at it. Still totally worth it.
  2. @Neo What you don't realize yet, is that it's not a drug thing, it's a consciousness thing. Low consciousness ALWAYS REFUSES high consciousness! It's got nothing to do with drugs. "Drugs" is just the convenient excuse in this case. If I achieved what I achieved without drugs. It would be equally rejected, just with a different set of excuses. Until you experience AWAKENING FROM LIFE, you cannot understand it. You're not even 1% close to understanding it. Everything that you think and say and do and know is all part of the dream you're stuck in. Can you even begin to imagine the magnitude of that, were it true?
  3. Exactly, which is why I'm such a fan of 5-meo. No bullshit talk. Just take it and all is revealed in 15 minutes. It's just so easy.
  4. Not sure why it's necessary to restart it. Just finish it from beginning to end. And if you leave off half-way, pick it up where you left it. Sure, you could re-visit again next year, just to refresh your memory. But I would rather you focus that energy on reading the books, for example. They will keep taking you deeper, and should remind you of many of the things I said in the course. Actually, right now I'm finding my growth is so fast, I cannot predict where it will go. Maybe I'll go live in a cave next month. Maybe I'll create a new course. Maybe I'll decide to kill myself. I'm open to all of it. Cause the illusion of control is becoming pretty obvious now. I'm not in control of Leo. I'm becoming less plan-oriented as I grow. I listed the books in rough order of importance. If you haven't read Mastery cover to cover at least twice, you definitely should. Thanks, hug back at ya We'll see. I don't know where this path will take me. How can I quantify my happiness for you? No, you cannot be happy without Truth. If you ever awaken, you will instantly understand why. The mechanism is much deeper than merely "my model of happiness" vs "your model of happiness". True happiness is outside all models. Yes, there is such a thing as True happiness. It's the annihilation of YOU. My life purpose has evolved into embodying Truth. My grail is literally HOLY! It's not really a "thing" that one can quit. It's interwoven in my consciousness and understanding of reality. I'm definitely past the point of no return as far as enlightenment goes. There's no way I will give up on mastery of enlightenment. No, I took no coaching. I have done a bit of improv. It's great. Although its not like it will teach you have to shoot great Youtube videos. Those are separate skills. You basically just gotta spend 100s of hours speaking in front of a camera. I take a lot less than I used to. These days I take specific supplements that I've identified I'm lacking, or that I need for detox purposes. The most useful ones are the ones your body needs. Get comprehensive bloodwork done, and then you'll know. And you need to experiment with your own body. My body ain't your body. Very rarely. It's hard to do that when you run a business of any kind. You don't need any prep to do a retreat. Just go with an open mind. I've found that $2000 for a retreat -- any quality retreat -- is worth it. But that's me. I probably have more money to spend than you. No, seems silly to me. About 2 hours. Not yet It's really not an important goal for me. It will happen on its own. Yeah, I've been thinking along those lines. I will be releasing a resource list which will scratch that itch. As far as shooting more videos, that's a tricky commitment to make. If they're being manipulative spammers or self-promoting, I will ban them. But that's quite rare. Very tricky issue. It's probably possible, but we're nowhere close to that I would guess. And it's not that they would acquire consciousness. Reality IS consciousness. Consciousness is not something one acquires. It's what reality is. The question you're asking is whether robots can acquire sentience or ego. Yes, it's hard. Then again, sustaining a relationship without doing this work is even harder! Think about scaling back how much time you waste in your relationships. Perhaps try to keep your interactions shorter and less often, but higher quality. For example, don't be sleeping every day together. Maybe once or twice per week tops. That's good. That means Leo is changing. In a few years, you will not recognize me at all. And many of you will of course justify that as "Finally, Leo has lost it." That's how it must be. High consciousness doesn't look like high consciousness from the low consciousness perspective, it looks like lower consciousness! OF COURSE! That's the only way low consciousness can persist! So I will be demonized more and more as I develop. That's part of my lot. You'll be demonized too if you make any drastic enough leap in consciousness. The old Leo couldn't even fathom what God is. Neither do you. You can come to a complete understanding. But the cost is a total annihilation of yourself. If you are squeamish about doing psychedelics, you're not nearly openminded enough to achieve this annihilation on your own. The degree of openmindedness required is ABSOLUTE! If you ever awaken from life, you will understand why there is no hesitation. Everything you think of as "life" and everything you value as highest "knowledge" is but a dream.
  5. @Deep You are definitely on the right track. But the deepest samadhi is into Nothingness. That's what Maharshi and all the greatest mystics experienced. The Heart is The Void. It's both hollow and infinitely full.
