Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Just because it is high does not mean there isn't something above it. I am for raising your consciousness however works for you. I don't know. It probably varies from person to person what is achievable. They lock in a higher state of consciousness plus a fantasy about it.
  2. @Ishanga I am speaking about the view from Awakening here, and high states of consciousness.
  3. Lol. 2 guys != a craze.
  4. Of course they themselves don't know the dangers of AI. And even if they knew they would still rush to monetize it. They are there to make money and be famous, not to save mankind.
  5. That's a limited and conceptually skewed notion of Consciousness. Ironically, you are engaging is some kind of absolutism there. There is nothing you are not and there is no space for space. It absolutely does. Not "just". Experience is Absolute Truth. This is irrelevant to the issue.
  6. Loosely. Yes, of course. 0, 1, 2, and even 3 are rather special numbers. 0 is the ground. 1 is the unity of all things. 2 is the duality of forms. And 3 is the count of 0, 1, and 2. But in the end numbers are just one way to look at reality. Don't give numbers too much importance as the scientists do. You could look at reality in a completely non-numerical way. Don't make numbers into your God. Sure it is. I have episodes about duality and its importance. But also remember that duality and even nonduality are one lens to see reality, and you can look at reality in even more advanced ways.
  7. It's a manner of looking at it. You could also look at it in other ways. It also depends on what level or state of consciousness you're looking at it from. Some levels might see multiplicity and others might not.
  8. Of course spiritual communities become disasters. That's what you should expect.
  9. As I said, these kind of questions break down because you are attempting to use parts of the dream to ground the dream, which won't work. You using notions such at "interact" and "separation" and "other", which are part of the dream. If you want to dream that there are other dreamers with which you are interacting, then that's your dream.
  10. I appreciate all higher states of consciousness. Just gotta be careful not to get stuck in them. 1) I have experienced levels of consciousness which rendered all human spirituality teachings as ridiculous. This made me disillusioned with all human spiritual teachings, because they are all wrong in the end. I can't be bothered to take human spiritual teachings seriously any more because that illusion has been shattered for me. I place very little value in anything spiritual that humans say. That's just where I'm at. With that said, as you say, for everyday human life those teachings are still valuable. Because the consciousness I experienced is impractical and even dangerous and antithetical to human life. 2) Ironically, it's the teachers who I am critical of who sell you on the fantasy of being invincible, or reaching some final state. I've sufferred a lot and faced a lot of limitation, so I appreciate how limited the human experience is. What I see is that a lot of spiritual people are kidding themselves. They have brainwashed themsleves with spiritual ideas and fantasies. Because in truth they were never thinking critically about anything. They were just lapping up what some guru was telling them. And then they fused those fantasies with their legit higher states of consciousness, thereby locking in the fantasy. But eventually life will shatter those fantasies. But they probably won't tell you when that happens.
  11. If by badboy you just mean a guy who isn't gay, then yes. You guys invent way too many stupid theories about girls. Just go flirt with them. All your theories are irrelevant and hinder your progress. The more you get in your head about girls, the worse your results will be. The proper method is: You don't build any grand theories, you go out consistently every week and talk to girls, and you go about your life. Without any stupid theories. Your thinking is killing you. Stop it!
  12. Emotional suffering will also arise when shit hits the fan. Don't be fooled. No one is above that. They are just pretending.
  13. Just seems that way because you aren't dating women.
  14. Look, you will be incompatible with most girls. It's not personal. She wanted kids and you didn't so it is a bad fit. Love is never enough to bridge such big gaps. What you're learning is the importance of screening out incompatible girls early. A key part of dating. If you want to build serious long-term relationships you gotta ask early what her goals for life are and see if they align with yours.
  15. The only reason I brought it up was because someone here was claiming that all Russian women are hotties. Which is not the case.
  16. That's a different matter.
  17. Infinity and Eternity are the same thing.
  18. This is just some BS story your mind invented. There are literally a billion women in non-abusive relationships. No reason why you can't be one of them.
  19. That's exactly what infinity entails. Newness forever. Infinite creative capacity. But also it could go in a circle. It's not limited. In a sense you are imagining the difference between something happening once vs it happening many times in repeat. You could conceive of it in both ways. Your conceptions of it shape it. You could conceive of reality as a giant circle.
  20. With awakening you are still stuck in a dream, but you are more conscious or lucid within it. "Us" and "separate" are part of the dream. So is "death". Any notions of anything are part of the dream. So you can't really use any notion to ground the dream because all notions are part of the dream.
  21. God is an endless ocean of dreams. You are not all-knowing because you're stuck in one of those dreams.
  22. Personally, it doesn't benefit me. As far as what is best for society as a whole, that's another matter.