Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. @Maxx Don't worry about me. Worry about yourself. I know what I'm doing.
  2. You just sit down every day and keep looking at the situation from scratch. What are you? Start from zero every time. See where it goes. The questioning will take you to many different places.
  3. @Torkys Inquiry is the technique. You're doing it. Don't stop just because you get a little stuck. You must be prepared to do it for 10,000 hours if necessary.
  4. Good start at inquiry. But there is no way you can go from nonenlightenment to enlightenment. No way at all. It's a discontinuous jump. Not a path. You have to "teleport" to it, so to speak. And you have no idea where to teleport to or how to teleport. And the worst part is, you will never know no matter how much you think about it. Now, just do it anyway. Notice that "the ability to experience" is just another experience for you. Every thought is an experience. What you need to teleport to is not-experience. How? There isn't one. Keep chipping away at it. Don't stop inquiry.
  5. @Key Elements Don't idealize guru's too much. They are NOT perfectly enlightened. It's very hard not to identify with anything in Maya on a practical, everyday level. @Afonso Yes, although the bot has to realize not just that it's the whole system, but that it is NOT any of the system.
  6. Last time I went to a Strip club I met girls there who are into meditation, yoga, Sanskrit, and DMT.
  7. @Beyond Words Here is your answer in one man: http://isha.sadhguru.org/mystic/
  8. You can judge in one hand, and crap in the other, and see which one has more substance. Now you got a good sense of how much your judgment is worth.
  9. @Ramu When they tell people to stop seeking. That shit ain't gonna work unless you've already spent a decade seeking. And even then, I doubt it. And when they tell people that enlightenment/spirituality is simple. If it's so damn simple, how come all spiritual traditions and books are so complex? Common sense says it can't work that way. Simple truths are agreed upon by all. Nobody needs to write a 1000 page document about the existence of the sun. Many of those Neo's ain't gone all the way down the rabbit hole, methinks.
  10. @blacksapp Your vision for your life.
  11. @blacksapp What is your vision?
  12. @Danielle Classic ego backlash. Should be expected. Go easy on yourself. Give yourself space. But also at least maintain some kind of basic mindfulness practice every day. You need to teach yourself that just by sitting, you can enter a peaceful, safe space. This is your centering point. So work on creating a really solid centering point. And be more expecting of the backlash in the future. Try to anticipate them, so they don't catch you by surprise. Whatever fears are there, notice that you can just sit with them. You don't need to "solve" them. Just sit and enjoy being. Notice that being is enjoyable.
  13. Stay in school. College is optional, but if you can't finish high school, you're really kidding yourself.
  14. @Samuel Garcia Dude, you just got started. You haven't put in anywhere near enough work into this process to make any kind of conclusions like you're making. I've been doing this for years and I can only connect to being like 1% of the time at best. Being able to connect to being and shutting off your mind is the hardest thing in the world. You're not putting anywhere near enough effort into this. If you have a serious case of ADHD, you might want to research and troubleshoot a bunch of physical solutions: proper diet, proper exercise, proper breathing, proper lifestyle, quitting all addictive media, bodywork, energy work, brain training, getting blood work done, checking your vitamin levels, fixing hormonal imbalance, detoxing heavy metals, experimenting with dozens of supplements, yoga, pranayama, Reichian therapy, psychedelics, etc. There is so MUCH to do! You haven't even done 2% of this stuff. Unless your mother was an orangutan, it's impossible not to be able to self-actualize.
  15. It's that time of the year again! The book list has been updated. Lots of amazing, mind-blowing, life-transforming books in this update. Really, one of my favorite updates. Many of these books were simultaneously profound and a pleasure to read. At least half are available on Audible for easy listening. New books on: Consciousness/Enlightenment Absolute Infinity Metaphysics Paranormal Psychedelics/Shamanism Politics Systems Thinking Zen Poetry The Brain and brain training How to access: Just log into your existing Actualized account, go to My Account >> Book List. All the newest additions are clearly listed on page 1. The update is free for everyone who purchased the list in the past, and all new purchases. This update brings the list up to over 200 books! This is the theoretical foundation for all self-actualization work.
  16. @Afonso It's a great start. It's very high-level. Now you want to brainstorm ways of concretizing it. What kind of systems/frameworks juice you up most? Why? What can you do with them? What impact do you want to have in this field? What's the point of developing frameworks? Do you care more about developing them, or studying them, or using them?
  17. The plain reality of psychedelics is that you NEVER know what you'll get next. Every trip is different. You gotta go into it with some bravery and optimism. If you can't muster that, then hold off until you can. If you're feeling depressed, wait till it passes.
  18. This is just silly. You're using kindergarten egoic thinking here. Ain't none of your human values universal. They aren't even planet-wide. They aren't even species-wide. They aren't even city-wide. They aren't even family-wide. Just because you become physically sick at rape, doesn't mean others do. You're really just speaking of yourself. But deluding yourself into believing you're speaking for the whole universe! It's insane! You don't kill ants because you have a desire to hurt ants. You simply kill ants as a by-product of being you. Likewise with rape. It's not about desiring to hurt others. It's about being a self. Your self happens to not like rape. Other selves do. Not sure how you intend to become enlightened clinging to all your human desires like that.
  19. @electroBeam Yes, I said already that you are free to do whatever you want. Which means you can have morals. They just aren't grounded in anything. All that having morals means is that you have made some choices about how you want to play the game of life. And you live out those choices. That's all. Nothing more. Enjoy your rules. Just don't expect other people to follow them. Why should they? You made them up for you. And they will make up the opposite ones for themselves.
  20. @Snick Yes, that's the right understanding. Even better when you can be conscious that Hitler is literally you. Then the compassion becomes real juicy.
  21. @electroBeam Yes, they are deluded spiritual seekers. Dogma and concept is rampant in all spiritual teachings. As it must because spirituality cannot be transferred with words. Which is why Zen masters tell you: when you find the Buddha, kill him. Everything you think about spirituality when you first start the path will be proven wrong if you go deep enough. Because ego cannot understand true spirituality. Ego can only understand egoic spirituality. But we gotta start somehow. So don't worry too much about it. You just do the best you can to avoid all the ego traps and dogma.
  22. Be careful not to let your ego use anything I've said here to justify its selfish ways. That would be ignorance. Nothing I've said here means anything.