  6. A couple of important points are warranted here to clear up this confusion. 1) TRUTH = HAPPINESS = LOVE = PEACE. There is no possibility for happiness without TRUTH!! None! You cannot be happy living in an illusion. You're not grasping the magnitude of enlightenment yet. YOUR ENTIRE LIFE and ALL YOUR SUFFERING is an manipulation against TRUTH. When you realize this, you will start to laugh and cry at the same time, because it's so silly and sad. You have no option of finding happiness, love, and peace but ignoring truth. If you attempt that, all you'll find is what you have right now, which is a continuous cycle of suffering, punctuated by short bursts of highly conditional happiness. You haven't even experienced REAL happiness yet! Not even once in your entire life! REAL happiness will amaze you. 2) OF COURSE you're resistant to it! OF COURSE!!! How could it be otherwise? Your entire current identity's existence is contingent upon resisting TRUTH. You gotta be wise enough to see this ahead of time. 3) A leap of faith is required. Many religious traditions speak of making a blind leap of faith. Now you can appreciate the necessity of this teaching. You can also appreciate why truth must be pursued for truth's sake, and no other reason. Because all other motives have been corrupted and co-opted by ego. 4) Your heart will break open in tears of joy when you finally awaken from life, and realize that all these concerns were utter nonsense. For having the courage to annihilate yourself, you will be rewarded with INFINITY! INFINITE LOVE! More than you could have ever wished for, more than if you had a magic genie that gave you million wishes. You will have absolutely everything... except yourself Now the question is, are you wise enough to make that trade-off? You'd really have to be a fool not to do it. Unfortunately, most people these days are fools. I wish I could show you what INFINITE LOVE feels like. You would melt in ecstasy.
  7. @Theprofessional To anyone who says something like, "so I should be emotionally detached?" my gut response is: "No, just since you asked that question, for you, the objective should be to become extremely empathetic and compassionate." Because someone who asks that question usually misunderstands the nuance in "detachment". True detachment -- as spoken of and demonstrated by spiritual masters -- comes on the other end of deep empathy and compassion. It's not a form of Terminator-like stoicism and non-feeling. Just the opposite. Right now, you're not capable of detachment, even if you wanted to. What you're doing is suppressing emotions and calling that detachment. Which is not really detachment, but the every same thing you've been doing most of your life. It's an unconscious rejection of feeling. As your consciousness rises, you should be experiencing more feelings, richer feelings, more compassion towards all beings. If you're not, then you're doing it wrong. There is one important wrinkle, though, which is this: for most of your life you've been using emotions (both positive and negative) to manipulate yourself without knowing it. As your consciousness rises, these manipulations will fall away. As they do, it might appear to you like you're becoming cold and insensitive, but actually you've just dropped many emotional manipulations which are no longer necessary. P.S. Isn't it interesting that your chosen career demands that you emotionally manipulate your audience -- often with the most negative, low-consciousness emotions -- otherwise your movie fails? At some point you may be forced to reconcile where your loyalties lie: with success, or with Truth?
  8. Firstly, this is a moderated community, as most forums of any decent quality must be, and are. Secondly, I'm seeing a rising trend of people across the internet using salacious marketing tactics to drive business and subscribers. You see this with conspiracy theorists, the fake new phenomena, baiting others into debates by saying purposefully provocative things, or nitpicking and criticizing just to get attention. If I see this sort of herd behavior manipulation here, I'm definitely not going to sit by and watch it unfold. It's like a mudslinging contest that sucks more and more people in and everyone ends up dirty. It's fundamentally manipulative, dishonest, unconscious, and can even lead to violence. But mostly it's just a way to get attention and views. I try to use a very light hand with moderation. I'm all for free speech. But one thing I don't stomach is marketing ploys to grab subscribers, or people saying outrageous things just to get attention or business. Many fans or subscribers don't realize the business-side of these kinds of ploys, which exploit people's ideologies and sectarian loyalty to stir up business. It's this sort of Ann Coulter phenomena: saying ignorant outrageous things and hoping something sticks. Youtube comments have not been disabled at all. They're open. The only thing I moderate on Youtube are blatant racist comments, commercial spam, and conspiracy theory spreading like PizzaGate. The bigger lesson to draw from all this stuff is to seek to be INTEGRATIVE in your study of reality. It's very easy to nitpick and criticize and say outrageous negative things against other races, cultures, genders, religions, nondual traditions, teachers, etc. That's SO easy, it's almost automatic. What's really valuable and rare is being INTEGRATIVE, seeking to understand all perspectives in a calm, generous, compassionate manner. That requires lots of consciousness and mastery. In the future, you will see me embodying this integrative attitude a lot more, because I want to be very careful not to flame ideological battles, and set a good example. Ideological battles are just a distraction from the work of raising consciousness. Notice that as you spend time reading a salacious thread, that's time taken away from turning inward. This one simple mechanism has been the most effective and favorite tool of the ego to keep the world mired in duality for over 5000 years. And I don't want to perpetuate it within my circle of influence.
