Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. That's an important point to ponder. Reason is largely used for purposes of persuasion, both persuasion of others, but also of self. That's why in epistemology justification and normativity are critical concepts to study. Normativity is why most people want to employ reason. They want to be able to say: "Because of X, everyone must do Y." Normativity is what allows reason to apply universally to all people and beings. Which is grave mistake. Because in reality, everyone can reason however they want. And one's reasoning largely aligns with one's egoic agenda. Note that it's very rare that someone employs reason to argue against their self-interest. This fact alone should make you very suspicious of reason. Reason's job is to make reasonable whatever serves the ego most. Which is why even a rapist, Nazi, or mass murderer will have a great set of reasons for why he did what he did.
  2. To become so conscious you "exit" the body entirely. The body/mind dies. You become the infinite, I would assume, or move on to another non-ordinary reality frame. I wouldn't worry about it. You're a million miles away from that right now and it's not something egos should deliberate upon. Such things are not to be discussed publicly. It's for truly advanced yogis only who know what they're doing. No one here is an advanced yogi, so we have to know our limits. Some things in this work you cannot properly evaluate until you're deep into the work.
  3. That may happen too. No, that's something entirely different.
  4. You can awaken from it permanently. To awaken from a dream is to realize it isn't real. But life will still continue because life isn't separate from nothingness. Nonduality includes duality. Of course that body/mind could kill itself or perhaps "ascend". There are many reports of people ascending. So that may be an option. But don't get ahead of yourself. Catch a glimpse of what you are first.
  5. @Phrae Thanks, that issue has been fixed.
  6. @bobbyward Yes, that's how it seems to work. Mushrooms become much deeper after 5-meo, in my experience.
  7. @Flow With Life Now that's Big nonduality. Good work, grasshopper!
  8. That's it right there. You're overlooking the obvious. Make that your life purpose. And now, go create the outlet! Outlets take years of strategic thinking and design. No one is going to hand you an outlet. You're not even gonna know what the outlet should look like at the start. If you did, you'd already have solved half the problem. The problem is that people have very obvious passions/interests/values, but then don't take themselves seriously, they don't have enough vision to follow up on it and to work it. Their vision is too short-sighted.
  9. @dice I've struggled with chronic fatigue for a long time too. I've gone to doctors and tried to optimize many other things to no avail. Right now I'm experimenting with energy and psychic healing. The verdict is still out. Energy blockages and getting stuck in your mind can definitely be a leading factor for chronic fatigue. I wouldn't say 5-meo has helped me with chronic fatigue, although it did release a LOT of neurotic energy stored throughout my body. My philosophy is: I'll take every optimization you can get, because I need it. Sometimes you gotta settle for incremental gains and partial solutions. My positioning your mediation habit right after a short daily nap. Chronic fatigue is a very complex, messy syndrome. There are hundreds of possible factors. So keep troubleshooting it while staying hopeful.
  10. If you liked that, wait till you get a glimpse of the real shebang
  11. @WaveInTheOcean For someone as smart as Sam Harris, doing psychedelics on a row boat, by himself, in the middle of lake, has got to be one of the dumbest things conceived by man.
  12. @Key Elements
  13. @Tanuj Anything's possible. You tell me. It's your brain. Psychedelics are like sex. If you want zero risk, then the only option is abstinence.
  14. @Tanuj You could commit suicide without 5-meo. Many people do.
  15. @FirstglimpseOMG There's very little visual effect. Vision remains pretty much the same but with a bit of very subtle patterning on large flat surfaces. And then vision becomes infinite. It's like you can see infinity, but it looks like transparent empty air. The amazing part is not that you see anything new, but that everything you saw before get seen as the infinity it is. You see the mystical baked right into the mundane.
  16. There's also 4-HO-5-MeO-DMT So technically even 5-MeO-DMT is ambiguous. If one's not smart enough to know the differences, one probably shouldn't be touching it.
