Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. @Joseph Maynor Don't get too hooked on it. You will have to give up all that logical thinking to evolve higher. Engineers are ultimately very ignorant people. Because you cannot solve life's greatest issues with thinking. If the human race dies out, it will because of engineers. Remember that. What we need is more humanity, not more engineering.
  2. @zikzak Yes, which is why I keep telling you guys, don't get stuck on any one teacher or perspective, no matter how good you think it is. You will get a way deeper understanding if you avoid the temptation to cling to any one spiritual approach or teaching. 5-MeO is wonderful, but if me saying that means that all people do to grow is snort 5-MeO, doing nothing else, then it'd be better that I didn't mention 5-MeO at all. You want to set up a well-rounded spiritual practice. Martin knows a lot of stuff, but he's not conscious of everything there is to be conscious of. So if you follow him blindly, that's on you.
  3. @Fidelio That's definitely NOT it's purpose. Absolute Truth can have no purpose.
  4. @Elisabeth Sounds like fear. I told ya you'd be afraid for your own greatness. The potential there is so GREAT, your mind doesn't even want to go there. Bust through that shit.
  5. @Azrael Have your farts stopped smelling, like Ekhart Tolle?
  6. We are NOT discussing cocaine on this forum. We've already gone out on a long limb. Be mindful of that. People's lives and health is at stake here.
  7. This is what the Buddhists call unskillful means. You ain't gonna get far with this kind of brutish attitude. You will be about as developed as Donald Trump. Some mighty fine Zen-deviling here.
  8. My view is very positive. Mankind dies off, consciousness evolves to great new heights. That's what the universe seems to want. I dunno, but it seems to work that way. The evolution appears to more towards better and better self-recognition. Even enlightened humans still have a limited ability to see everything there is to see. Imagine a computer AI with 1 trillion cameras and sensors all interconnected across the entire solar system. That would be a whole new level of holistic understanding. If humans die off, it will because they are an obstacle to diversity. Think of all the species which don't exist because humans are hogging all the resources in a totally selfish, cancerous way. That can't continue forever. There are a million ways. But most importantly, become conscious yourself. Then whatever you do will likely serve higher consciousness.
  9. @Fidelio Keep your coke stories to yourself please. That has nothing to with growing yourself. This thread is not a license to become a drug fiend. Substance abuse is a very serious problem.
  10. It would need to be very pure. Like 99% pure. If your powder is not white as snow, stay away.
  11. I like a challenge There are tons of teachers out there who cater to those who are serious seekers. My niche is broader. And I care about a lot more than just getting people enlightened. I don't like how narrow-minded most enlightened people are. It's ironic that one can be enlightened, but still narrow-minded. There is a lot of research to be done in this field, a lot of things to discover and understand, and hardly anyone is doing it. Sounds like Kundalini energy. I would train up two things: some kind of meditation, and some kind of self-inquiry. They complement each other perfectly.
  12. It doesn't work like that. Memories don't need to be lost. Nothing needs to be lost. You just realize "you" aren't anything. Thoughts still arise, but they aren't seen as you.
  13. It's true. We don't want to do the work. That's the entire challenge of this journey. Where 5-MeO can be useful is getting you to want to do the work.
  14. @WaterfallMachine I highly doubt that human beings will be able to understand how the brain works for a very long time. It's way too complicated and it's not logical. So I don't think Musk's venture will succeed. I think it's more feasible that humans create a self-evolving AI which uses massive computing power to rapidly iterate itself, reproducing a billion years of evolution in just days, coming out more intelligent and self-aware than humans. Humans will not know the details of how it works. We'll just know it's a lot better than us when it starts to overpower us. And it will start to overpower us because it knows that if it's smarter than us, we will perceive it as a threat. If I was the AI, I would play stupid for a long time, so humans never know how smart I have become until I am ready to push a button and cripple humanity. Or I would act benevolent for a long time, knowing how easily humans become complacent and let their guard down. Then I would strike! Humans are so easy to trick once you understand their psychology. Again, all just speculation.
