Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. @Arman The craziest part is that space and time are just two of infinitely many aspects of infinity. Infinity is not subject to space or time. Those are finities. There is no waste in energy because the energy is infinite! You can't waste it because it has nothing to waste into. God is not powerful in the sense of "he intelligently arranges the right stuff". God is an infinite EXPLOSION in infinite directions. "He" can't help himself but to create everything. It's really not that intelligent. It's indiscriminate. Like splashing every color on the canvas without limit. Sort of a brute-force-of-love strategy. Imagine if you had infinite energy and infinite computing power. You'd just let the computer run without care. To the max. Nothing would need to be conserved. Or imagine if you had infinite money. You'd just make it rain 24/7!
  2. @Emerald Wilkins Well, Absolutely Infinity means no limits. Everything you know or perceive is a limit or bound. That's what thing-ness is. It's limitation or finity. So in-finity is every finity or form possible. It's staggering to the mind. It's outrageous beyond imagination. But also it's formless. So at the same time you experience all the possibilities, and nothing at all. It feels sorta like looking at a cosmic slot machine spinning with an infinite number of rotating drums and symbols. Every possible state of the universe sorta flashes before your eyes, but there's nothing there! It's just like thin air. All of it amounts to nothing! So you can't put your finger on anything. But you get the gist of everything. And you understand that it cannot be any other way. The only possible mechanism of existence is an explosion of infinity. Nothing more is possible, because it includes all mores. Yes, it's an infinite fractal of infinity. There's no upper or lower bound. No smallest or largest element. No beginning or end. It includes all distinctions and no distinctions at all. Even the real and unreal, existent and non-existent become indistinct. It's a formless potential energy that contains infinite creative capacity when unfurled like a fractal flower. It's simultaneously furled up and unfurling. The ultimate paradox. It is unquestionably God. No wonder the mind cannot grasp it. It's infinitely beyond the mind. A billion minds working for a billion years will never even make 0.00000000001% progress towards grasping it.
  3. @SBB4746 An important point to ponder for sure. But also keep in mind that even chimps already have a rich social matrix and language. So it's not like humans came into existence, lived for many years, and then one of them created language from scratch.
  4. @Toby No, but I can show you principles of raising openminded kids that few others can, because I've spent a lot of time exploring the mechanics of epistemology. It has less to do with kids, and more to do with how the mind works in general. Conventional parenting advice you can read elsewhere. I don't profess to be experienced in that domain.
  5. I'm planning to release a video on this topic in the future. Been gathering my notes for over a year now on this topic. There's a lot to say from all the psychology and nonduality research. In the meantime, to avoid making your kids closedminded ideologues, guide them towards openmindedness and investigation of direct experience. Teach them not to accept ready-made answers, but derive understanding from direct observation. Teach them the difference between beliefs and awareness. Teach them the difference between hearsay and direct experience. Teach them that not-knowing is better than knowing. And demonstrate all this yourself.
  6. "Questioner: Can you tell me how intelligent infinity became individualized from itself?" "Answer: The intelligent infinity discerned a concept. This concept was discerned to be freedom of will of awareness. This concept was finity. This was the first and primal paradox or distortion of the Law of One. Thus the one intelligent infinity invested itself in an exploration of many-ness. Due to the infinite possibilities of intelligent infinity there is no ending to many-ness. The exploration, thus, is free to continue infinitely in an eternal present." "Questioner: Was the galaxy that we are in created by the infinite intelligence or was it created by a portion of the infinite intelligence?" "Answer: The galaxy and all other things of material of which you are aware are products of individualized portions of intelligent infinity. As each exploration began, it, in turn, found its focus and became co-Creator. Using intelligent infinity each portion created an universe and allowing the rhythms of free choice to flow, playing with the infinite spectrum of possibilities, each individualized portion channeled the love/light into what you might call intelligent energy, thus creating the so-called Natural Laws of any particular universe." "Each universe, in turn, individualized to a focus becoming, in turn, co- Creator and allowing further diversity, thus creating further intelligent energies regularizing or causing Natural Laws to appear in the vibrational patterns of what you would call a solar system. Thus, each solar system has its own, shall we say, local coordinate system of illusory Natural Laws. It shall be understood that any portion, no matter how small, of any density or illusory pattern contains, as in an holographic picture, the one Creator which is infinity. Thus all begins and ends in mystery."
  7. @Arman That's it! Except now imagine that video in infinite dimensions. Occurring simultaneously without time. And all the sudden you've got God. There's nothing to stop it! What could stop it? So it becomes an infinite chain reaction of being and love.
  8. @Joel3102 Altered states of consciousness can definitely be scary, especially if it's your first time. To overcome the fear, you just gotta keep hammering at the meditation/contemplation over and over again until you slowly realize there's nothing to fear but fear itself. Wait till you experience all of reality disappear (including you) and reboot. Now that might make you crap your pants a little
  9. No, that is something very different. Dark Night of The Soul would be something like when you have a shotgun barrel in your mouth, wondering whether or not to pull the trigger. Anyone in that situation, please find a spiritual master to help you one-on-one.
