Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Christ wasn't a very kind guy many times. So if you believe in Christ, clearly his kindness was not what made him special. There are many ordinary people on this planet who are more kind that Christ was. And you don't regard them as special or important.
  2. What "you are not the body" really means is: you are not exclusively the body. You are Consciousness and all the contents within consciousness, of which the body is one part. You are the body, the mind, the dog, the tree, the rock, the sky, the stars, and the people. You are the whole universe. And when the whole universe disappears, you will be the void that remains. It's all one thing.
  3. This is exactly why I am critical of those kind of teachings. You are EVERYTHING. Teachings that try to distinguish oneself from material reality are incomplete and lopsided. It's a lack of God-Realization and a lack of understanding of Consciousness. Anything that you experience must be you.
  4. Look. Some people are hot and some are not. I didn't invent this system. What politically correct term should we invent for ugly people which would not hurt their feelings? Mating is a brutal system and it's not fair. Lots of feelings get hurt all around in this game.
  5. Lol. No one cares.
  6. It was actually triggered by my awakenings. I had awakenings that gave me much deeper insight into how attraction works. Without the awakening I was not conscious enough to see it. Boldness can take you far in life. But it's not everything. Looks is also a complex issue. Someone might be short, but otherwise great looking, or tall and ugly. So you shouldn't over-simplify these things. Look, this isn't science. Attraction is a nebulous thing. I don't have numerical scales of how it works. You shouldn't be thinking so hard about this. It doesn't matter. You only need to think about going out and talking girls. If you start obsessing of your looks to his anal numerical degree then you will struggle to get laid, because all this thinking is antithetical to game. You will never get clear-cut answers about attraction because it's a very messy, multi-factorial process. Dozens of factors go into making someone attractive. The more of those factors you have the higher your success rate becomes. Some of those factors you can control and some you can't. Don't worry about the ones you can't, worry about the ones you can. The status only helps if it's something she can experience or see/feel. If you're the boss of your company and you go out to a bar, no girl there will know or care. So that will add nothing to your results. But if you're the boss of your company and you want to date your secretary, your higher position obviously helps you. Or if you go to the bar with 20 of your employees and they are all flocking around you, this makes you more attractive in the bar. There are complex tradeoffs between status and ugliness. Obviously if you look like troll but have high status then you will get laid less then if you were high status and had great looks. But you will get laid more with high status than otherwise. Less attractive people pair with each other because that's the best they can get. And many people just have low standards and willing to settle with someone who they are compatible with personality-wise and looks are not a big deal for them. Most people are not so looks-obsessed. In a sense, when we're talking about pickup, it's an very biased pursuit because pickup assumes you're into chasing hot girls. Most people in the world aren't doing that. They just settle for the first girl that is willing.
  7. Just turn off your mind and approach. Don't think about it. The mind is your enemy, not the girls.
  8. Sure. That's something that exists. Among many other states of consciousness. But don't forget. You ARE the body and mind. You can't experience anything which you are not.
  9. That's a great point. When all you have is a hammer...
  10. I don't.
  11. They can be distinguished as facets or aspects, but to make linear stages out of them is wrong. I didn't avoid your question. Whatever his baseline is, it's one state of possibly millions. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with his state. But to frame it as some kind of 'natural' or ultimate state is silly. Different people will have different "natural" states. Your state is a function of your genetics, first and foremost. Comparing all these states is very hard because they are just qualitatively different from each other. Just because he was able to achieve that state does not mean you will be able to. You might have a different natural state. You guys are overlooking just how different people are and all the wild variations that exist with consciousness.
  12. But the category is designed to appeal to some audience. It's fake anyway, but they feel the need to play up the incest plotline.
  13. While you're at it, enjoy your taxes.
  14. @Basman You spoiled Euro Commies.
  15. I know that place well.
  16. Why can't you just do the social events without actually enrolling in classes?
  17. I guess that explains why there's so much incest porn. It's one of the top categories of porn. Although I never undersrood why guys find it appealing.
  18. Could work either way. Psychedelic awakening would be more powerful, but also easier to forget. I'm not sure what kind of breakthrough you're expecting. I suggest you just focus on loving the beauty of your consciousness and its existence. Like looking at a flower and appreciating its beauty. But apply that to yourself. There's not really anything logical to contemplate there. The consciousness you see all around you IS the manifestation of God's Love. Bask and revel in your own existence. That's the meditation so to speak.
  19. Freud is rising from his grave.
  20. Exact opposite for me. I don't like Russian girls because it would be too much like sleeping with my mother. No thanks. Alien chicks for me
  21. You just got a fetish for Russian girls. I got that for Asian girls.
  22. There's not some elaborate method. Just look at yourself and recognize how wonderful you are. Just the fact of your consciousness is amazing and wonderful, regardless of what you do or don't do. I have always loved myself. But the more awakenings I had the more I realized how wonderful I am, as consciousness. Loving yourself includes working to improve yourself. Those bad parts of you are just skills and behaviors you can develop. You are like a diamond in the rough. Self-love would make you very secure in yourself. Freeing you up to be self-expressive, authentic, and self-amusing. You want to be at ease in your own skin and mind. You've contemplated stuff and had valuable insights, so what's there to doubt? Sure, you will bullshit yourself sometimes, but there's no other way.
  23. It's risky and not really gonna solve your dating problems. Fool around if you can't help yourself but start looking for another dating strategy for the long term because this will not last. A cougar is not right for you anyways. You can do better.
  24. Don't glorify Russian girls. Nothing particularly great about them. Plenty of ugly ones, just as all ethnicities. Plus backwards Russian software.