Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. @Lorcan It would help you a lot to realize that KNOWING and TRUTH are opposite things. Anything you know, is by definition not the Truth. Take a look right now at your direct experience. Whatever you know is not what's actually BEing. Truth cannot be known, or "felt". But it can be BEed. Because BEing is what it does.
  2. @Lorcan Truth is not a linguistic thing.
  3. I wouldn't bet my money on it. There's no reason to expect the human race to survive. In all likelihood we are just one more evolutionary dead end. We will not be able to compete with computers and AI once they get good enough. The universe cares about expanding consciousness, not humanity. Humanity's consciousness is growing way too slowly to keep up with technology. Our education systems are totally inadequate to deal with this problem. Our ideological nature will be our undoing. Maybe the only reason we exist is to birth a better vehicle for consciousness than ourselves.
  4. This is actually a very important growth opportunity. Boredom just means: you are being mindful of present sensations. Your focus is wandering and you're losing touch with being. This can be fixed by: Realizing that even "boring" sensations are really fascinating when you focus on their being. Doing long sits, sitting through the boredom Doing a solo retreat where you meditate for 10 hours per day for a week Focusing your mindfulness on the boredom sensation itself Doing a concentration practice to hit access concentration Unaddicting yourself from the number addictions you still have in your life Doing a long retreat would be great for you.
  5. @TJ Reeves Cool idea. I've thought about doing an EEG like that as well. Here are my thoughts on your experiment: The Muse is totally inadequate for what you're looking to do. You need a true EEG machine with wet electrodes and precise placement on the right parts of your skull. The secret of mystical experiences isn't so much in their amplitudes or frequencies, but in their synchronization, which is harder to see. What you want are Theta, Alpha, and Gamma waves perfectly syncing, while Beta waves are suppressed. Experiences of God should reflect the EEG of a dying brain. A physically dying brain actually synchronizes Theta, Alpha, and Gamma before it flatlines. Advanced yogis supposedly can have zero EEG readings. Like they are brain-dead. Those are my best guesses. Certainly needs to be tested. To do a good test of 5-meo would require a device like this. The other problem is that these devices require that you keep the electrodes perfectly still. Which would be REALLY hard to do on a 5-meo breakthrough. Any movements -- even eyeblinks -- would ruin the signal. So you'd have to really have your shit together to pull that off. But it could be done. My guess is that 5-meo creates tons of brainwave synchrony. Would love to confirm that.
  6. Those kind of heatsets are toys. You can't do serious training with them. For most people, I'm gonna recommend you go to a professional trainer who uses professional equipment. You can find trainers in your area just by googling. It will take a while for me to explain my methods.
  7. The logic of life is very simple: 1) Here you are alive. 2) How can you live the most fulfilling life possible? 3) By learning about life and yourself, and then embodying those lessons. 4) Rinse and repeat. 5) Live happily ever after. That's basically it. The rest is just minutia. As simple as that sounds, nobody actually does it! People make up 1001 excuses to sabotage this simple process.
  8. I find AL-LAD to be the best newbie psychedelic I've tried so far. A pure pleasure, and yet you can still go very deep on it existentially if you want. Easy to administer, no odd body loads, easy to consume.
  9. Locking this thread. Enough gossip for now. Careful about all the assumptions and speculations you make about people. Rather than guessing or assuming, better to reside in a state of I-don't-know, being mindful of your guessing.
