Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Using this forum to create Actualized chatrooms which take place outside this forum is against community guidelines, as it splinters the community. Any members doing so will be banned. Keep your discussions on this forum. If you want to create an accountability partner thread within a relevant sub-forum here, you can do that.
  2. @aidenhall I'd be more concerned about the cult you presently find yourself in: Western rational materialism.
  3. @WaveInTheOcean Such is life Always leave 'em wanting more, heheh....
  4. @Outer Well... by that logic, you should take some 5-meo or LSD with your morning coffee They'll certainly increase your alpha waves. I've taken L-theanine but notice no effect.
  5. @AlwaysBeNice Choosing to help others is one of the ego's favorite ways to strengthen itself. It often leads to devilry. True selflessness is a tricky thing. You're not gonna be able to fake it by having lots of money or giving away lots of stuff. The goal to become happy will actually lead to true selflessness, because you cannot be happy so long as you're a self. Devil = self Make no mistake, you are the devil. The devil is one who acts like he is God. And that's your current situation.
  6. @username I just hope you can maintain your love when one of us pisses in your soup
  7. It tastes so nasty, hard to imagine you'll get addicted to it. I just dump a few spoonfulls in my smoothie. Haven't noticed any obvious meditation benefits.
  8. Once you approach 1000s of girls, you will know why they reject you without having to ask. You'll know better than they do. Until then, you'll be scratching your head a lot, wondering WHY? WHY? WHY?!!! If you ask girls for attraction advice, they will more often than not mislead you. It's not the girl's job to do your job for you. It's like you're a lion asking a gazelle how to hunt it. It's not in the gazelle's self-interest to tell you. The whole point of this process is for her to screen you for honest signals of worthiness. This is a serious matter. She's not gonna risk fucking you if you're weak. And she certainly doesn't want to logically analyze the matter with you.
  9. You will do more good with the guitar than with second option. Because the issue is never material. It's psychological and ultimately spiritual. People don't need your money, they need your passion, love, and happiness. If you earn shitloads of money and give it away to charity, you will actually contribute evil to the world. Because you're disconnected from yourself. When you're disconnected from yourself, you're a devil, no matter how much money you give to charity. Once you've betrayed yourself, you will certainly betray others. Because your true sin was giving into ego, giving into fear. That's the reason you betrayed yourself in the first place, and that pattern will only continue. Besides which, the world is perfect as it is, and doesn't need you to fix it. There is nothing you can do to make the world better. It's already perfect. So relax and follow your bliss. Your guilt is contributing to the suffering of the world. Guilt is a low-consciousness motivation with leads to evil. So do the world a favor and be happy, if you dare. How's that for a counter-intuitive move?
  10. Interesting video. Note how he talks about 10,000 hours of meditation to shut off monkey mind. (Just as expected.)
  11. They're all unconscious if you're not conscious of what symbols ARE. Which is why, for millennia, religions have used the most beautiful and conscious-seeming symbols for all manner of evil. The problem is not in the symbols, but in the fact that you aren't aware of what symbols are. Also, this is a problem of the good getting in the way of the great. Notice how you don't want to give up symbols because you like them so much, but what you may not realize is how much MORE you will like the non-symbolic experience of reality. The most beautiful art of all time is peanuts compared to nonsymbolic experience. Doesn't even come 1% close in beauty. It's like a child's crayon drawing compared to a Van Gogh or Picasso. You have to muster the courage to empty your cup before it can be filled with something better.
  12. That's what the worksheet was trying to help dig into. The roles are fused into your web of beliefs and your identity. It can get rather messy, as you created this hodgepodge of meaning and beliefs while growing up. 1) Yes, roles can be messy, containing contrived elements mixed in with some genuine values. 2) There are different levels of personal development work. They can also be useful for manipulating reality. They can be an intermediary stepping-stone. Depending on your level and where you want to get to, you may need to either strengthen your roles or drop them. At the highest levels, you want to drop as much as possible. But not so much that you stop being able to function in the real-world. In other words, keep following your life purpose but don't build too much of an identity out of it. Stop thinking of yourself as "the philosopher", and just enjoy doing philosophy (if you are so inclined). And also enjoy those times when you're not doing philosopher. Even the best philosopher spends more time sleeping than he does doing philosophy. So why don't you identify with being "the sleeper", or "the shitter"? Not so juicy for the ego as "the philosopher".
  13. @Elton Actually, just the opposite is true: the lower self always loses. Not one single lower self has escaped life alive The real head-scratcher is, why do you keep playing a game you're guaranteed to lose? WAKE UP!
  14. Not at all. What is that but a belief? Mantra meditation can be utterly life-transforming. You seriously under-estimate the power of the mind.
  15. @cle103 You don't need to get fancy here. Just sit down and look at the issue in a very sober way: What on Earth could possibly create an identification of you to body? How can one sensation own another? How can you sit there and deny, with a straight face, that all the sensations which are not the body, aren't you?! What the fuck else would they be? You blink your eyes, and the whole world disappears. Obviously it's YOU! Look! EVERYTHING IS YOU! Stop being so gullible and attached to that body. The body is just a zombie. Look at how it moves! Look at what it thinks! You're not doing any of it. You don't control a single damn thing it does. This isn't rocket science. But you do have to look seriously. Stop dicking around with ideas and LOOK at what's right before your eyes. REALITY IS RIGHT THERE! It's not anything to think about. IT'S ALL RIGHT THERE! You don't need Actualized.org. EVERY ANSWER IS RIGHT THERE!