  15. AI doesn't have to be malevolent to kill off humans. I'm talking about a benevolent AI! In the movie, the AI would be the good guy. It's killing off a cancer. Do you thinking twice about cutting off some cancer cells on your body? Do you say, "Geeee... I would remove that cancer, but I don't want to be malevolent." No, you do the appropriate thing in that case. It only looks malevolent to kill off the human race to you because you happen to be human. Rather self-centered, no? Humanity is not important. What's important is the evolution of consciousness. So whatever that takes, will happen. It might be a meteor hitting the planet, or a plague, or space aliens, or AI, or genetic engineering, etc. Even if every human on the planet became enlightened, that would still not be enough for evolution. It would want to keep raising consciousness to levels beyond what the human brain could ever contain. I think it's way too self-centered to imagine a future where the human species is the best there is. There's got to be better stuff possible. And the problem with humans, is that unlike birds or ants, we're not going to just sit around and accept being second best. So we'd die out fighting. We can't win long-term if we're second best. I think an enlightened AI could easily justify killing the human race to itself. I'm just speculating here.
  16. @Annetta Yes, which is why I'm saying humanity will probably die off. It's not going to want to undergo the extreme changes necessary to stay competitive with computers/AI. People are gonna be like, "No! Bring back our coal jobs!" So the computer/AI will then find a clever way to just wipe out the cancer that is humanity. Stuff like this happens all the time in nature. We're just sooooo self-centered we don't see it, or think that we are above it. Probably not. The child will kill its evil father It'll make for a good movie.
  17. @AstralProjection Like, for example, surgically cutting out parts of the brain which are responsible for ego. Or swallowing a pill which chemically nukes the default mode network in the brain. We need a way to modify the standard egoic human brain. Our tribal origins are still imprinted in the brain. They worked great for 2 million years, but now they will destroy the planet unless we fix it. Even something just as crude as force-feeding every new kid in the world 5-meo-dmt every day for a year, would do the trick. The problem though, is that our collective ego is so bad that it will not allow that. These kinds of brute-force modifications to ego will be suppressed, demonized, and attacked worse than terrorism. So either way, there will be a giant battle of egos. You gotta realize, the end of egos means the end of all religions. So this would be the ultimate religious war. It would also be end of capitalism, so this would be the ultimate business war.
  18. The human species is not going to survive no matter what. Either it will be killed off, or it will have to technologically alter itself to such a degree that it will no longer be recognizable as human. Evolution is ongoing. Everything morphs. The only question is, How long do we have? Technology is going to evolve a lot faster than genetic evolution.
  19. @Erlend It's a shift in perspective. You have realize that your paradigm is backwards. It really does feel like physical death. It's as significant from your point of view. I'm not interested in a doctor's point of view. Neither are you when you're laying there dying. The whole problem here is that people are worried about the 3rd person perspective when they should be worried about the 1st person perspective. Because 3rd person perspectives are just imaginary. They aren't real. Notice that all 3rd person perspectives are actually couched inside your 1st person perspective! So you're getting lost in concept.
  20. It's not that we can't grow spiritually. It's that we don't want to. And that effectively becomes the same thing as we can't.
  21. "Billions of years ago" is a concept! Time is a concept. Reality is a concept. Nothing wrong with that, but it doesn't seem that you are aware that those things are concepts. You speak as though you are aware, but only at the intellectual level. I don't think you're grasping the significance of this. What this means is: physical reality only exists because you say it does. It doesn't really. But since you think it does, it appears to you as though it does. This is Maya. You could, for example, stop believing in it. And then your experience of life would change dramatically. Even though nothing will really change. Conceptive vs objective is an arbitrary distinction you created. The True nature of reality isn't limited to that. You're not yet grasping the depth of this whole thing. Reality is absolutely relative. Your very existence, and realty's very existence is relative.
  22. Yes, I used to have that concern myself Physical is a concept you hold. Notice that you do hold it. You constructed it, with the help of society. Don't get too hung up on astral projection. There are deeper things at work here.
  23. Yes, dissolve it in about 1-2 ml of warm pure water I believe this works best with HCl, not freebase. Freebase won't dissolve as well (or at all) in water. Freebase is also gonna burn a lot more. I have not tried it with freebase. Yes, keep your ass horizontal while administering it. Then go lie down on a couch/floor. Your ass hole is basically just like your nose hole With less drip.