  10. User "John Flores" has recently been banned from this forum for a particularly egregious Forum Guidelines violation. He was using the PM system to recruit people to start a Messiah cult -- with himself as the Messiah (of course) -- promising they will become billionaires if they join. I couldn't make this shit up. Needless to say this goes against everything self-actualization is about. In the future, if anyone ever contacts you privately to start any kind of secret group, please report them to me immediately. This is a very dangerous phenomena which we need to stay on guard for. Also be very careful about meeting up with online strangers in person. There are real nutcases around. Which is why I tend to be strictly against private chat groups and the like, because these things need to be moderated, or else they can get badly out of hand. Actualized.org will not be a tool for dogmatic behavior of any kind. With the general rise of fake news, alt-facts, and conspiracy-peddling all over the web, we need to make an extra effort to avoid all forms of dogma and cults of personality. I want to stress that you not hold me or Actualized.org as any kind of cult, dogma, or thing to "follow". I am not special in any way. I do not want you to be my follower. I do not want you to believe anything I say or teach, or hold it as true or special. I am fallible. Everything I say could be wrong and should be taken with a grain of salt. My teachings are purely pragmatic. I am not to be idolized in any way. If you find yourself holding me as special in your mind, that's your projection -- something for you to become mindful of and to own as your doing. If you find yourself revering other teachers out there, whether it be Ekhart Tolle, Mooji, Rupert Spira, etc, likewise, that's your projection, which is actually holding you back from learning their teachings. No good teacher wants to be idolized or blindly followed. If user "John Flores" re-appears in the future under a new alias, please report him.
  11. @Franz Interesting... Yeah, I don't like methods of administration which involve puking. Wonder if there's any workaround for that. Also, not eating for 24 hours seems hardcore. Might try it one day.
  12. @outlandish I have read reports of people passing out and waking up 30 minutes later with no memory of what happened. Or going red from not breathing. So there's definitely a lethal potential there if you go that high and maybe have a weak heart, or pass out face-first on a blanket. Warnings for this substance need to be broad, because people have all sorts of different weaknesses and conditions which might worsen the trip into lethal territory. And I know how lazy people are about weighing accurately. They are too cheap to buy a $25 miligram scale, thinking they can just eyeball the dose. That could easily lead to a 30mg dose turning into a 50mg dose.
  13. No, I don't keep a narrative of my growth. I sorta scratch that itch through my videos and blog. But I do journal to myself sometimes. I haven't read into Aurobindo much. It's rather dense reading which I don't want to wade through right now. Didn't study the Theosophical society much other than the gist of it. Animals are vastly different from humans because they do not conceptualize. So they are like effectively enlightened. Although they don't appreciate the fact because they can't self-reflect. At least that's my best theory of it so far. Best not to compare yourself to animals. You have a much more complex set of issues to deal with than any animal. Even if you're enlightened, you still have a TON of human stuff going on in your head.
  14. @Echoes Who knows what its like from the inside? From the outside it will just look like you stopped breathing and suffocated.
  15. @phoenix666 Sounds like a great opening of the portal.
  16. @Franz Ah yes, the infamous Psilohuasca. I hear it's comparable to 5-meo in depth. But gotta be careful and observe the MAOI diet for it to be safe. Thanks for sharing. How did you manage your diet for before and after the trip? Did the rue give you nausea or anything like that? I am interested in finding a good alternative to 5-meo, because 5-meo is so rare most people cannot access it.
  17. @Outer What's really funny (and sad), is that virtually everything that's true of cults, is true of culture and society as a whole. Cults are like the little mob bosses while society is the Big Kahuna.
  18. That works up to a point, but CBT can only take you so far. Precisely because it's cognitive. And cognition is the whole problem. A) Sadhguru is highly educated. Which should be obvious from his manner of speech. He has a degree in English Literature. B) He's 59 years old.
  19. You will lose consciousness at higher doses, and your breathing and heart can stop. So watch out! You can kill yourself with 5-meo.
  20. @Antonio Yoga!
  21. You can still do whatever the hell you want within reality. All your dreams are still actionable. You have an infinite playground at your disposal. What else could you possibly ask for? You have been given EVERYTHING! And still you want something more?
  22. @sgn Tis hard to solve overthinking with more thinking Rationalists who try to grasp the nature of reality with their intellect alone, often end up going full-insane. Of course. Because the whole project is fatally flawed from the get-go. The intellect is such a tiny thing.