  16. You can eliminate the belief that you're a human being. So just imagine the possibilities! What you're asking about is peanuts.
  17. @Ray A security violation is not a bug, that's because your account has been accessed from too many IPs. Contact me via the Tech Support contact form to resolve that issue. If you have already contacted me, I get to you soon.
  18. This issue was a temporary bug, and has been resolved. Refresh the login page and you should be able to log in. Please do not post email addresses publicly as they will be scraped by spam bots.
  19. No No, we moved just before the collapse because my Dad was doing business here. So much to do, so little time. It's real. Lots of opportunity there which I don't have time to explore right now. 1) I've always been full of spiritual creativity. Maybe I earned it in a past life? I dunno. 2) That would be a whole course. 3) I believe I mentioned that in the life purpose course. I'm familiar with it, but haven't studied it deeply. Occult traditions are definitely grounded in reality, although often laden with much needless fantasy. You have to follow your heart, whatever that might mean. But regardless, do start a daily meditation practice. Don't be so black and white in your thinking. You can work on several things at once. Neither of those. Meditation is about BEING and perceiving accurately. Low consciousness pleasure pale in comparison to high consciousness pleasures. Not even close. It's sorta like asking, "Why don't you punch yourself in the face?" Because it's painful. It varies. Some weeks a lot, some weeks not at all. It doesn't matter when. You guys certainly do confuse and distract each other. But that's the nature of public discussion, so a large degree of that must be tolerated. Everyone has their own growth curve. It annoys and saddens me when people start debates about nonduality or the like, or act ideologically. I feel pity for their ignorance. Systems thinking Chaos theory Cosmology Linguistics Ecology Public policy issues Marketing & business History of West and East Physics Biology Evolution Psychology Sociology Art history Philosophy Epistemology Religious traditions Occult traditions Nutrition History of war & dictatorship Hypnosis Channeling Astral travel Mathematics, set theory, category theory, topology Other cultures Etymology Zoology, animals, naturalism Geology Paleontology Archeology Etc. When you meditate, just sit totally naturally and focus all attention on being. Don't manipulate the breathe. If you want to work on your breathing, do that separately. Meditation is about surrender. Stop manipulating so much. It really varies. Depends on my mood and level of energy and attention. Some days, lots of monkey mind. Other days, still lots of thoughts arise, but it can feel like I'm on a very low dose of mushrooms. Much progress has been made on the book, but it's all just research notes at this point. Don't hold your breath, it probably won't be released for another 5 years. It's not your typical self-help book. Get enlightened. Nothing else really matters. Of course, it's fucking TERRIBLE! Way worse than you ever, ever, ever imagined. Medication is highly ineffective at treating mental illness. It almost never addresses the true root cause, and often makes things much worse. Psychedelics are an exception. They ARE exceptionally effective when used properly. I answer this in the life purpose course. Yes 26, I think. I was too busy for sex. Wasn't a high priority for me (although I do enjoy it a lot).
  20. It's still baking. I got a lot of stuff cooking on backburners. Not sure when yet. It's possible, but not likely you'll do it. 1) There's a long list. I can relate to many people, but long-term success won't be possible unless she's into growth. 2) Meditate daily, self-inquiry, and contemplate epistemology. INTP Self-inquiry, do-nothing, and mindfulness with labeling. Meditation retreats, consciousness workshops, reading, and self-inquiry. Yes I do have some "dirty" habits like following politics, scanning a tech news site, porn, etc. Yes, when I'm experienced enough with them. Hitting all the Jhanas can take decades of work. I wanna make a mini-course on that in the future. Both are masterful teachers Yes, definitely. Coaching is a lot easier when you understand the deep roots of all human neurosis, including your own. Since I stopped coaching, my understanding has grown substantially. So I would coach a lot differently now. Hardly. I keep very few close friends anyway. Not since my Siamese cat (Smokey) died about 6 years ago. Wasting my life 1) There seems to be something valid there, requiring more research 2) No idea 3) There seems to be something valid there, requiring more research
  21. @Greatnestwithin I don't know how exactly. I just know we create it. For pain to exist, a distinction must be created between pain and not-pain. Imagine for a moment that you held pain without any judgment, and it stopped being painful, turning into divine pleasure. Such that you could stick your hand into an open flame and genuinely enjoy the experience. Now that would be some serious level of mastery. But it has been done.
  22. @Bodhi123 Just as long as you acknowledge that YOU create all your suffering, and that you could stop creating it, then fine. You ARE creating all your suffering, including physical pain. And you can stop doing it. This requires new levels of consciousness. The Absolute level and the relative level are identical (at the Absolute level) There is absolutely no difference between enlightenment and non-enlightenment. But me telling you doesn't help you much. It only confuses you. Which is good, I guess, if you embrace the confusion and don't stop doing the work. If you use any of these discussions to stop doing the work, you've failed and ego has won. And if you just keep doing the work, you don't need any of these discussions, as they mostly just slow you down. Nonduality is a bitch (for duality)
  23. The best argument against heavy metal is this: you have terrible taste in art
  24. There was a technical issue with the site code, which disabled logins. It's now been fixed. Sorry for the delay.