Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. @TJ Reeves Great work! That's what all of this ends up leading to: an ecstatic life.
  2. @Markus One solution to that problem is not to smoke it.
  3. @Revolutionary Think You know in India why they eat with the right hand only? Because they wipe their ass hole with the left Like I said, no drive, no problem. I love sex, but I've spent most of my life turning my head the other way cause I got bigger fish to fry. It's sort of a blessing to not care about sex. The sex drive is responsible for a lot of suffering.
  4. Great stuff! This Youtuber clearly "gets it". Philosophy as it should be.
  5. Well, if you have no drive for it, and no problem, then good for you. You'll save yourself a lot of hassle. But then again, maybe you're missing out on something cool out of fear or closedmindedness. If your logic is that it's gross, how do you take a shit in the morning?
  6. @Outer 5-MeO is too awesome and too powerful. Like a nuclear weapon. AL-LAD is much better for contemplation work.
  7. @Hsinav Not yet. Working up to it.
  8. Beware of the magic pill mentality. The people who really progress in this work are committed to the process of doing the work, not just getting a quick one-time result. With the right attitude -- wise, careful, patient -- all of life will open up to you. With the wrong attitude -- trying to just get a quicky -- who knows what kind of horrible stuff might happen? Ego death is no small thing. It's something you'll want to fully explore. It will hardly make sense the first time it happens. It's up to you how you choose to trip. I'm just giving my best practices.
  9. @Zedi You just gotta navigate it however you can. The best is if you can keep your good habits and practices going even if you're feeling resistant or emotional or shitty. But sometimes you will fall off the bandwagon. Just get back on as soon as you can, without beating yourself up or creating additional drama. Falling off the bandwagon is OKAY. The worst part about falling off is the guilt and drama the ego creates around it. So if you're going to fall off, try falling off in a chill manner.
  10. @Socrates Ideally you'd want to have some milder trips first. But if you only get one rare opportunity, like perhaps with Ocatavio and 5-MeO, then maybe its worth it. Because 5-MeO isn't easy to find. The point with tripping is not just to have a trip, but to make sense of what you saw. A trip doesn't count for much otherwise. Its hard to make sense of something so big without lots of groundwork. You gotta use your intuition and inner wisdom here. What I've learned is going SLOW is really great. Slow and steady tripping is what 99% of people fail to do. Which is why they largely remain unconscious. I would personally NEVER do a full hit of any new substance that I haven't baby-dosed before. Especially smoked. It's just so much wiser to baby-dose your way up.
  11. OF COURSE!!! What else did you expect? The ego ain't gonna lie down and die. It will fight tooth and nail, like a hooked fish. The closer it gets to the bank, the harder it will fight. The ego ENTIRE PURPOSE is tp resist and survive through ANY MEANS possible. Which of course means deception and trickery. It will sabotage you in infinite ways. You're dealing with life and death here. This ain't no joke.
  12. @LaucherJunge Start with LSD or mushrooms. Small doses. DMT will fuck you up. You ain't ready to make sense of it.
  13. @Ilya If you're referring to Morning Glory Seeds, I wouldn't bother. Mushrooms or LSD will be far superior with less toxicity and negative side effects. I've learned not to half-ass psychedelics.
  14. @LaucherJunge I hope you have prior psychedelic experience if you're even thinking of smoking that.
  15. @Samuel It means he's so ignorant he doesn't even have a clue how ignorant he is. Beliefs don't mean jack. He's only happy because stuff is going his way -- for now. When his girlfriend leaves him, and his music doesn't pan out, and his health deteriorates, and his weed gets taken away by our Keebler Elf Attorney General, let's see how happy he'll be.
  16. @Damir Elezi It's a phase. Note: it is the mark of a regular person to think that people suck
  17. You're not gonna get far in life without study and theory. Human beings are learning animals.
  18. Good, stay with that. You need to keep your focus trained on that for long periods of time. Just observing what's so. But notice, nothing in the field of experience is you! So start to wonder as you sit there: WHAT AM I? If you are not any experience? What are you then?
  19. Is there such a thing as non-existence? Have you ever encountered it? Does the distinction between existence and non-existence exist? If everything is ONE, how can there be two: existence vs non-existence? Does a bubble really need to be burst, or is it just a concept in your mind? Remember, models like "bubble", etc. are not reality and are the only things which stand in the way of the Absolute.
  20. It doesn't matter what you call it. In fact, it has no name. But what does matter are all the implicit consequences which come with your labels and models. When you hold reality as "physical" and external, you're constricting yourself very much without knowing how yet. You've never really seen the beauty of a rock in your entire life, because you live in a constant state of conceptual delusion. Truth is more beautiful than you can ever imagine.
  21. In practice it's VERY VERY difficult. Psychedelics are by far the best way that I've found. They just immediately show you that all experience is hallucinatory, and they are really great at wiping away the frame we call "my life" and "this physical universe". Other than that, you're looking at 1000s of hours of contemplation, meditation, inquiry in focused retreat-like settings. Reality is not easy to deconstruct. Which is why it feels so real.
  22. @el_duderino You can release emotional baggage till the cows come home, but in the end, if you want enlightenment, there's only one thing you gotta release, and that's your identity with that body/mind. Your physical identity must be directly questioned. WHAT ARE YOU? You can take a heart-centered approach, but you should be questioning, WHAT AM I existentially? What is my TRUE nature if I'm not this body/mind?
  23. An idea, or teaching, or statement is not necessarily dogma. It only becomes dogma when it is held as such -- when it is held rigidly and refuses to be questioned or looked at from a different perspective, when one refuses to drop it. As long as you're open to admitting you're wrong, and you're willing to question your own ideas, and you're willing to explore new perspectives, and you're aware that the map is not the territory, you're not being dogmatic. Calling people dogmatic just for expressing an idea or having an opinion isn't nuanced enough. By that definition, everyone is always dogmatic, including the most enlightened masters. The only thing that's being asked of you is to be epistemically humble. Just don't be ideological about life. That's all this dogma-talk boils down to. People either understand that and embody this humility, or they don't understand that and they walk around insisting they're right. As long as you're able to drop all your ideas, you're good. It's a very simple principle. But very difficult to execute consistently because the mind loves certainty and arguing to prove that its right. The most direct way to do this is simply this: set a genuine intent to not be ideological in your life.