Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. @AlwaysBeNice Yeah, I'm not sure what the exactly conversion factor is. I was just giving a rough example.
  2. 1) I take an alcohol extract. Never tried tea, but hear it works well. 2) Same dose as eating them: 2g to 4g. 2g will be medium-low, 4g will be medium-strong. 4g will blow your reality to pieces. Start with 1g. 3) It's just obvious from your body's reaction. If it makes you nauseous, that's your body telling you you ate something toxic.
  3. @Nahm Truffles are usually weighed/sold raw, not dried. Hence 30g of wet truffles is equivalent to like 3g of dried shrooms.
  4. Yeah, those kinda cases have been reported over the years. Lots of odd stuff like that can be found in the medical case studies. They are dismissed as strange anomalies. If that guy in the picture above drilled a little hole in the top of his head, he could fill his brain hole with Coke, stick a swirly straw in there, and walk around slipping it all day. A handy evolutionary advantage!
  5. @Jordan wang If you haven't noticed, all professional athletes, even the very very best, retire by 30 or 40 and move on to doing something else. It's not just because their bodies age. It's largely because competition like that is unsustainable. It's a real grindy way to live.
  6. @Jordan wang Of course. So get a job, hustle, and save up your own money to start a business. Don't expect anyone to support your life. You are very lucky your parents give you any money at all. Most people don't get that. If you are so smart, you should put your smarts towards supporting yourself, earning a living, moving out on your own, becoming fully independent, and having creating business ideas. If you're so smart, roll up those sleeves and get to work actualizing that smartness. It's easy to talk big, it's another thing to actually do it in the real world, where nobody gives a shit about your dreams.
  7. @Vladimir It's a nice idea, but it will not work. The way you're proposing is what causes the corruption of all spiritual teachings and created all sorts of religions and cults. Consciousness CANNOT be mainstreamed or done collectively. This is a huge ego distraction in disguise. Consciousness must be pursued individually. Please don't start groups about this. Just muster the wisdom so work quietly on yourself. When you deeply awaken, then you can start teaching, if you really desire that. Notice that all the time to spend organizing, is all the time you don't work on yourself. This is not an accident. The ego craves this distraction. It wants to mobilize others without to avoid working on itself. I could easily have turned Actualized into a religion/cult/group/organization long ago. Could have earned more money that way. It was deliberately not done. Teaching consciousness is a very dangerous thing. Without great care, it is guaranteed to turn disastrous, and actually spread unconsciousness. As history shows us. Much of the evil in the world was created in just this way, with people who wanted to spread consciousness, with good intentions, but lack of understanding of the traps involved.
  8. @Sagatarius Your life purpose is perfect. Just go do it. It's not selfish in the way you think. Don't drag enlightenment teachings into this. Keep them separate.
  9. @Himanshu Of course. Every single part and video is a compromise.
  10. @Loreena I am a chimp too. The only difference is that I know I'm a chimp and I have laid plans to become less chimpish.
  11. Don't blindly listen to any one teacher. Don't place any one teacher or teaching on a pedestal. Corrupt teachers are no problem when you are pulling from 100s of sources, as you should be doing if you care about Truth and understanding. And you understand the dangers of the epistemology. All schemes for quantifying consciousness are very limited. Don't take them too seriously. You cannot understand higher levels of consciousness without actually going there yourself. It's like trying to tell a blind man about the color red. Nothing can be said. It's a very complex and technical topic which would require a lot of detailed explanation. 1) No idea. Not a valid question. 2) Well, of course I am a teacher, because I teach stuff. Maybe in the future I will travel around more and do some live talks/meetups. But not right now. 3) I'm a lone wolf type guy. I don't like personal support from anyone. I like to do things myself, or not do them at all. 4) Not really, it's become just normalized. I don't really do the work for you, I do it for me. 5) I consider all the videos leading to sagehood for those who are serious about it. I'm not tied to the notion of being a sage. It's just naturally the direction I'm pulled. Actualized.org is the sage school. Doubt, as in thinking it's untrue? No. I've experienced beyond a shadow of a doubt now that nonduality is factually the case. Do I backslide into old bad habits and struggle with embodying nonduality? Of course. How could it be otherwise? That will only be fixed with decades of work. You gotta accept the backsliding and not beat yourself up over it. You can only grow so much so fast. Nope, no light. No, I doubt that. You're not going to trick the system. If there is reincarnation, it's there for a reason. You're not going to shortcut consciousness or trick the universe about your level of consciousness. It knows. Just because you died on a psychedelic high, your base level of consciousness was still very low. If you die on a psychedelic, you'll probably be reincarnated as a jackass Sure, anything could in theory be used for growth. But I wouldn't expect serious growth from a fiction book. That's be way to easy. I like to be conservative in my planning. Then I can be pleasantly surprised with any excess Sounds like it. I may need to take some time off to work more deeply on myself. But then I think I'd return. I like giving advice. But it does distract me from doing the deepest work on myself. That wouldn't happen for some years. Too much on my plate as it is. No, they tend to be toxin and unpleasant. I've got better stuff to try. 1) There's lots of nuanced and basics-type topics. 2) I covered many of them in my recent Paranormal Phenomena video. There's a lot of weird occult spiritual stuff to research. A lot of weird stuff within psychedelics. 3) The extent to which our society, marketplace, food industry, drug industry, media, marketing, business, government, education system, and politics is corrupted by capitalism, dogma, ego, and money. If people only knew... There would be a bloody revolution. Shinzen Young is really good at teaching that. A little, but mostly they don't care, so I keep it to myself. I don't think they watch my videos much. They live an ordinary, chimp-like existence.
