Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. There is a whole higher level of consciousness which is beyond the reach of most humans no matter how enlightened they are.
  2. Yes It is more intellectual than artistic. Which is why it doesn't fully satisfy me. The reason that is is because I have to stick to what's true, I can't freewheel and make shit up to suit myself. So it's not really about self-expression, it's about being faithful to the structure of reality. In this sense it's more science than art. I have to be careful not to make shit up, which is quite restrictive and uncreative. Yes
  3. That's fine. But consciousness goes far beyond that. Reducing it to degrees of brightness misses a lot. I don't have a good way of explaining it.
  4. The character he has created has taken over him.
  5. If you put in the work I don't see why you wouldn't get the magic. The magic always comes.
  6. You can see my clubs videos on Instagram or my blog.
  7. I was just going off his own words.
  8. Dissolving of the self is a different thing than higher consciousness itself. You can dissolve the self all you want, but that doesn't mean your consciousness is high. I am not saying there's anything wrong with dissolving the self, but do not confuse that with serious consciousness. Consciousness is not described by any of these linear stage models or silly distinctions such as nothing vs God, or being vs non-being, or no-self vs Self, or whatever. This is all human-invented crap. And there is no such thing as some monolithic "natty state". All of these are very limited human constructs which keep you from accessing serious consciousness. No human being has natural or permanent access to the highest levels of consciousness. Certainly none of these spiritual teachers.
  9. I only know how he dresses in his videos. And to me it comes off cringey.
  10. The pain of art mostly comes from the discipline and consistency required to produce something large and great. It can turn into a grind.
  11. I understand his logic. But to me he looked better 12 years ago when he wasn't trying so hard. You don't need to try so hard to get laid. It's the wrong message to send to his audience. You don't have to turn yourself into some weirdo hipster to get laid. Full disclosure: I sometimes dress is silly costumes when I got out, for my own amusement.
  12. I don't know his sex count. I'm just saying it looks cringe from outside.
  13. Because they have brainwashed themselves with pickup ideology. They are like monkeys following each other. The dress doesn't necessarily hurt their results with girls. It just looks cringe to on-lookers.
  14. No, he just surrendered his useless pursuits, which of course brings contentment in the same way that if you stop cutting yourself you will gain contentment. But this has nothing to do with being highly conscious. Surrendering a pursuit does not increase your consciousness. Surrender and letting go are good things, but they should not be confused with high consciousness. And his contentment will only be temporary. Until something awful happens to him, or even less.
  15. Stop saying this. Connor is mentally ill and extremely immature on top of that. This has nothing to do with my work. He was always that way. I devoted my time to talk him out of it because I thought he was going to kill himself and mislead his followers, but he's too far gone.
  16. Some girls will have sex with a horse. So what?
  17. These distinctions are so stupid. You will never transcend Infinity/God.
  18. In Owen's case, the way he dresses is half the problem. The other part of it is that he is overweight now. And he's just getting older but he's trying too hard to be like a hip 20 year old. It's kinda cringe. One would think he would outgrow that. But PUAs are man-children at heart so... Imagine if I walked around with wig, sideways baseball cap, gold chain, and my gut hanging out.
  19. Connor is his own creation. Has nothing to do with what I teach.
  20. Jesus, will you guys ever tire of beating this dead horse?
  21. When I say crocodile snatches your skull, that is a metaphor for all manner of disaster that will befall you in life. Not a literal crocodile. Unless you are a Floridian.
  22. I wasn't speaking to you. I was speaking to people in general and the situation of that guy. You guys sometimes wonder why I am such a prick when it comes to this Awakening stuff. Well, that example you cited is the perfect illustration of what I am trying to save people from.