  17. @Psychonaut I know for a fact that N,N-DMT Fumarate and many other psychedelics can be plugged, so MAOI activity can't be a factor. Just don't plug it super deep. MAOI activity is in the intestines, not in the rectum from what I understand. Plugging seems like the best RoA for many psychedelics. Including N,N-DMT I suspect. I would much rather plug N,N-DMT than smoke it. But don't be plugging freebase. You should only plug salts. For some psychedelics, like 2C-B, plugging is MORE potent than oral dosing or snorting. So start low. And never take 5-meo orally.
  18. @Tancrede Pouyat I can't speak for other people's experiences. I've only ever had positive experiences with 5-meo. The tricky part is the come-up and the surrender. After the ego surrenders, there's no suffering. Can't imagine what would happen if the ego refused to surrender. That thought alone makes me surrender. But even though there is no suffering, there is still existential terror. At least for me.
  19. The most important backfiring mechanisms have to do with the inner workings of your mind: Your modes of thinking, your emotional reactions, your fears, your motivations and values, your habitual behavior patterns, your beliefs and justifications, your paradigms of reality, etc. As a simple example, how might valuing sex or money or security backfire? As a more advanced example, how might valuing spirituality or enlightenment backfire? As a general rule of thumb, once a system reaches sufficient complexity, the greatest danger to its survival becomes a backfiring of itself. A sort of collapsing under its own weight. Which is why to reach the greatest heights requires shedding egoic material, or purification to the point of nothingness or spirit. The word "spirit" connotes lightness of mechanism, and this is a good pointer of what you should be working towards. To be conscious, it to be able to see how a mechanism truly works, and its backfire potential.
  20. This is exactly 30mg of 5-meo HCL: As you can see, not a large quantity. But that dose will knock you to floor and your life will never be the same again.
  21. @ZeN It's funny how my last mushroom trip was very similar to yours. Although I didn't tell myself I was never doing them again. Like 20 minutes into the trip I immediately realized this was gonna be an asskicking for my prior arrogance. So I went with it, and got my ass kicked.
  22. Not every value is ego driven. In fact, your genuine values -- once you become really consciousness of them -- are ego-transcendent. Which is why values are such an important piece of the puzzle. Without that, it would not be possible to transcend ego other than maybe through blind luck. But ego-transcendence has little to do with blind luck. This is something divine inside of you which is pulling you up all the time. It just largely goes untapped, undeveloped, drowned about by all the noise of life. A paradise lost.
  23. I once asked Peter Ralston how long he's been contemplating. He said, 24/7, his entire life from toddlerhood. Try to imagine 100,000 hours of contemplation. Now you get a taste of the magnitude of the achievement of the highest masters. It's inhuman.
  24. @cetus56 They are identical. Infinity = void. Void isn't void because it's empty blackness. It's void because it's EVERYTHING without discrimination. When you gather up everything possible, it turns out to be nothing particular, see? Discrimination is what things ARE!!! Without discrimination, everything collapses into absolute indiscriminate fullness. Infinity is like pure potential waiting to precipitate. The precipitate of infinity is finity, or the familiar formed world of duality. As I believe I've told you before, void feels more like this than like a bottomless pit: At least that's what 5-meo feels like to me. But you have to understand that it's formless. It has no color or shape. It's utterly empty. Pure consciousness.
  25. @AlwaysBeNice You CAN smoke HCL, you just wouldn't want to it. If you're looking to smoke 5-meo, you want freebase. BTW, it's pretty easy to convert freebase to HCL, and HCL to freebase at home with some basic solvents. Smoking 5-meo is incredibly fast-acting, and it will hit you like a freight train. Snorting is gentler, although it still gets crazy-intense after 10 minutes. HCL can also be used sublingually and rectally. Both methods are worth experimenting with, as snorting tends to waste substance as it drips down your throat. It's not easy to get a full dose by snorting unless you have experience manipulating your nose and really massaging it into the nostrils for a good 10 minutes. Don't try to snort freebase, it will burn like hell. My preferred RoA is one that's completely fool-proof, always consistent, and wastes zero substance. Both smoking and snorting are not ideal in this regard. My best guess is that rectal is the best RoA. But I haven't tested it yet.