Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. @LifeLife Consider this: the true sign of mastery here would be if you had a computer with full internet access, tons of porn, TV, the best new sites all lined up, right there on your desktop, within hands reach, and you simply weren't tempted at all. Of course that's like an ideal. Will take you years to work up to that probably. So do it however you like. There are many ways to skin a cat here.
  2. That's the thing... what it is, is nothing. So it doesn't really exist. The substance of everything existing is non-existence. Every duality, every polar opposite circles back around into itself. And existence/non-existence is no exception. How else could it be? You can't have a whole coin without two sides, both touching each other. Except now extend this metaphor to infinite dimensions and qualities. And then make it actual.
  3. @Jonson Factory manufacturing, factory farming, factory schooling. As a culture we want to maximize efficiency and quantity, not understanding or quality. That's how stage Orange Spiral Dynamics thinks.
  4. There are huge bureaucratic and political barriers which will limit that. But still, it will have to move in that direction. It will just take a long time. We definitely need more reformers in the school system fighting the good fight. It's a dirty job, but a very important one. If you care about it that much, you could make it your life purpose.
  5. That's right, which is why true spirituality isn't flashy, grand, or opulent. It's so humble you don't even notice that it's present. The cost of spirituality is surrendering your materialism. Which means surrendering money, power, sex, mainstream culture, and mindless entertainment. Who wants to make that sacrifice? Only those who really value truth. Which is very rare. On the other hand, you can successfully temper all this if you want by learning to walk the walk and talk the talk of ordinary people. You will be like an invisible man who puts on a set of clothing to avoid freaking people out. Balancing theory vs practice is a very tricky issue. I'll have an important video about that in the future. You have to learn to operate at both ends of the spectrum. So you can be deeply philosophical one minute, then totally practical the next, and allow the two to interpenetrate each other as is most optimal for the given situation. It's like juggling, a physical skill set that must be learned by doing it a lot. There can be no rigid formula for juggling. It's an artful dance.
  6. Potential/actual is a duality. Reality is nondual. Meaning reality is simultaneously both, and at the same time, neither. Actual is potential, and potential is actual. How can you be sure there is creation? Maybe creation is not. Maybe is and is not are constructs of your mind. Maybe that's all just duality. - - - - - - - - - - - - - You guys are trying real hard to wrap your mind around God. And I get that. I have spent years trying to do that. On the other hand, it is God! You have no idea yet just how massive Absolute Infinity is. It's TOTAL. Whatever you think of it, it's not it, and it's not even remotely close, and the closer you think you're moving to it, you're only moving further away. If you really want to know, you have to drop all your ideas. Seriously! Just drop them. Every idea is not it, and every idea stands directly between you and it. No thing is it, because things are finite. Like seriously! There's a very good reason why Zen masters are silent about it. Because it is way too big for words, minds, humans, or even this universe. The entire universe with it's trillions of stars is not enough to contain it. Your brain is not going to be able to do it. An infinite number of human brains working for an infinite number of years would not even get 0.0000000000001% close to getting it. Although, ironically, 30mg of 5-meo can do the trick
  7. @username Your thinking about this whole thing is still way too small. Think BIGGER! The mind can think whatever it wants. The Absolute is Absolute. That's all. It's impossible to communicate about the Absolute to someone who's only aware of the relative. You have nothing to contrast the relative with. All your thinking is confined to the relative. Snort a large dose of 5-meo and find out. Or don't.
  9. @Russell Parr You speak of things you have not deeply experienced.
  10. Cause and effect is just a story of your monkey mind. There's nothing absolute about it. Absolute reality has no cause and effect. Logic is language. All language is a construction. The Absolute is utterly illogical because it contradicts itself, as it must to be infinite.
  11. A) You don't know if Truth can be known or not. You have to be open to the possibility that it might be out there waiting for you to discover it. B) When you become directly conscious of it for yourself, you'll instantly know Truth, and why it's called that. That is enlightenment. If you choose not to believe in its possibility, well... that's your delusion right there.
  12. Keep your discussions on this forum. No creating outside chat groups. It breaks apart the community and is against the forum guidelines.
  13. @LifeLife You might want to start with a less ambitious goal. Have you even done 30 days without internet? The problem with absolutistic goals is that they tend not to get at the root of the problem. You're probably gonna be using the internet at some point in your life. So you might as well learn how to use it responsibly now. If you just quit it for a year, that will be interesting, but you'll just come back and gorge on it 1 year from now. Sometimes learning to cope with a thing results in more real growth than just abstaining from it.
  14. @The Universe I have described both those subjects already.
