Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Just replace your concept of "physical reality" with emptiness/awareness, and there you have it. Everything happens spontaneously. By magic. That's why it's called mysticism. You're gonna have to throw out your notions of linear, Newtonian causality. Mind is a concept within awareness.
  2. @Not a shaolin monk Those expectations of orgasms and God are the very thing keeping you from seeing God. God is not like anything you imagine. That is the whole problem here. You need to be smart to realize that, or you'll waste years chasing fantasies. Any experience you have, is not God. And keep in mind, God may not even exist.
  3. @abgespaced Great! Happy for ya.
  4. @nahtanoj The Lion King is a classic hero's journey movie. Worth a re-watch. I have a whole book that explains how they wrote The Lion King using the Hero's Journey structure.
  5. It doesn't really matter in the end. You could self-inquire while walking outside or peeing or cooking. But if you're a newbie, or doing some really deep inquiry, you'll want to just sit and be in total focus. Don't force SDS. It will come about naturally as you focus a lot. You'll get a sense when a movement is disruptive, and sometimes when it isn't. Like if I get a nasty itch on my face while inquiring, I'll scratch it, just so I don't have it in my way. Then again, sometimes the inquiry is so deep that even a nasty itch doesn't bother me. When self-inquiring, my attention goes on the inquiry, not on formal meditation postures or any other external ritual.
  6. @harisankartj Of course. But how deeply have you experienced it? When you say, "just emptiness" << that's a sign you haven't really grasped it.
  7. Life is the ultimate sandbox, open-world video game. Unfortunately, most folks are COD gamers, so they can't appreciate the infinite richness. It's overwhelming to them. They want it dumbed down. And so religion is born.
  8. Start a business or project.
  9. @Pinocchio NTO-Dingu God's way of making sure one doesn't become an astrophysicist is by giving one a low IQ
  10. Your cognitive style is... Intellectual Your organizational style is... Focused Your energy style is... Introverted Your stress management style is... Resilient Your interpersonal style is... Collaborative Your Scores on All 30 Personality Traits Openness Traits Your level of imagination is high. Your level of artistic interests is low. Your level of emotionality is low. Your level of adventurousness is about average. Your level of intellectual interest is high. Your level of liberalism is high. Conscientiousness Traits Your level of self-efficacy is high. Your level of orderliness is high. Your level of dutifulness is about average. Your level of achievement striving is high. Your level of cautiousness is high. Extraversion Traits Your level of friendliness is low. Your level of gregariousness is low. Your level of assertiveness is low. Your activity level is low. Your level of excitement-seeking is low. Your level of positive emotions is low. Neuroticism Traits Your level of anxiety is low. Your level of anger is low. Your level of depression is low. Your level or selfconsciousness is high. Your level of immoderation is low. Your level of vulnerability is low. Agreeableness Traits Your level of trust is about average. Your level of honesty is high. Your level of altruism is low. Your level of cooperation is high. Your level of modesty is about average. Your level of sympathy is about average.
  11. @Emre Helps a lot to unplug from society periodically and just be in solitude for weeks at a time. It's like the difference between looking at stars in the city and out in the desert. They are very easy to see in the desert.
  12. Interesting... Have you tried eating weed? I hear that's a trip.
  13. @John You're doing good. It just requires massive amounts of looking. Try to get very clear about what you're identified with as your core self. Is it a feeling in the body? A sight? A mental image of your head? Memories of yourself? A combination of the above? Try to really get clear about that. Notice the mind will waffle and handwave. Push past that to get clarity. Force your mind to specify what it's identifying with. And then when you're clear on that, start to wonder... "Why am I identified with that experience? What if I'm none of that at all? What could I be?" And then just sit there, looking, with a very open mind. It's important that you stop knowing who you are. There cannot be an insight unless you realize first that you don't know who you are. Slowly keep at it. It takes massive persistence.
  14. Yup, that was a first awakening experience. Good work. But there's much deeper to go. What is your sense of self now after nearly a year? Are you now identified firmly with the body again?
  15. Plant-based seems way healthier assuming your plants don't include wheat, potatoes, and heavy carbs like that. There is a reason why most yogis are vegetarians.
  16. Yeah, I get this feeling a lot when walking indoors while tripping. It feels like a fisheye lens. It feels like the world is inside me, rather than I inside it.
  17. @PukkaDanks That's too sloppy. You gotta be strict with your technique. Pick one and stick with it.
  18. @phoenix666 No! Stop concocting problems out of thin air.
  19. You're shooting yourself in the foot. Just drop it. Stop comparing yourself to anyone. Life will be sweet. Just reading your ego-trip post is tiring and nauseating. Not to mention living that way.
  20. @Will Bigger Become mindful right now of what "everything is consciousness" is for you. It's a thought. Right? Isn't that all it is? So... what now? You have a thought which keeps arising which sounds like "everything is consciousness", but that's all that is. A sound in your head. What good is it to you? No good at all. Try to become mindfulness of this point so that you lose your infatuation with this sentence by seeing it as just a sentence. Also notice the following simple fact: everything you've ever encountered in your entire life, you had to be conscious of to experience it, yes? So everything is experience, yes? So everything is consciousness! See? It's not rocket science. Hold up your hand. Look at it. It's made of consciousness. Look at a tree outside. What's it made out of? Well... aren't you conscious of it? So consciousness! What else could it be? The only thing you've ever interacted with is consciousness. Try to name one thing which isn't consciousness. Try real hard!
  21. @Fidelio It's about harmony. Right now the world is totally technology obsessed.
  22. @Gabriel Antonio You might benefit from a more rigid mindfulness practice with labeling, or concentration on breath.
  23. @Joseph Maynor Don't get too hooked on it. You will have to give up all that logical thinking to evolve higher. Engineers are ultimately very ignorant people. Because you cannot solve life's greatest issues with thinking. If the human race dies out, it will because of engineers. Remember that. What we need is more humanity, not more engineering.
  24. @zikzak Yes, which is why I keep telling you guys, don't get stuck on any one teacher or perspective, no matter how good you think it is. You will get a way deeper understanding if you avoid the temptation to cling to any one spiritual approach or teaching. 5-MeO is wonderful, but if me saying that means that all people do to grow is snort 5-MeO, doing nothing else, then it'd be better that I didn't mention 5-MeO at all. You want to set up a well-rounded spiritual practice. Martin knows a lot of stuff, but he's not conscious of everything there is to be conscious of. So if you follow him blindly, that's on you.