Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. @Joel3102 Yes. I'm planning to get some energy work done on myself using a good healer I know over the next few months, so there should be some good insights from that process to share with ya'll. I also want to experiment with various kinds of massage techniques for releasing energy blocks, coupling it with my growing mindfulness skills. Results from that should be interesting too. This is a very deep field however. You could spend 10 years just studying and experimenting with it. There's a whole science and art to it. People devote their entire lives to mastering it. So I'm just a newb to it. But I see a lot of potential there.
  2. @Extreme Z7 No, more like psycho-spiritual purification or chakra cleansing. As your "energy-body" is purified, energy blockages are unblocked and you become more spiritually attuned. Very much like a Jedi gets attuned to The Force. Your mind and body become clear, untainted by low-consciousness cravings and fears. You're permeated by a thirst for consciousness, love, and the Infinite. Materialistic matters become irrelevant in your calculations in the same way that as an adult you no longer crave kids toys. You acquire a kind of glow or radiance. Most people have no idea how much emotional baggage they have locked up in their entire body. The energy flow is all twisted up from a lifetime of low-consciousness living, repressed emotions, and repressed passions. Ego takes a heavy toll on the body. When you're stuck in your head, you're not aware that you're also very much stuck in your body. There is no hard separation between mind/body/spirit. It's one interrelated system. Fixing this whole mess is another one of the very important aspects of spiritualy/nonduality that Zen Devils neglect. When it comes to your happiness and well-being, clearing this up is probably gonna have a bigger impact than enlightenment.
  3. "Among the great things which are found among us the existence of Nothing is the greatest. This dwells in time, and stretches its limbs into the past and the future, and with these takes to itself all works that are past and those that are to come, both of nature and of the animals, and possesses nothing of the indivisible present. It does not however extend to the essence of anything. c.a. 398 v. d" -- Leonardo Da Vinci
  4. Yes, I'd be VERY cautious with the Psilohuasca method. Harmala will multiply the power of any psychedelic by a huge factor of like x3 to x20 depending on your ratios. And don't even think of taking Harmala with 5-meo. That can be lethal.
  5. That's why they call it a leap of faith. And that's no joke. You cannot enlighten without surrender. The sheeple is actually the skeptic. You're not seeing yet that your rational skeptic stance is an egoic ideology. Western egos have a really hard time with accepting the whole concept of a guru. In the classical sense a guru is someone you SURRENDER your SELF to. That is the path. I know, I know... this is like poison to a skeptic's ear. I'm not saying I'm for or against it. I'm just saying that's how that particular technique works. You muster the courage to SURRENDER to the guru, and you attain enlightenment. Or fail to do so if he happens to be a bad or corrupt guru. Is this approach to enlightenment fool-proof? Of course not. Are there dangers? Of course there are. But don't forget there are dangers with ALL paths. There is no fool-proof way to complete enlightenment. And taking an ideological skeptic stance could be the most dangerous option. Every day that you're not enlightened you are a danger to yourself and everyone around you (ahem... Donald Trump) So arguments about the dangers of pursuing spiritual development are rather ironic, as people making them ignore the massive damage caused by ego every passing day. Today at least a thousand lives were lost on the Earth due to lack of spiritual development. And millions more suffered greatly. With all that said, I NEVER ask you guys to follow the classic guru path. I always ask you to be critical thinkers. But being a good critical thinker means being critical of your own tendency to criticize everything you're ignorant of. True skepticism is having no position at all on anything. I have yet to meet such person in real life. His behavior would exude COMPLETE openmindness with no qualifications. His mind would be still like a pond. A perfect balance of all opposite opinions and beliefs. He would be free and present like a child.
  6. Once it is REALLY seen and understood, it should stick. The Truth is ALWAYS the Truth. It doesn't disappear. One of the problems with meditation is that it's more of an exercise in state change. So you can hit very profound states, but then you drop back down. Enlightenment is more about just thoroughly understanding what's already true, regardless of state. This is accomplished through a careful and comprehensive deconstruction of the self until no more illusion remains. Sorta like deconstructing a magic trick. Once you've really understand the trick, you can't be tricked by it any more. But if you only half-understand it, it will still trick you. The Truth is true no matter what. But your connection to it may vary. For example, if a grizzly bear attacks you, you're probably gonna forget your true nature for a while, even if you're truly enlightened. The bulk of post-enlightenment work is deepening your connection to the Truth such that it pervades your entire experience. A master will embody the Truth even if a grizzly bear attacks him. But that takes real work.
  7. It's beyond a feeling. It's existential. It's WHAT reality is.
  8. The reason you say that is because you've never experienced Divine Love yet. Oh, how I wish I could show it to you. It's beyond incredible.
  9. @bobbyward Maharshi's method was dead-simple: just sit and put single-pointed awareness on the True Self. Wait until enlightenment happens. The problem I find with that instruction is that it doesn't work well for Western egos. We need more structure and more direct pointing, otherwise we get lost in all our scientific models of reality. The modern Western mind is probably 1000x more monkey-mind prone than the minds of those people Maharshi was teaching. Our culture is extremely toxic in this regard. Internet, smart phones, TV, video games, etc did not exist in Maharshi's time. And very few of us are as naturally spiritually gifted as Maharshi was. We don't have that kind of single-pointed focus without extreme training.