  15. Yes, the devil is burned by holy water You understand that evil is always relative to a who, yes? Like, who is it evil for? Like who is it hot or cold for? Only for some who. For some other who, it's not evil, it's good, it's not hot, it's cold. What you're calling evil is just that which is deleterious to your or mankind's survival. What's evil to man might be good for birds or trees, and vice versa. Pretty arrogant of you to assume that man holds some privileged position. It only appears that way to you because you happen to be a man. If you were a bird, a tree, a coral, a fly... all your notions of evil would be flipped upside down. What you're attempting to do is exactly what naive people do when they think about up and down. People on the north pole think that north is up. While people on the south pole think the opposite. And in reality, there is no up or down, north or south because reality doesn't have a who relative to whom such a judgment could be made. This becomes patently obvious as soon as you exit the context of the Earth. In outer space -- the larger context -- it's very clear there is no up or down. But if you've lived on Earth your whole life, it's very hard to believe that. Because the Earth is such an all-encompassing context. Seemingly at least. In fact there are 300 billion star systems in our galaxy alone. And there are 100 billion galaxies in our universe. And that's just ONE universe! And you are just ONE self-agenda out of trillions just on this planet! It is estimated that there are some 10 quintillion (10,000,000,000,000,000,000) individual insects alive on planet Earth. Each one with a different sense of what's good and bad for it. So in conclusion, you ain't as special as you like to think. Nothing that mind of yours desires or opines matters. Like... AT ALL! Your grandest moral theories are less significant than an ant fart. Think this through very self-honestly, objectively, without your personal or human biases. This insight is really quite obvious. If you can't get this, there's no way in hell you're gonna get enlightenment. How are you to grasp that existence itself is relative? Existence only appears to exist to you. In fact, it doesn't exist because there is no who who could distinguish existence from non-existence. Not only is evil relative, all of reality, all the laws of physics, EVERYTHING possible is relative. The only reason you exist is because you say so. Which is of course why you are so insistent about it Reality is Absolutely relative. Get it?
  16. @John Flores Once you glimpse the Absolute, you'll realize it's Good and Perfect in the ultimate sense, without any opposite. How can anything be bad when there is nothing to be lost or gained, and no one to lose or gain it?
  17. Good and evil is a distinction. All distinctions are relative. Consciousness/Truth is infinite and indistinct. It contains all distinctions, and therefore everything it contains both exists and does not exist, and all is Good and perfect. There is no other way it can be.
  18. @Snick-The ThinkTank Man... notice that you engage in a lot of blah, blah blah... Drama, drama, drama... Just fucking do it already, and enjoy reality.
  19. @username No, he did not see God from what I understand. The mind has to be willing to "go there", so to speak. You can bring a mule to water, but you can't make him drink
  20. @Revolutionary Think Build a strong portfolio of your own projects and work, present it in a professional manner, and you'll have employers swooning. 90% of applicants are lazy and have little to show. You need to learn how to get inside the mind of the employer to see what they find valuable in an applicant, and then nail that.
  21. @Afonso Sounds like you're doing good. Just keep at it. Everything that arises is part of your path, just accept it and keep going. Try to keep your face and body very relaxed as you do all this. Other kinds of exercises could help alleviate energetic build-ups, like yelling, babbling, jumping, stretching, dancing, etc. You might want to experiment with that.
  22. Perfect. You're making good progress. Just stay calm and carry on.
  23. @whiterabbit Being conscious of Maya makes you appreciate it MORE, not less. You can enjoy Maya responsibly. You are always in the multiverse. You don't need to score psychedelics to be there. You're already there! You just have to realize it. There is nowhere to go but where you are.
  24. Put your money where your mouth is. Become a channel yourself and see if it works. Unless you're willing to put your skepticism to empirical testing, it's just another form of dogma. Armchair skepticism leads to lots of delusion. To care about truth means you're willing to invest your own time, energy, blood, and sweat tracking it down.
  25. @whiterabbit You're just not deep enough yet. Still clinging to materiality, still hypnotized by the illusion. Like a heroin addict hoping to score another hit. @Scholar The True Self is not an identification of the mind. It's beyond the mind entirely. You're confusing enlightenment itself with the experiential after-effects. You can't really put the Truth into words. But you can live it because you are it. @Seed You are conflating relative truth with absolute truth, and different levels of understanding and functioning. Every dream has its own ruleset. That's what defines a dream. The absolute contains all dreams and all rulesets. Given that you are stuck in this dream, its helpful to learn how to navigate it successfully. You don't want to step in front of a bus, even if you know it's an illusion. The bus illusion will still kill the physical self illusion. There are rules to the Matrix. The absolute is about realizing what the Matrix actually is, not about manipulating the Matrix. There is no contradiction at all. Men and women have different psychologies and physiologies. And at the same time you are not a man or a woman at all. But that does not mean there are no practical differences between how men and women interact.