  9. @Lamp It's important to understand that people generally do not know about all the best things in life. The expectation that mainstream society knows what's good, is very limiting and downright dangerous to your life. The best stuff is often hidden in plain sight. Which is why its worth your while doing research. It works for both ADD and ADHD. No, it's not hard to apply.
  10. @Jhonny Love yourself more when you fail.
  11. What I've found is way more effective than meditation. And it doesn't take years or months. Never lose hope. The field of self-development is virtually bottomless. There is much to discover. I've found stuff that can cure you out of a coma!
  12. @Shane Roberts No, I've never had ADD.
  13. @Shane Roberts If you stay tuned, I will share an amazing technique in the future for curing ADD permanently. I have a backlog of important topics I want to share.
  14. @ULFBERHT Glad to see you're getting some value out of it. Stick with it.
  15. @jennywise So in other words you wanna outsource and abdicate the most important thing you've got -- your executive and strategic capacity -- to someone other than yourself? How am I supposed to know what your life requires? You know why CEOs get paid the big bucks? Because they exercise the single most important capacity a human being has: executive strategic judgment. If you want the most direct path to the highest human fulfillment possible, sit down and relentlessly wonder: "WHAT AM I?" Until you become fully enlightened, realizing that reality is Absolutely Infinity. If I was coaching you, I would just sit there and ask you, "What do you want?" over and over again. YOU would have to supply all the answers.
  16. If ya'll are seriously interested in astral projection or OBEs, check out the book: Mastering Astral Projection: 90-Day Guide To OBE Experience by Robert Bruce and Brian Mercer. I'll be adding it to my booklist at some point. But remember, enlightenment goes WAY fucking deeper than OBEs. So be careful where you invest your time and energy, given that it's your most precious resource.
  17. @somenathpal The desire to punish people is so misguided. Drop it! Try love instead. If you can't love a murder, than you'll never really be enlightened. Notice how you keep fighting with reality to get YOUR way. There's hope if you sit down, carefully observe reality, and realize you never existed to begin with, and give up fighting. But if you stay at the level of mind (what you're currently doing), there is no hope.
  18. @Callum Milner No, that rule applies to your career/job/creative output. Not to your personal or spiritual development. You do those alongside whatever field you're mastering for your career.
  19. Hint: it's about control and power
  20. @Shane Roberts Sit down and contemplate: Why am I creating this fear? It's not like you're just beset by fear. YOU are creating it! Why don't you take more credits?
  21. @Huz I haven't done it in a while. Focusing on more orthodox methods right now. 5-meo is like a cheat code, hehe. It's so effective it's scary.
  22. @smd It's hard to accurately understand what you'll become without knowing what you presently are. That body is an illusion. It doesn't actually exist as an object. It never has. It's more of a pleasant story you tell yourself, cause otherwise, what would you be? Here's something to ponder about: What if this feeling that you are that body is actually arbitrary, and NOT you?! Imagine for a second that that entire body is just like a coffee table, existing there, but actually not you. Funny enough, that's true! Hehe.... what a ridiculous situation we find ourselves in. How can something SO obvious go unnoticed? And yet, even now, as you look into this, you can't help shake the feeling that that body is you. That's clearly untrue, and yet you still can't stop believing in it.
  23. @Shane Roberts As a therapist you can make pretty good money. And there are many other options for psych majors. If you were an English or History major, you'd have more to worry about. And hey, I was a philosophy major and I never regretted it. And I've made more money than 99% of managers, programmers, or engineers can dream of. So don't let the dumb masses pigeon-hole you. You can earn big bucks with any degree, and even no degree. But you gotta be willing to roll up your sleeves and hustle. Don't expect handouts. Career success has VERY LITTLE to do with degrees. This fact cuts both ways. Math and science are harder because they tolerate less subjectivity and bullshit, and there's more ways to be wrong than right. An engineering degree is definitely harder than a philosophy degree. I've done both tracks. But the difficulty is irrelevant. What matters is what you're passionate about. If your passion happens to be easy, so much the better for you. If it happens to be hard, that's your lot. The harder fields generally pay more and have more positions available, so there is compensation for your effort. Oh, and BTW, a job isn't so much found as it's made. Take responsibility for YOU making the job! Nobody owes you a job. The best way to deal with this kind of fear is to take 100% responsibility, devise a strategy for success, and start taking action on it. You'll instantly feel better.