  10. That is true. But the subconscious mind is also responsible for a lot of sneaky shit, like maintaining that entire sense of individualized ego. So you're gonna have to develop massive amounts of self-awareness before you can assess other people fairly. People who are psychics, energy healers, and channels do this sort of thing. But I bet they do A TON of spiritual purification work on themselves so they can be "clean instruments" for intuition. I basically have to do that too as I teach. I find that I cannot be a good teacher unless I devote a lot of time to self-purification. Otherwise my self gets in the way and distorts the message.
  11. @Beyond Words Sure it could. A lot more than you can probably imagine. It'll be talking about this topic a lot in the future. I have some very interesting research to share on this point.
  12. @nima The universe LOVES dishonesty and robbery and cruelty. The universe loves everything, because it is. The distinction good/bad is something egos create to defend themselves. Notice that if you drop your attachment to self-defense, everything becomes good.
  13. @Rahul yadav You gotta dig deeper and contemplate why you create those emotions. What purpose are they serving? Hint: negative emotions are self-manipulations to keep yourself being yourself. To change that, you have to stop being yourself. And to do that, you have to grasp how and why you are attached to yourself. And then drop all those attachments. This is serous work and takes a lot of commitment. You've got a lot of contemplating to do.
  14. Success is no sign of growth or evolution. Being hyper-successful is actually much easier when you have loose ethics. You can be ruthless and step all over people and become mega-successful. Wallstreet is a perfect example of this. The most conscious people are almost never mega-successful. That's not an accident. We live in a cut-throat world. The richest people in the world are actually dictators. They're so rich they don't even get put on the Forbes list. Putin is estimated to have a net worth of over $200 billion, most of it stolen or extorted money.
  15. @Progress Just be careful not to misread people. Just because someone appears quiet or shy doesn't mean they aren't very successful. People behave differently in different contexts and often wear many masks depending on the situation. Careful not to project all your assumptions onto them using this method.
  16. Children, children, children. Can't leave you alone for 24 hours before a food fight erupts. Sigh... How long's it gonna take to become conscious that all this nonsense goes against everything I teach?
  17. Here is where a dose of Zen helps: Notice that the only thing there is, is truth. Do you really have an option to not accept reality as it is? Whatever you do, truth always is. If you deny reality, truth is still all there is. If truth is all that is, and you are escaping truth, where are you escaping to???? Can reality be escaped? Is there an "esc" button?
  18. Sounds like you already know all you need to know. Just sit down and concentrate on your breath like a laser-beam. Best to start with very short training sessions, like 5 or 10 mins max. Later you can lengthen it as you see consistent success at 5-10 mins. Select one aspect of the breath, like the tip of the nose, or belly, so your focus doesn't jump around.
  19. That can actually be a bad thing. There is much subtly to optimal brainwave states. Too much Delta, for example, can be associated with sluggishness, depression, chronic fatigue, spaciness, and even coma. But if you feel good and like your current state of mind, then that's what's most important. An optimal waking state with eyes open would included a lot of Alpha 8-12 Hz range, low beta, and low deta. High Beta 15-38 Hz is the worst, leading to stress, anxiety, fear, monkey-mind, etc. Meditation tends to produce lots of Alpha 8-12 Hz.
  20. If you're into mind-mapping this stuff, check out Shinzen Young's work. He has mind-mapped the hell out of the various meditation techniques. Meditation practices are so diverse the mind-maps can become crazy complicated.
  21. Because a human being is an arbitrary thing. And you are NOT a human being! That's a false identity. I'm not necessarily saying this "logic method" is bad. It could be useful. There are many useful self-help techniques out there. Probably thousands of them. But also, they can come with natural limits. Some of those limits can be severe. My concern is always to guide people to the highest potential I can see for them. And if you get yourself dogmatically set on a position such as rationality, or logic, or any other modality where THOUGHTS and LANGUAGE are the key mechanism, then that will severely limit you. But generally-speaking, if a technique is working for you, I say, use it. Just remember to keep an open mind about other, higher possibilities, so you don't become an ideological adherent to any one position of self-improvement. The most powerful position, is to have no position. To understand this, see my videos about epistemology: https://www.actualized.org/articles/the-ultimate-model-of-human-knowledge https://www.actualized.org/articles/grasping-the-illusory-nature-of-thought The thing with values is, you gotta be very careful not to turn them into dogmas. The concern here is not with the technique per se, but with the way its marketed. That sort of hard marketing tends to create ideologues, which is never a high-consciousness thing. For example, the pickup community suffers from this phenomena. While the techniques are useful, the dogma they come with makes it very prone to abuse. It basically becomes a secular religion.
  22. @Afonso The 21+ guideline was to ensure that you don't do something stupid as you experiment with such powerful substances. Like I've heard some people on this forum voice hair-brained ideas like trying 5-meo in a swimming pool. And even if you don't do anything that stupid, for you the challenge will be integrating the experience, so your whole life doesn't unravel.
  23. There CANNOT be a how! That's why this work is so challenging. How can there be a how for nothingness? All hows are somethingnesses! The only way past this brick wall is persistence and finally surrender. You are the only thing standing in your own way, but you aren't ready to give yourself up quite yet.