  12. @jwkspeck The universe works in twisted ways. There's wisdom even in stupidity.
  13. @jwkspeck If you think psychedelics are a beautiful tool, why not pay them the respect they deserve? You wouldn't go sticking a habanero pepper up your ass, would you?
  14. @Wormon Blatburm You don't need to move to India to learn Sadhguru's techniques. Inner Engineering, his newbie program, is available in nearly every major city in the US. The reason you don't relate to Sadhguru is because he's teaching from a different cultural background, and he talks about VERY advanced stuff. It's not easy for a Western ego to accept what he says. I am not really an enlightenment teacher. I just give commentary on personal development stuff, and sometimes I bring up enlightenment.
  15. This is exactly how: If you would only discipline yourself to sit down and do it.
  16. @Cammy What you're doing every day is living to survive as an ego. Which is the opposite of enlightenment. What you are now as this ego is infinity pretending it is finity.
  17. I don't understand why you would want to torture yourself like that. What's wrong with 200ug? You are not going to develop yourself fast. It just doesn't work that way. This whole process takes years to do right. Enlightenment is not the only factor here. You are not going to be able to sustain it without a solid foundation of more basic personal development work. Even if you somehow manage to wake up, you will be a half-woke Zen Devil, and your life will still suck.
  18. Of course NLP works. You can try it and see for yourself. This is the wrong field for which to ask for double-blind studies. Don't confuse academic science with personal development. They have very little to do with each other. The most effective techniques will have zero studies behind them. Such is the state of our culture. This is not a scientific problem. This is a cultural problem. If you insist on sticking to rigorous science, than you have condemned yourself to the development level of most scientists, which is extremely low. Don't confuse intelligence with development or consciousness. They are very different things. Scientific psychology is very rudimentary. CTB, etc. It's all very weak stuff compared to the what's available. One aspect of yourself you need to develop is to be able to just drop this modern preoccupation with science. If you like science, good, but just drop it now. You don't need it here. It's just another ideology. All the proof will be directly visible in your life and your emotional development. YOU are the evidence of the work. And that's all you really care about anyways. Your whole life revolves around you. Including your love for science.
  19. Yes, the whole point of meditation is to be hyper conscious. Whatever technique you use, hyper-consciousness must be present, otherwise it's just a mechanical doing. So whatever helps you do that will be good. Meditating right after a short nap is ideal for me. Then there's least chance of sleepiness and greatest alertness. Another tweak you can make in your SDS is to make sure your eyeballs are totally still. Do not let them wander around at all. Even tiny eye movements break your focus. Not easy to do though. Will require much training.
  20. It's a lot more twisted than you think. It's not about quantum levels or atoms or strings or anything like that. Those are still all physical models of reality. Eventually you'll reach a point where you totally stop seeing reality as an objective physical thing. The whole of reality is acting with a remarkable intelligence, like one giant infinite conscious super-organism. And you can't really subdivide its parts. It's not rational at its core, it's mystical. There are many different ways you can subdivide this super-organism and talk about what causes what. But ultimately those are very limited linear explanations. With that said, it doesn't mean anything goes. There are still "physical laws" at play, at least in our "physical" universe. You can't just sprout wings and fly off into the clouds. Rather than worrying about how LoA works, it's much more important to investigate very deeply how your mind distorts reality through conceptualization. That pretty much explains everything. But it's very tricky. Because everything you know is largely a conceptual creation of your mind, from people, to all your emotions, all your desires, all your ideals, all your beliefs, your self, and what you call reality.
  21. @unknownworld No, you're just confused. I'm tired of arguing with you guys about this kind of simple-minded Neo-Adviata logic. If you don't understand how to follow spiritual advice, that's on you. Don't put that on me. You're just misleading people with your "no pursuit" talk. You haven't yet realized how much work you have to do on yourself, and how much there is to become conscious of. It would make your eyes water like an onion if you only knew.
  22. Everything will remain exactly as it is. Except for you.
  23. @LetTheNewDayBegin Firstly, our universe is not the same as all of reality itself. Consider: what you know of as "our universe" is an infinitesimal part of reality. Secondly, that is not what is meant by infinity. Infinity is not a size thing. It's not a matter of measuring the universe's perimeter to discover whether the perimeter is or is not finite. Every physical thing is by definition finite, including the universe. What we mean by infinite is an "object" of actually infinite nature, which means it has no properties whatsoever, and therefore it isn't even an object, nor does it exist nor non-exist. It is Nothing. All of reality as a whole is an infinite non-object, object. Within that are found an infinite number of finite objects, including our universe. All of it neither exists nor doesn't exist. That's why it's called "nonduality". Everything is so ONE that even existence and non-existence collapse into one.
  24. @Arizzi It's more his penchant for debating with people and trying to fit everything into a rational box.