  10. @Samuel Garcia Because you don't exist. And your "life" depends on not knowing it. Beliefs don't strictly-speaking need to be dropped to realize you are Nothing. You are Nothing all the time. Even when you're thinking or believing. Dropping beliefs is helpful, but ultimately beside the point. The illusion of self is ingeniously persistent. Thoughts can be extremely subtle. Attachments can be extremely subtle. There is a whole complex of attachments to the body, mind, and life story of which you are not even remotely mindful yet. Those naive realist paradigms run extremely deep. You've been indoctrinated into them from birth. So you're unaware of them. It might take years of work and research just to start to see what they are. In practical terms, the reason the illusion isn't seen through is because your mindfulness muscle is too low. You are not yet aware of your subtle body sensations or mental imagery. Which is why I highly recommend have a separate mindfulness practice, as I describe it in this video: https://www.actualized.org/articles/mindfulness-meditation The bottom line is: it's like you're asleep inside a dream, inside a dream, inside a dream, inside a dream. You don't even know where to begin to get a foothold. You assume your rock-bottom understanding of reality has some validity to it, but that too is just part of the dream.
  11. Justification is an ego game. Nothing is ever wrong. Reality IS Love at the most existential level. Hate is just a low consciousness manifestation of love. This is where the distinction between small nonduality and BIG nonduality is really helpful. Nonduality includes all of duality within it. It's NOT a rejection of duality. It's an embrace of Absolute Infinity, without any cherry-picking. Duality is what happens when you fail to embrace BIG nonduality. You guys would REALLY benefit from reading the entire The Law of One series and paying very close attention what Ra is teaching you about how intelligent infinity works. It's really hard to explain this to someone who hasn't experienced Divine Love. It's indiscriminate. Go have a direct experience of Divine Love. Then all this will make perfect sense. This is where a psychedelic might be helpful. Do some MDMA or mushrooms or 5-meo until you experience more love than your head can handle.
  12. Now you're starting to fathom, just a bit, the magnitude of the illusion. You cannot know what is meant by consciousness at this point, because if you did, you'd be enlightened. The true nature of consciousness is what you're being pointed to find. To overcome this obstacle, you have to drop all naive realist paradigms of reality. Reality is not at all what you've been taught it is. And consciousness is not phenomenal experience.
  13. No, the brain is just an idea. Examine what "the brain" really is.
  14. @AxelK It would impact the mind's phenomenal experience. But consciousness is way deeper than you're presently thinking of it as. You don't have direct consciousness of consciousness yet (of course, otherwise you'd be enlightened) so you're confusing consciousness with phenomenal experience. But consciousness is independent of experience. That's the whole point. Consciousness was there before you were born. And it will be there long after you're dead. Also note: "the brain" is an idea. It doesn't exist in direct experience. And when it does, it's a phenomena, not a brain. All of it occurring in consciousness (Nothingness). Discover the eternal, immovable Nothingness that you are.
  15. God is INFINITE! Meaning... UNLIMITED! Do you realize what that means? God includes INFINITE limits! INFINITE EVERYTHING! So now... you (an infinitesimal limit of God) is asking God to remove one of its infinite limits, thus becoming less than absolutely infinite! You see how silly that is? It's like the number 2 asking infinity to subtract the number 5 because it hates 5.
  16. You guys deserve a trophy for how many times this thread has been derailed. While you debate ideology and silly minutia, I'm growing by leaps and bounds. Anywhooo.... The more I read The Law of One, the more I'm blown away by the depth of valid spiritual insight it possesses. This here is the motherlode: There you have the essence of masterful embodiment of enlightenment. That is THE KEY!
  17. @Babybat Tell us what you identify with. From your direct experience, not from ideas. There are many additional facets to enlightenment, and various additional insights. So there certainly can be more. Here I was covering the most fundamental insight of WHAT you are. I left out facets such as: love, mind, other, reality, God, life, etc.
  18. @sadlabounty Life is suffering when lost in falsehood. You have no idea yet the infinite love and beauty of TRUTH. Reality couldn't be any more beautiful and lovely than it already is, because it's already infinity so. There's nothing higher. Whatever your greatest fantasies of paradise might be, they are less lovely than what's actually true. But this will require work to realize. Don't expect to feel it without doing the work. The self is too small and petty to understand such profundity. You literally lack the physical and emotional bandwidth to feel the full power of love that reality has to show you. It's sort of like you're an off-the-shelf toaster trying to plug itself directly into the Hoover Dam generators. If you did, the raw power would blow you to smithereens. You would die and be reborn, never again questioning the source.
  19. @Ramu Adyashanti's not arrogant. He's trying to highlight a specific trap. Just because you're aware of the trap already doesn't mean other readers are. And also, in this work, it's always good to have reminders of the obvious. Yes, Zen-talk, as I refer to it, can be infuriating. But once you deeply awaken, you'll see that most of the things they said make perfect sense and were communicated masterfully. Adya's actually a very clear communicator as far as enlightened masters go.
  20. @Ape First trip: 1 gram dried. Second trip: 2 grams dried. Third trip: 4 grams dried. For newbies, I've found that 1 gram seems to work well. You want to make sure your first trip is not too harsh or negative, otherwise you'll just get scared off. 1 gram shouldn't get too freaky, but can still be very spiritual for a newbie. I don't recommend actually eating the mushroom flesh. Make an extract or brew a tea so you avoid nausea and vomiting.
  21. @Alexanderryen I'm familiar with Olli's method.