Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Infinity = God = Everything To make distinctions between these things is bonkers. I have no idea because there is no simple way to measure this.
  2. @Jehovah increases Don't overlook the value Owen offers. It's too easy to be cynical. You can learn a lot from Owen if you really want to grow.
  3. Your social circle game doesn't need to be elite. Just at least something rather than nothing. Look, it comes down to a matter of consistency. Any guy can get lucky and sleep with a hot girl or two. But if you want to get them consistently you need a social plan.
  4. Maybe they aren't as fat as American girls, I'll give you that.
  5. Dude, by definiton most girls are not models. Please stop with the BS.
  6. What I'm saying will hold true across major cities in the US and the developed world. If you live in a village in Pakistan then obviously things work different there. Not every hot girl is playing the social status game. Some can be very introverted or not interested in such games. But I was speaking to what strategy you need to get hot girls consistently. Why would a hot girl have to choose between one or the other when she can have both?
  7. It is, but I assume you don't got that, otherwise you won't be complaining about hot women. But even if you got that, hot women have so many options that you will still struggle to sleep with any particular one just off your looks and game. Plenty of guys around who have good looks and game. It's not hard for hot women to meet such men.
  8. Tastes vary widely, but everyone can tell when something is made in really poor taste.
  9. Lol. There is no such country. You are just blind to all the ugly girls in your country.
  10. Hot women are looking for value, just like you are. The only reason you are talking about hot women is because you want to grab some value from them. Imagine if a woman came here and started a thread: How To Find Men With The Biggest Dicks? This would be analgous to you trying to pick up "hot women".
  11. No. There are relatively objective measures of good vs bad art. This is distinct from whether the art aligns with your personal tastes. For exmaple, I dislike rap and heavy metal music. But there is still a difference between good vs bad rap and heavy metal music. Just because something doesn't fit my personal tastes does not make it bad art.
  12. A lot of bad art these days is just a corruption by rampant capitalism. The Disney-fication effect. It's not really art, it's a money-grab with an art veneer. But even if you took all the corporate assholes out of the process, making good art is still really hard. Just because you are being highly creative and genuine does not mean your art will be good. You can make genuine crap.
  13. It's one thing to say it, it's another thing to explore it. And these type of people love to flatten the terrain. They love to act as though exploring infinity is just more of the same, more forms. No! It's not about more forms, it's about higher consciousness. The terrain isn't just wide, it's deep. And what's missing is the depth. They have flattened consciousness to suit their limited position within it. It doesn't matter if there is or isn't someone to wake up. What matters is Consciousness. These people love to misdirect you about what's important, with their shallow spiritual platitudes which they squawk like parrots.
  14. You just need more experience talking to girls until you are confident and charismatic and don't give a damn about what hot girls think of you. With lots of experience you lose that insecurity around hot girls because you just stop caring and you are in a self-assuming flow state. Of course hotter girls have more value and more options, so they will hook up with you less often. This is just how it is. The hotter the rarer. To consistently sleep with hot girls you need to play a serious social and status game. You gotta intice them with more than just a date. You have to build an elite social circle which you can invite them into, which offers them status and other perks. The hottest girls are often chasing high status. So that's the bait you must use to catch them consistently. You do that by building an elite social circle and hosting your own social events like parties, fancy dinners, social outings, etc. And then you invite girls not for dates but to your exclusive social events. You have to realize that once a girl is in the 8/9/10 level of hotness she is basically in model territory. That means she can make lots of money just from her looks. And such girls will use that to get free shit. They make a whole lifestyle out of milking their looks. Free parties, free travel, free dinners, free events, etc. So if you cannot offer that then why would they sleep with you? You're just one of 50 dicks who surround her every week.
  15. There's tons of bad art in the world. Haha. Most art is bad. Which is why good art is so valuable. You're doing the no-true-Scotsman fallacy here.
  16. It will be interesting to hear about Lex's aya trip. Will he have a breakthrough or will he stay stuck in materialism?
  17. Life is a dream and then your job is to figure out a way to enjoy it and make it meaningful for you.
  18. It's not God-Realization but approaching God-Realization.
  19. I don't have some exclusive access to consciousness. But it does take some careful use of your mind to transcend the human stuff.
  20. My work is not about pumping you full of hopeful self-help fantasies but seeing reality ever more clearly. Sometimes this leads to some disillusionment. That's not a bug.